
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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What all the fear? Why the scare tactics on the Omicron Variant? When it is good news that we see! Why isn’t this good news being reported as such?

Something about the mental state of Anthony Fauci needs to be questioned. It may be time for his required forensic psychiatric examination. And the Israeli data I share with you today confirms this.

Note that this article is simply a data analysis from an engineer, which clarifies that the one called a medical tyrant, Anthony the Devious, is similar to an evil magician. One that directs us away from the truth⏤and into unending trickery.

But it’s possible to see the light through three wonderful graphs directly from Israel.

The number of infections doesn’t matter. The number of hospitalizations does. And in Israel, infections are way up, and hospitalizations and deaths are way down.

This is standard textbook information with viruses such as these. I am only repeating it, and not as advice, but as educational information. According to world-leading experts, the more infections a low fatality percentage virus is, the better, because they lead to natural immunity of society.

Of course, the exception is the very elderly and people with comorbidities. But for 90% or more of the population, infection and naturally clearing the virus is good. Good for the person and good for society as a whole.

These recent graphs from the Israeli Ministry of Health make the case clear. Infections are rising strongly, but hospitalizations are decreasing significantly, and fatalities drop almost to zero. This is a standard pattern of how societies clear viruses every flu season.

Why then all the stress on the number of cases by the Stalinist mainstream media and Anthony the Devious?

A scenario where rising cases are being used to control people, frighten them, and be a foundation for the ever-increasing theft of our human constitutional rights. We must obey the tyrants (including Anthony the Devious) because they say the situation is so serious. Sometimes tyrants smile and appear friendly.

But let’s look at the Israeli situation of a massive increase of infections. Actually, the situation is very good. Take a look at the Israeli data in these nice clear graphs:


The rise in new infections looks scary, doesn’t it?

But now take a look at the hospitalization rate, we see it’s decreasing significantly:

And the fatality rate has dropped to near zero, although the number of infections is sky-rocketing:

The Israeli experience is something Anthony The Devious does not want you to know about.

Like the evil magician he is, he constantly distracts from the truth, which is before our very eyes. And this particular truth is:

A society clears viruses every year during the flu season, by people getting infected and becoming immune. The influenza viruses are usually cleared from society within a few weeks to three months.  

But there is an exception, and Anthony the Devious is pushing that exception with the pedal to the metal. Except if we keep the virus strong during the pandemic by methods such as lockdowns and leaky vaccines (the mRNA Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, for example).  

Leading virologists make it clear; these methods put environmental pressure on the virus without wiping it out, and it gets stronger.

It seems that Fauci and Company are looking for an unending pandemic. An unending pandemic to keep himself in power and to enrich him directly (shareholder and patent holder), as well as enriching his long-time associates in the pharmaceutical and vaccine industry.

Our suffering, resulting from the policies of Fauci, is said by some observers, to bring him joy. Commentators find that he is a modern incarnation of the Nazi doctor of horrors, Joseph Mengele. Someone who looks friendly and nice, but is a psychopath.

Know your enemy. Know yourselves. In 1,000 battles,1,000 victories.

Perhaps if there is a forensic psychiatric study of Fauci, the diagnosis from professionals could be a psychopath.

How is a psychopath diagnosed: Callous, unemotional, and morally depraved. A person with an egocentric and antisocial personality is marked by a lack of remorse for one’s actions, an absence of empathy for others, and often criminal tendencies.

Psychopathy is a spectrum disorder and can be diagnosed using the 20-item Hare Psychopathy Checklist, which features traits such as lack of empathy, pathological lying, and impulsivity.

Grandiose self-worth, pathological lying, conning/manipulative, lack of remorse or guilt, shallow affect (i.e., reduced emotional responses), callous/lack of empathy, parasitic lifestyle.

Yet, Anthony The Devious is so friendly!

Satan comes disguised as an angel of light. And roams the earth seeking whom he may devour.

The Israeli model: cases up, severe sickness, and mortality down to near zero. That’s how societies clear viruses. Through our representatives and in the media, let us call for an independent psychiatric evaluation of Anthony the Devious. If he is found to be ill, he could benefit. It will be good for the nation and for him as well.

(DISCLAIMER: No one in this post is being accused of a crime. Criminality in this vaccine matter can be determined only in a court of law. Furthermore, there is no medical advice in this article. Readers should consult with their own doctor and follow that advice. The article presents a political analysis, and an educational analysis only, and is based on varied sources of reliable publically available opinion.)

Dr. Joel S Holmes is an engineer who has specialized in both alternative energy and code-cracking. He recommends fighting full force politically, economically, and socially against the big lie: The Green New Deal. Learn how to destroy the Green New Deal in this amazing book. It gives step-by-step information to win the battle: ICE AGE … 2025: HOW TO PREPARE AMERICA AND YOUR FAMILY FOR THE COMING ICE AGE. He provides a history of cold weather solar minimums in the middle ages and as recently as the 1700s and 1800s. What life was like during solar minimum mini-ice age cold periods explains why we will soon enter a new mini-ice age.


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2 years ago

Why do Israelies continue to vaccinate? It seems that Satan’s new strategy is genocide via vaccine as opposed to murderous tyrants. How bout dat ole sleu-foot! Ain’t he a tricky one? Seems like dem Jews would know better than to fall fo somtin like dat.

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