
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 19, 2024





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I watched your recent interview with Anderson Cooper with interest. Through that interview, you lectured the American people on Critical Race Theory, essentially telling us that if we do not accept Critical Race Theory, we are racists, and that we need to get over ourselves because the changes Critical Race Theory represents are going to occur, whether we like it or not. You then chuckled at the idea that Critical Race Theory could in any way be a threat to our nation.

Allow me to take a moment to call you out on the extreme bullshit you just peddled.

First off, allow me to congratulate you on being a first-class bullshitter. I actually voted for you in 2008, after hearing John McCain say that he was going to continue the economic policies of George W. Bush. Bush was a big-government Republican, who never saw a dollar he couldn’t spend. You, in the meantime, sounded very much like a small-government Democrat, running in the same vein Bill Clinton did in 1992 when he declared that ‘the era of big government is over.’

I knew as soon as the election results were in, when your wife said that you winning the election was the very first time in her entire life that she was proud of our country, that voting for you was a critical mistake.

You, sir, hate our country. You hate its foundational documents, and in violation of your oath of office, you did everything you possibly could to turn the institutions of our country against the very nation they are designed to serve. You turned the DOJ and IRS against your political opponents, ran the least transparent Presidency in American history (with the possible exception of the administration in office right now), and did everything you could to forward a radical, un-American agenda.

Critical Race Theory is not only a threat to our nation, but it is the single largest threat our nation has ever faced. Critical Race Theory rejects individualism, and in doing so, it rejects everything this nation has ever done or stood for. When you say that racism is in our DNA, you are claiming that the very fabric of our nation is racist – that the concepts of freedom and liberty are racist.

Critical Race Theory is a religion based on gnosticism. Just as gnosticism makes the claim of ‘secret knowledge’ that will unlock hidden, divine powers only true believers can see, so too Critical Race Theory offers to open the eyes of adherents such that they can see the world in its true form. Proponents literally call that being ‘woke,’ and it is the same thing as the ‘hidden knowledge’ gnostics promise. Critical Race Theory makes being white the equivalent of ‘original sin,’ and offers white people redemption, but only if they become radical adherents of Critical Race Theory. White adherents are told, not to have voices themselves, but to forward the voices of people of color, acting as anti-whiteness allies. People of color, and particularly black people, are turned into what amounts to a priest class, but with the caveat that they are not allowed to stray from the tenets of Critical Race Theory, lest they be cast out as traitors to their race.

There are many problems with Critical Race Theory, but the biggest one is that adherents are not allowed to question it. As a white Republican, I get somewhat of a pass. You’ll say that I’m too old to be relevant – a dinosaur of a dying age – and then you’ll leave me alone. Were I a black Republican, like Candice Owens or Thomas Sowell, I would be attacked rabidly for the unforgivable sin of thinking for myself.

Critical Race Theory posits that a system of justice that looks only at the specific tenets of each individual case, and that decides guilt or innocence based solely on the facts, as they pertain to each individual case, is racist, as this sense of ‘justice’ ignores group innocence, and group guilt. Proponents of Critical Race Theory hate our police, not because they view policing as evil (ANTIFA claims the right to effectively BE the police), but because they view the police as the enforcement arm of the American system of justice, and since they view actual justice as racist, they see no effective difference between a police officer and a klansman.

Racism is the belief that people can be categorized by race, and that race is a determining factor in the makeup of a person. Critical Race Theory categorizes people by race, and makes race the determining factor in the makeup of each person. Critical Race Theory IS racist, and it comes as no surprise to non-racist Americans, like me, that Critical Race Theory is peddled by the same political party that gave us slavery, Jim Crow, and the KKK. You, sir, are the modern adaptation of America’s racist past, selling the American people a new snake oil of ‘my version of hatred is better than yours.’

We, the American people, reject ALL forms of race-based hate. In short, we reject you.

I reject Critical Race Theory, and I reject the people who peddle it. You are an anti-American fool who has dedicated his professional life to the destruction of the United States, and I stand opposed to you.

The problem with America’s founding had nothing to do with our foundational values. The notion of freedom and liberty, of individual justice and individualism overall, made us an exceptional nation. The greatness of other nations can be found in how well they have adopted our foundational values, and as we move away from those values ourselves, we become less great. Our sin was not in those values, but in our inability to apply them to everyone. It took us almost 100 years, and cost a horrific civil war, to finally start applying those values to all Americans. 

When we look at the Civil War, incidentally, it was very much a war in which Republicans forced our founding values down the throats of the Democratic South, against the will of your party. WE, the Republican Party, wrote the 13th and 14th Amendments, forced them down your party’s throat, and true equality would have started to emerge had your party not formed the KKK, and then had a Democrat-controlled Supreme Court effectively nullify the 14th Amendment by ‘interpreting’ it independently of what it actually said – just as you would have the Supreme Court do with the entire US Constitution today!

Your party – not mine – followed up on the Civil Rights Act (which was written and sponsored by Republicans and passed into law after your party conducted the longest filibuster in American History trying to stop it) with the War on Poverty, which Milton Friedman more aptly called ‘the War on Black People’. You make the claim that there are not enough jobs to go around, and use that to call for generous welfare to take care of inner-city mothers and children (separating the father from the home), and then when there ARE enough jobs, you call for raising the minimum wage, so that you can price more people out of the workforce in support of your welfare trap. You treat welfare and minimum wages as solutions for poverty in spite of the fact that the government dependency they create CAUSES poverty – but that is all fine and dandy with you, as an impoverished, dependent people, tend to vote for more benefits. Lyndon B. Johnson created a permanent class of dependent voters, and the policies you supported, and continue to support, are designed to hold people down.

And allow me to say, sir, that you are an intelligent man, who knows exactly what he is doing.

America’s conservatives will not stand idly by and allow you and your cohorts to dismantle our country. We will not allow this nation to become the socialist hell hole you imagine. We will, rather, rise up in 2022 in such numbers as to take both the House and the Senate, and should we take them in sufficient numbers, we will impeach Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris, replacing them with a Republican Speaker of the House as President of what will become a resurgent bastion of liberty, a land of the free, and a home of the brave.

If we do not take sufficient seats to impeach Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, we will use Congress to weaken them as much as possible, and will retake the Presidency in 2024. We will do everything we can to make sure that Joe Biden is the last President the party of racism ever puts into office again.

We do not care about race, sir, but we do care about racism, and we are calling you out, along with anyone else who believes in Critical Race Theory, as the racists you are. Nobody who believes in such a thing will ever lead this nation again.

We will, rather, move BOLDLY into the future, as one nation, indivisible, under God, with liberty and justice for all.

Yours Sincerely,

Wallace L. Garneau, and hundreds of millions of other PROUD Americans.

Image: Democratic National Convention via AP

  • Wallace Garneau

    Wallace L. Garneau, political commentator and professional author, brings a unique blend of expertise to the airwaves. Raised in a family of historians, Garneau's roots in history and economics run deep, with a particular focus on Europe between the World Wars. With a background in information technology and a keen business mind, Garneau authored "The Way Forward: Lean Leadership and Systems Thinking for Large and Small Businesses." His knack for breaking down complex ideas in clear, accessible language makes him a standout author and a powerful voice in the radio and podcast sphere. Beyond the corporate world, Garneau's culinary passion shines through in his social media presence, where he shares grilling and smoking techniques. A two-service military veteran (Marine Corps and Army), family man, and father of two, Garneau embodies dedication both personally and professionally. Listeners can expect insightful commentary on politics, economics, and culture. His unique perspective, rooted in historical understanding, sets him apart. Join Wallace Garneau on the America Out Loud network—his is a voice that not only informs but resonates, helping make sense of today's complex world through a lens of experience, knowledge, and a touch of culinary flair.


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2 years ago

BRAVO!!!!!!! Utterly speechless!! This should be plastered on the inside of people’s eyelids permanently!

2 years ago

Wow! So many grand points, I am hard pressed to pick one that stood out most. Bless that young man with the kind of talent that would humble a more honest and decent man than Barack Obama will ever be in his wildest imagination.

Diane Gruber
Diane Gruber
2 years ago

WOW!!!!! Thank you for having the courage to state the obvious, and stating it SO well.

Debbie Plumlee
Debbie Plumlee
2 years ago

Mr Garneau Excellent letter !!!!

Terri Wood
Terri Wood
2 years ago

Thank you truth spoken

Beverly Phillips
Beverly Phillips
2 years ago

Where do I sign!!!

victor mascolo
victor mascolo
2 years ago

“I knew as soon as the election results were in, when your wife said that you winning the election was the very first time in her entire life that she was proud of our country, that voting for you was a critical mistake.” You, sir, are indulging in revisionist history. When Michelle Obama made the infamous comment you refer to, her husband had not even been nominated yet. You claim that you voted for BHO and regreted it based on this comment after the election. If this is why you regret voting for Obama, you should have known nine months earlier not to do so in the first place. I did.

Alex LePera
Alex LePera
Reply to  Wallace Garneau
2 years ago

Thank You for your service in the Marines . You certainly covered everything that i and Millions of Conservatives in this country believe , but are reluctant to speak out. We need a forum to be able to denounce Biden and all his cronies including Obama etc, Sanders and the Muslim Squad . Congratulations, a Job well done.

victor mascolo
victor mascolo
Reply to  Wallace Garneau
2 years ago

You weren’t paying attention. It was well covered in the main stream media right after she said it.

Tim Bryan
Tim Bryan
2 years ago

This is what we get when we put an unaccomplished bullshitter in office…an empty suit full of flakey ideas.

Terry Mullins
Terry Mullins
2 years ago

Nailed it.

2 years ago

lmaoooo wtf

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