
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 16, 2024





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Ever since the 1960s and the Vietnam Era, our nation has been on a downward spiral where traditional morality and family values have been discarded. What was once right is now wrong, and what was wrong is now right.

The Vietnam Era saw the rise of violent activism and mass protests. Certainly, some of it justified against an unjust war that America’s politicians had sent American boys to fight and die in. Back on the home front, college campuses where young people had once attended school to receive an education were now taken over by radical, communist faculty and administrators. Indoctrination in Marxism is the bill of goods being sold to young, impressionable minds rather than a well-rounded, quality education. Racially motivated rioting occurred in the streets of many of America’s cities; also, some of it was justified because of the discrimination and racism against Black Americans that demanded change. The Weather Underground and other extremist groups committed crimes and set off bombs, killing police officers. America was literally on fire.

The 1973 decision by the American Psychiatric Association to no longer consider homosexuality as a ‘mental disorder,’ while welcomed by many, also opened the door to allow more and more alphabet letters to be added to the list of protected classes. Nowadays, it’s just easier to call them the Alphabet People than to try to keep up with how many letters there are and what they all mean. The word ‘Gay’ was once used to describe the emotions of lightheartedness and being carefree. It had nothing to do with who one chose to have sexual relations with.

Now before the homosexual community starts demanding that I be hanged, drawn, and quartered, and my head stuck on a spike in the town square, in no way am I advocating that homosexuals be forced back into the closet or discriminated against or abused in any way. I simply don’t really care about their lifestyle one way or another. I’m merely pointing out that the 1973 APA decision contributed to the change in America’s view of morality. Traditional values and morality were no longer in vogue. If one continues to hold traditional religious beliefs, they are called ‘haters.’

Maybe it’s time for some more alphabet letters to protect people of traditional religious faith. We’ll call them the TRMFV group. The Traditional Religion, Morality, and Family Values group. Let’s see if politicians speak out to protect their rights under the U.S. Constitution. Maybe they can apply to get an entire month dedicated to them as well.

Honestly, it’s really up to each individual to follow their own conscience on matters of morality. Churches could once be relied upon to offer moral guidance that you could put your faith in, but even churches have proven to often times be less than stellar examples of morality and traditional family values in recent years. There’s no shortage of stories of Catholic priests who abused children or pastors from other denominations who used their position for financial gain and to take sexual advantage of young, impressionable members of their parish.

What I do care most about though, is the deadly violence that keeps happening in our communities, and schools in particular. Young children’s lives ended by a crazed killer who was an outcast of society. And I care about the useless politicians’ response to these events, grasping for answers that will make absolutely no difference.

Violence will continue regardless of how many laws they enact, how many guns they ban, or the speeches they give. Evil always finds a way. And we live in an evil society here in America in 2022. America is being eaten away by a cancer that’s been growing inside for decades.

Our institutions have been destroyed from the inside in the name of diversity and equity. The police are no longer respected and can no longer effectively do their job to protect their communities. As a result, gangs run wild in our streets, taking what they want when they want it out of some distorted sense of entitlement. Or just because they can. And often harming innocent people out of nothing more than sheer meanness.

Our nation faces a serious dilemma. Do we look the other way and allow our institutions to make a course correction that may upset a small minority, but serves the greater good? Do we allow our police to assert authority back in our communities, even if it means a few heads get cracked? Or do we kiss it all goodbye? Our two hundred-plus-year experiment written off as a colossal failure in self-governance.

America is at a tipping point. The cancer that has been eating away at us for decades has to either be eradicated completely, no matter how harsh and distasteful the medicine that’s needed might be, or do we just sit back and succumb?

There’s no one going to be coming to our aid, and nowhere for us to run and hide. We better cut out the cancer that is killing our nation and do it soon before it metastasizes, or America will die a very painful death.


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