
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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Not a single American soldier has died fighting to defend Israel in the last 70 years since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. Not one.
Tragically, in the same period of time, tens of thousands of American soldiers have died or got wounded either fighting for or against Arabs and or Muslims from Afghanistan to Iran; from Kuwait to Yemen and from Iraq to Libya. What a waste of precious American lives!
A second item of Truth – and contrary to malicious articles by Israel and or Jew haters – is the fact that while the USA gives military aid to Israel to the tune of $3 billions per annum, 70% of this aid must be spent in the USA while the remaining 30% the USA gains enormously from Israeli technical ingenuity.
Unfortunately, the billions of dollars of US tax payers given as aid to Arab and Muslim peoples are totally squandered since Muslims by their belief system of Islam have absolutely no loyalty to the generous and compassionate American people.
A third item of Truth is the reality that from 1948 till 2019, the relation between the USA and Israel has been transformed beyond any and all expectations especially considering the fact that in 1948, the State Department, CIA and Pentagon were deeply reluctant to support the founding of the Jewish State because they truly believed that a socialist Israel will go under the control of the Soviet Union. They therefore prevented the delivery of vitally needed military supplies to the newly-born state fighting for its very existence.

Thankfully, all their predictions and assessments were utterly wrong – as was invariably the case – because Israel became the ONLY beacon of Democratic rule not only in the Middle East but also in most of Asia and Africa.

Israel of 8000 square miles which started with 600,000 Jews and 150,000 Arab citizens has become – a nation of about 6,000,000 Jews and 2,000,000 Arabs – a powerhouse of advancement in almost every field of knowledge and human intellect: Scientific, Artistic, Agricultural, Literary, Medical, Industrial, Military, Social, Spiritual and others out producing not only 22 surrounding Arab states but the entirety of 57 Muslim majority countries on Earth of 1,500,000,000 billion souls combined.
The most dramatic change in the relationship between the USA and Israel occurred after Israel’s 1967 stunning victory of the Six Days War. From that date onwards, many leaders in the USA had come to the realization that this tiny state is actually a very strong, mature, powerful and most important of all, an extremely reliable partner and ally.
They found out that Israel single handily trounced the might of six combined Arab armies two of which Egypt and Syria were fully armed by the Soviet Union. In one week in 1967 the balance of military power in the Middle East was completely changed in favour of Israel.
Regularly, Israel proved herself to be literally the front line in defence of Western Civilization against the rising onslaught of Islamic Jihad and terror all over the world.
A fourth item of Truth is another indisputable fact that had it not been for the 1981 Israeli destruction of Iraq’s Osirak nuclear reactor, the US and the Free World would not have been able to liberate Kuwait or even possibly Saudi Arabia from the clutches of a Nuclear Armed Saddam Hussein following his 1990 occupation of Kuwait. Of course in 1981, not only the Europeans accused Israel of aggression but the State Department chimed in also (we are ignoring the reflex condemnations emanating from the dysfunctional UN).
Thankfully, at least Defense Secretary Dick Cheney in October 1991 after the defeat of Saddam in Desert Storm redressed the condemnation by saying:
“Let me tonight in front of this group thank my good friend David Ivry for the action Israel took in 1981 with respect to the [Osirak] reactor.” He added:
“There were many times during the course of the build-up in the Gulf and the subsequent conflict that I gave thanks for the bold and dramatic action that had been taken [by Israel] some ten years before.”
The strength of the alliance between Israel and USA manifested itself by Israel’s acceptance not to retaliate against Saddam’s missile attacks upon Israel so that the Arab – US military alliance of Desert Storm would not unravel.
A fifth item of truth is another Israeli attack against a second Arab nuclear reactor this time in Syria in 2007 in Operation Orchard that utterly demolished Assad’s attempt to go nuclear. The US administration of G W Bush refused to attack the reactor preferring ‘negotiations’ or literally left it to Israel to do what they believed should be done.
Once again Israel saved the world from catastrophe because the Asad regime that has been conducting a merciless war against its own people since the Arab Uprising in Syria in 2011 has been repeatedly accused of using chemical weapons against civilians.
With nuclear weapons in his hands, no country on Earth would have dared stop the carnage and Asad would not have hesitated to use nuclear weapons against his enemies or worse still these weapons may have fallen in the hands of ISIS or Hezbollah.
A sixth item of truth starts with the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991 which shattered the bipolar confrontation of USA against USSR into several distinct but equally dangerous (multi polar) adversaries many of whom operate without borders or a state because they are terror entities supported and supplied by neighbouring mutually hostile nations.
The new destabilizing regimes and their surrogates are invariably violent, rogue, volatile, terroristic and unpredictable such as the theocracy in Iran, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, Asad of Syria and subsequently the dismemberment of Libya, the Houthis in Yemen and others.
Even NATO Turkey has been turned by the Islamist Erdogan from an ally to an adversary. There is therefore, no nation – not even the Europeans – between the eastern border of the USA (Atlantic Ocean) and western border of India (Indian Ocean) that is a more reliable ally to the USA than Israel.
By the way, this close relationship has its roots not only based upon political, military and or economic reasons but also because of social, legal, moral, theological and judicial reasons since both the USA and Israel are free, forward looking, egalitarian and law abiding societies while their adversaries are invariably totalitarian, autocratic, theocratic and or dictatorships.
In the year 2019, the US and Israel face identical internal and external homeland and national threats from deadly adversaries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa such as Iran’s Ayatollahs’ Theocracy, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, Taliban, Houthis, Al Shabab etc.

Please notice that all of these adversaries are MUSLIMS. All of them consider Israel and the USA their obstacle for world hegemony under Sharia.

As we are writing this article, the political alliances in the Middle East and the Muslim world are changing dramatically. Most of the Sunni Arabs have had it with their totally corrupt and intransigent so called ‘Palestinian brothers’ upon whom they showered billions of dollars that were pilfered and stolen by their ‘leaders’ and for whom in numerous wars against Israel the Arabs lost tens of thousands in vain.
It took the Sunni leaders 40 years (since the fall of the Shah in 1979) to realise that the greatest threat to them is not Israel but Shiaa Islam under the theocracy of the Ayatollahs.
Most people on Earth – even among Muslims-  do not know that the deadly and unending hatred and schism between these two Muslim entities started literally 1400 years ago the day Muhammad died.
Appropriately, as history will record that in 2019 in Cairo, Secretary of State Pompeo, promulgated his own assessments of Middle East reality which turned to be the exact opposite of the groveling and utterly asinine speech that Obama gave also in Cairo in 2009.
Pompeo’s vision is blunt and uncompromising:
“When America retreats, chaos often follows. When we neglect our friends, resentment builds up. When we partner with enemies, they advance….
“America has confronted the ugly reality of radical Islam…. America will not retreat until the terror fight is won ….
“We must confront the Ayatollahs, not coddle them…. We withdrew from the failed [2015] nuclear deal…. We re-imposed sanctions that should not have been lifted…. The nations of the Middle East will never enjoy security as long as the Ayatollahs are in power….
“Our reluctance to wield our influence kept us silent when the people of Iran rose up [in 2009] against the mullahs in Tehran in the Green Revolution…. Emboldened by our hesitance, the regime spread its cancerous influence to Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon….
“American’s penchant for wishful thinking led us to look the other way as Hezbollah ….   accumulated a massive arsenal of approximately 130,000 rockets and missiles… aimed squarely at our ally, Israel…. The US fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself against the Iranian regimes’ aggressive adventurism.
In conclusion, the relationship between the USA and Israel can be very aptly described as Symbiotic whereby both nations contribute to each other’s wellbeing and security.


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