
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 19, 2024





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America whirls further into the chaos of political dysfunction, barely guided by a feeble-minded president who has embraced the socialistic politics of Marxism, is now in dire peril. As such, no other corrective outcome other than expected violence can possibly be imagined. Negotiations and cooperation between America’s political parties are no longer servants of the American equation.

For Democrats, it’s their way or the highway, and true conservatives seemed unprepared to stop it, until the outrage at Mar-a-Lago. Most, but not all of our elected Republican officials have shown little propensity to take on the Democrats and seem to have lost interest in defending our Constitution. “When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new guards for their future security.” Is that even possible in today’s world of instant destruction? In fear of losing all, the Democrats are turning America into a police state. 

Now, two years after his emplacement as president, Joe Biden’s government is actively planning the country’s economic collapse by imposing schemes to further tax Americans into penury using the tactic of rising Inflation (taxes) through obscene, excess government spending. Biden’s original discredited spending scheme, Build Back Better, laughingly renamed the Inflation Reduction Act, is a $750 billion dollar looting of America’s treasury.

The Biden administration is preparing to: “send hither a swarm of Officers to harass Americans and eat out their substance” by doubling and arming the IRS as his Tax Gestapo to attack Americans financially at every level of their economic and social achievements. Their sole aim is to eliminate the American middle class so that the population of doers, makers, and shakers becomes slaves to government for their survival. It is the definition of Communism and must be enforced by an expansion of the police state. We must remain armed!

What we do here now while we can, affects the course of the future. The Left has already employed the tactics of deception, subterfuge, lies, and violence to strike fear into the American population.

Under Biden’s direction, the Left has opened our borders to hundreds of thousands of diseased, third-world migrants and has purposefully dispensed them throughout America solely to pad their voter rolls in Red States to keep them in power. The violence visited on Blue cities around America in the past several years was by design. A cadre of sixties-era Marxist college professors has conditioned, as direct action advocates, young new Marxists to despise America and all it stands for.

Alarmed, conservative Americans coalesced into Tea Parties and other groups to find ways to resist the onslaught of socialism short of actual physical violence. That didn’t stop the Antifa’s and the BLM storm troopers of the Democrat party from engaging in their own violence protected by the Leftists media and Marxist politicians, lawyers, and judges to turn criminals back out onto the streets without consequence. As a result, street crime has flourished, the murder rate has risen, and prisons emptied. 

Themselves now alarmed by the pushback from concerned Americans and fearful a president who wasn’t one of them will be swept back into office, the corrupted elements of the US Department of Justice, its leader Merrick Garland, the enforcement arms of federal justice, the FBI, IRS, ATF, et al., Biden has unleashed the odious apparatus of a totalitarian state, the FBI, to find or create evidence that would keep Donald Trump off the 2024 ballot.

The execution of the search on Mar-a-Lago brought with it, the expected government incompetence of poor planning, poor execution, lies, innuendos, and the arrogance of lower-level agents riffling through Melanias dresser.

Here’s our problem:

The woke commishave seized every political, cultural, and economic center of power in the country from where they ruthlessly push their agenda. That agenda rests on the conviction that America is thoroughly bad (systemically racist) and must be destroyed.”… Thomas Klingenstein, Chairman, Claremont Institute. 

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Image: Reuters


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A Call for Honesty
A Call for Honesty
1 year ago

It is a fact that many Jews who became atheists have supported and promoted Marxism since the Russian Revolution in 1917. These people have no respect for the Torah and certainly not for orthodox Judaism. There is no better foundation for justice in a country than the Jewish Law foundation and it has formed the basis in countries with the strongest Christian influence. Jesus upheld and fulfilled the Law:  “I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.” When a country turns its back on God and disregards his law, it disregards justice. Solzhenitzyn recogniized this in Russia. Americans need to recognize this in the USA.

1 year ago

Get it through your thick head.. Your children will live in the worst communist hellhole unless you offensively destroy the left…

1 year ago

The right is ignoring the cultural rot of society where the morals to support freedom and liberty are not as strong as in the past. For Christians who believe in the end times this can only be it as world government, tyranny and manmade disaster continue to ramp up.

Reply to  Peter
1 year ago

The leadership of the GOP are all Globalists working hand in hand with the Marxist Democrats and the Marxist Deep State(The 3 letter agencies) to bring down this nation. It’s not that the Right has done nothing, it’s that they were hoodwinked and betrayed.

1 year ago

I am retired from over three decades in law enforcement. Had the pleasure and honor to work with some real Patriots and good cops who were members of the FBI back in the day. Totally different breed from the partisan warriors of today’s FBI. The entire 7th floor at HQ must be populated by DNC commie partisans. Sad to see a once fine organization come to that.

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