
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 19, 2024





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Throughout modern history, we have seen nations sadly fall under the complete control of Communism. It took decades for the Russian people to throw off the shackles of their communist masters. In 1991, the Russian people finally rid themselves of the Communist leadership that controlled all aspects of life since the Bolshevik Revolution. Unfortunately, within a few years, they traded one form of authoritarian government for another under Vladimir Putin, which is where things remain today.

Most of the former Soviet Bloc Eastern European countries gladly discarded their communist past when the Soviet Union collapsed, along with their economic and strategic relationship with the former Soviet Union. Soviet Russia had held sway over the Eastern European nations by force and threat of force to keep them aligned with the regime in Moscow.

Sadly, Communism for people like Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, as well as many others in the Socialist-Democrat Party, is like a drug addiction. Ask anyone who was hooked on heroin, and they’ll tell you how difficult it is to break away from that habit. Initially, they’ll deny that they’re addicted; they only used drugs recreationally. They’ll tell you that they only used drugs to get a buzz, to relax and relieve some stress, or when they’re with friends. They’ll never admit that the occasional drug usage was anything more than a distraction, easily discarded, and never an addiction.

Communists like Obama and the others mentioned were indoctrinated by Communists early on in their lives. It became an addiction for them, just like a drug user. Obama was indoctrinated by his grandparents and parents, his family friends, and his college professors. Bernie Sanders was recruited into the communist belief system decades ago when he was a young freeloader sponging off of anyone and anything that he could con into paying his bills. AOC was likely also turned onto to her Marxist beliefs in college. 

For decades now, American universities have become breeding grounds for young wild-eyed communists like Obama, Sanders, and AOC. All addicted to a belief system that no matter that the lessons of history have shown Communism to be a failed ideology, the Obama’s, Sanders, and AOC’s of the world are convinced – addicted to the thought that “this time we’ll get it right.” 

So, where are we are now as a nation? For too many years, normal Americans have turned a blind eye to what has been taking place all around us. During those years, the former Democrat Party and college administrations and faculties were completely overtaken by young Communists.

Most normal Americans focused on pursuing a career, and buying a home, and raising a family. The radical communists who took over the Democrat Party and our education system focused their efforts on obtaining power and control over all of our lives. And never doubt for a second that they will fight tooth and nail before they find themselves left on the “ash heap of history,” to quote former President Ronald Reagan’s comments about Communism.

And that brings me to a phrase I started repeating way back during the final year of Barack Obama’s eight years in office. “No communist regime has ever willingly just given up power,” I said this over and over in my writings as a warning to Americans to understand that though Barack Obama was leaving office, he and his followers were not giving up the fight. They’re addicted to Communism.

We are going to have to be stronger and louder to drown out and defeat the Communists, who are determined to “fundamentally transform” the greatest nation on earth. It’s an uphill fight, and we’re going to have to undo the damage already done to the younger generations.

But we’re Americans; we never shy away from a fight. We’ll win this one, and once and for all, help our youths to ‘kick the habit’ of Communism.

Image: Reuters


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