
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 5, 2024





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Recent victories in school board elections and political moves in red states have helped us remove some of the horrible curriculum and teaching practices in public schools in recent months. But the battle is still ongoing, and some would say that despite winning some battles, we’re losing the war for our children’s future.

Here’s the thing. It’s not just the future of our children at stake. It’s the future of the country. Lest we forget, today’s 5th graders who are being taught perversions and indoctrinated into leftism are tomorrow’s neighbors, voters, business owners, and leaders. It’s heinous enough that they’re being groomed by the people who are supposed to be educating them. This steals their childhood and sends them down a very dark path. But things will get much worse for them and us when they become adults.

Whether they’ll be functional adults or not remains to be seen.

On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Political Report on America Out Loud Talk Radio, I dove into the topic, highlighting how patriots can fix our tremendously broken public school system. Some can run for school board; the Lord knows we need more sane patriots making better choices about education. Others can work to get these patriots elected. The right has traditionally been far less concerned about school board elections than the left, so they’ve essentially taken over the entire system.

There are those, including me, who are better at spreading the word than running for election or organizing campaigns. Even if we’re not directly involved, we can and should be reaching everyone we can to alert them of foul practices, untenable laws, and the hideous ideologies of most sitting members of school boards. We should also do what we can to research the various candidates and help the best ones to win their races.

In segment two, I discussed long-term storage food items, differentiating between those we should buy in long-term packaging and those we should buy normally and package ourselves. Then, segment three was dedicated to the effects of Roe v. Wade being overturned.

The JD Rucker Political Report can be heard on weeknights at 7 pm ET Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or Alexa. All episodes can be found on podcast networks worldwide the day after airing on talk radio.


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1 year ago

I think it’s time for Americans to realize what our public school system really is, face it and then do the hard work to dismantle what the Left has accomplished. Whether we like it or not, the public school system in American is a socialist program at best and a communist program at worst. Why do I say that? The definition of socialism is “the ownership of expendable capital and the means of production, by government rather than by private enterprise or individuals.” Communism adds, “the ownership of the lands and property” to that list. The expendable money, in that definition, is taxes. That money is the government’s; confiscated before any citizen sees it in his paycheck. It is owned by the government and then spent by the government on the means of producing an “educated student” in a factory called “a school”. EVERYTHING that goes into that production: the textbooks, the teachers, the janitors, the lunch ladies, the computers and on and on, is paid for by government. That is socialism. It could be argued that because government owns the land and the buildings, it is fully communist. Because it is owned by government, government gets to determine what goes on in that factory of students, including what they are learning before they are shipped out of the factory. Therefore, the ONLY recourse patriots have is to #1. Get rid of the department of education at the federal and state level, #2. Be willing to do without federal funding at the state level and #3. Make public schools a local enterprise again. It will mean that the citizens of the localities will be responsible for keeping the school doors open and giving a quality education, which means money from the local citizens. I am not convinced that our citizenry is that committed to separating from big government. When push comes to shove, they love those federal dollars because it takes the responsibility off their backs, to dumb to realize it is THEIR confiscated money being used. Hate to be so cynical, but Americans are addicted to the money coming out of Washington, DC.

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