
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 12, 2024





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After retiring from the Air Force in 2007 after 20 years in the Air Force, Lt. Col. Miarecki earned a Ph.D. in Particle Physics and became an instructor at the U.S. Air Force Academy Preparatory School. Dr. Miarecki has been one of the few who stood up and supported students and fellow staff with religious and medical concerns with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate and associated policies.

Once hopeful of joining the astronaut program, Dr. Miarecki was injured in 1992 by a vaccine administered by the military, which made her unable to pursue her dream. Committed to continuing serving her nation after retiring from active duty, she attended U.C. Berkeley for her Ph.D. in particle physics. The Air Force hired her as an instructor in 2016, where she was serving when the illegal COVID-19 mandates were declared.

Widespread coercion and fear tactics were employed on young Air Force cadets and became the norm. Dr. Miarecki assisted her peers and students alike, helping them understand the Department of Defense regulations for completing religious accommodation requests.

Before the actual COVID shot mandate on August 24, 2021, Dr. Miarecki informed her leadership that such mandates violated federal laws, which clearly state that emergency use authorized (EUA) products cannot be mandated. Under 21 USC 360bbb-3, and additionally, for military members under 10 USC 1107, individuals always have the right to accept or refuse EUA products. COVID-19 shots, test kits, and masks are all EUA products.

COVID-19 shots, test kits, and masks are all EUA products. No Americans EVER lose the right to legally refuse an EUA product — whether they are in the military or are civilians. EUA law 21 USC § 360bbb imposes significant responsibilities upon the government to inform Americans of their rights. The only exception to the government’s duty to inform citizens of their rights is in a narrowly defined presidential waiver process for the military per 10 USC §1107a. This exception only waives the required condition that service members be informed of their right to refuse an EUA product. There has been NO such Presidential waiver issued for the experimental COVID-19 shots, masks, or test kits.

The 105th Congress passed 10 USC § 1107 into law as part of the Fiscal Year 1998 National Defense Authorization Act as a result of the injuries sustained by Gulf War veterans (1990-1992) due to the forced administration of investigational new drugs. This was quickly followed by the passage of 10 USC § 1107a, which specifically addresses the use of EUA products. Similar to the Constitutional violation of failing to provide Miranda Rights to a suspect, not informing a potential recipient of their right to accept or decline an EUA product, either by presidential waiver or by omission, does not remove the underlying rights protected by statute and the Constitution.

Such egregious, flagrant violations of military and civilian law by top DoD leaders have disastrous effects on military service members individually, but it is also a corrosive threat to the entire rule of law that is the very foundation of America. Department of Defense leadership, Congress, and the American people need to be made acutely aware of these violations. This lawlessness threatens not only our military readiness, but is also a severe threat to the greater public and America’s national security.

These violations of law are outlined in a Whistleblower Report to Congress. The Executive Summary can be found here:


Truth for Health Foundation continues to be the watchdog that the mainstream media and our military leaders refuse to be. The Foundation provides legal defense grant assistance for military service members facing violations of human and civil rights secured by law. The Foundation also provides our military a platform to expose the corruption of military leaders and the dangers to our national security when the lives of our volunteer service members are in jeopardy because of dangerous, politically-driven policies pushed by DoD from the top down.

Please donate to support our legal defense efforts for our military service members at If you would like to support Dr. Miarecki’s legal defense efforts, her GiveSendGo account is “Stop Military Tyranny.”

America’s sons and daughters who stepped up to defend our Constitution and our freedom are paying a high price with their own Constitutional rights, which have been trampled upon by the very leaders who took an Oath to defend that Constitution. If our federal civilians and military service members are being abused to this degree, and forced out of the military for exercising their legal rights or simply requesting religious or medical exemptions to an experimental vaccine, who will stand in the gap and defend your rights?

The Whistleblower Military Team brings an eye-opening perspective of the tyrannical coercive tactics used against Lt. Col. Sandra Miarecki, USAF (Ret.), former instructor pilot, the fifth female pilot to graduate from the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School, and the first woman to become an aircraft commander in a modern bomber, who had an illustrious active-duty Air Force career. Listen to the podcast with Dr. Sandra Miarecki here.

The whistleblowers who courageously expose these violations of law daily inspire and encourage us all to stand against tyranny and protect the freedoms endowed by our Creator and enshrined in America’s founding documents. Our military members defend us. They deserve our support to defend against medical tyranny by their own Command.

Image: Department of Defense, American Forces Information Service


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1 year ago

States should be arresting those federal actors breaking the law.

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