
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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Well, here we are at the first anniversary of the scheme to demonize Trump and conservatives and render them forever toxic of any future political influence whatsoever. Somehow I believe the Establishment has miscalculated, and January 06 will never rank up there as a national disaster like 1812, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, or the Afghanistan pullout debacle. January 6 was an opportunity event the Democrats orchestrated that very well may see the end of America’s Socialist party. But, never fear. They’ll never die. They’ll hang around forever until they finally succeed. 

The Set-Up

During the November 2020 election, it was becoming apparent around the country that in many political State and County voter sub-divisions, organized voter count manipulations were underway that would, in the end, rob Donald Trump of his second term as president. Remedial actions were scoffed at, and the fraud went on. The list of voter fraud techniques is extensive but includes ballot harvesting, destroying ballots from conservative and known districts won by Trump in 2016, stuffing ballot boxes with votes from former residents, deceased voters, and illegals brought here for that purpose. The prima facia evidence screamed fraud yet the compliant media, including Fox News, proclaimed a fair and honest victory hard-won by the cave-dwelling Joe Biden. What a guy!

The China Wuhan virus coming as it did during Trump’s final year, was a Godsend crisis for the Democrats who took advantage of the fear of infection to negotiate changes to states voting rules, for the safety, of course, so the Democrats could stuff the ballot boxes, as they did! We saw it, curbside drop boxes filled in the night with carloads of ballots. Democrat county election officials running Republican observers out of counting houses on lame excuses of water main breaks so fake ballots could be introduced. We saw simultaneously the 04:00 am stoppage of ballot counting in states where the initial ballot count was overwhelmingly for Trump but four hours later suddenly giving Joe Biden a ballot superiority and a victory. 

These offenses were so obvious that even dimwitted Republicans started wondering what happened. The whole criminal enterprise, separated as it was into tiny little precincts in multiple counties in selected states, was simply too much to overcome, and the Left’s media propaganda machine, was determined to falsely ridicule every complaint about election theft and assure Americans the result of a Biden victory was so lawful and overwhelming they could say: “move on, nothing to see here,” and the Republicans would roll over and accept their defeat like they always do. Trump never conceded, and the fraud examination continues, and the end results may be surprising⏤if the Democrats don’t find some way to kill the messenger.

The problems in some areas were so apparent and the cheating so obvious, it couldn’t be denied, so the media went into high gear to cover up so many complaints with BS, knowing that the American interest rate in politics was so indifferent that the matter would eventually drop and the Democrats could get on with their scheme to socialize America.

The Event

The US Constitution has mechanisms that address the vote counts in each state. Electors gather at the Capitol and render the official response from each state to the Electoral College to determine how they should vote for the next president. This is usually a pro forma, and rote but there is a way to stop it. But, the 2020 election was seen as corrupt, with too many Americans seeing the absolute fecklessness of Republican legislatures not pushing back to demand an open accounting that would renounce the illegitimate vote confirming Biden. Sadly, too many Republicans are swamp creatures for whatever their reasons and, despite damming evidence to the contrary, sided with Democrats to elect Joe Biden. Trump was a danger. He wasn’t one of them, and he had to go! Simple as that!  

Trump supporters and other conservatives gathered in DC to listen to speeches and rally at the White House and the Capitol building on Trump’s behalf with the aim to protest the electoral board action as illegitimate, a useless gesture as it turned out because even before President Trump made his speech to his supporters exerting their right to protest peacefully without violence, the protest had already started and become a riot and an apparent insurrection against the US Government. The Patriot Act was enacted. A Domestic Terrorist insurrection. 

If we remember our history, we find a logical comparison rendering Nancy Pelosi’s complaint that protestors were traitorous Insurrectionists as totally stupid. History tells us that an hour after Japan had already attacked Pearl Harbor, the Japanese government representative in DC provided the US Secretary of State with Japan’s final refusal to the president’s offers, rendering Japan and America were at a state of war. It was too late. Their late action was a crime.  

So too was Speaker Pelosi’s launching of the riot at the Capitol, but too early! An hour before President Trump even spoke. Some uniformed Capitol police actually ushered protestors into the building while FBI agents and coopted infiltrators instigated, directed, and led the more riotous of American citizens to rowdily trespass and cause damage. Only one violent death resulted from this entire debacle, when a Capitol Police Lt. shot and killed Ashli Babbitt, a US Air Force veteran, as she mounted a window frame already broken out.

The Finish

Police videos facilitated the identifications of protestors, many from all over America, who were subsequently arrested by the FBI for insurrection, riot, trespass, and damaging government property. No weapons of any kind were used or seen by any protestor subsequently apprehended. No evidence of any organized plan to invade the Capitol and overthrow the government, or kill or capture US politicians was uncovered, and no evidence of any conspiracy to commit such an action was determined. 

Not one offense rose to the level of a felony yet, without observing Habeas Corpus, every arrestee was denied bail, some mistreated in custody or kept in solitary confinement. The usual mechanisms of criminal justice procedure, a right to counsel, a right to a speedy trial, a right to bail was denied to everyone involved, and disparate sentences for misdemeanors, some exceeding the one year in custody threshold, were meted out by Washington DC judges who bear the shame of being false Americans.

Other sentences were meted out to selected offenders as a lesson to all potential offenders that the Democrat government is not to be trifled with. The fear of arrest and imprisonment for observing your first amendment rights is the beginning of the terror that Nancy Pelosi wants to visit on conservative Americans.

The fellow we often saw in the Buffalo Hat, with his theatrical spear and body paint, clearly has a problem, but I see him as a useful idiot, the one who takes attention away from the others or the one, Democrats can point to as a sorry example of who Trump conservatives really are. Pelosi may have a point, but not once did I see him standing gin-soaked at a lectern, slurring his words trying to explain to a slobbering gaggle of media acolytes, the theory of politics.

Today is the one-year anniversary of that event. One Georgia County GOP has already canceled their January 06 Prayer vigil because of fear of negative reaction from the left, who have determined to make this date their day of infamy and not one of true Americanism. 

They won’t! In the end, when 2022 comes and goes, and the Congress is no longer in Pelosi’s hands, the true facts of the event will come out and reveal the truth. One fact we already know is that true Americans were ill-treated by a growing fascism endemic in the Deep State, no matter what party next takes the reins of leadership.  

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!



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