
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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America has become a fearful nation of the unwilling, led by the incompetent, doing the unnecessary. The key to incompetence is the continued re-election of professional politicians, including many of the national GOP leadership, whose goal, it seems, is to loot the US Treasury. Elected political leaders have ceded to unelected bureaucrats the mandating powers to demand obedience to rules that are not laws but still very dangerous to American Constitutionalism. 

To achieve that, the incompetents must convince the unwilling to do the unnecessary, i.e., accept the Build Back Better bill not as a mechanism for looting the treasury but good for all Americans; getting vaccinated for a flu virus that if immediately and adequately addressed when symptoms appear would be stopped, and to agree, with them, that Trump should never be allowed into the halls of government again.

We see few GOP leaders pushing back against Biden’s Leftist agenda, but those that do push back include Senator Ted Cruz and his crushing attacks against medical Czar, Anthony Fauci, Louisana. Senator John Kennedy, who attacks everybody with equal sarcasm, and Senator Rand Paul, who is ruthless with his logic exposing Marxist idiocy for what it is. Democrats are fear-mongers, and many Republicans live in fear of them. Fauci is really good at fear-mongering, and he certainly deserves the beatings he’s getting from Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. 

Fear of the unknown is the key that tyrants use to exercise power over the unwilling. Knowing little about the pathogens, germs, and viruses that surround us every day, most Americans listened with rapt attention to how to save themselves and complied. With pandemics, we naturally expect some reasonable guidance from government. But, alas, no! It’s turned into a fear-mongering exercise that has nearly collapsed our economy. Good guidance will not come from incompetent officials that hide their solutions in the robes of ‘political’ science to create the fear that drives people to comply. With compliance comes the ultimate tyranny of government over the unwilling.

For example, now, after nearly two years, Fauci’s arrogant voice is still bloviating about masks or no masks, vaccinations and boosters, and what age groups need to comply. But he has lost credibility and doesn’t know it. He has so overrun himself with conflicting orders about what the unwilling must do that nobody believes him anymore.

Was the key to killing the China virus to mandate the shut down of America’s economy successful? We know it wasn’t! These mandates come from unelected bureaucrats, like Dr. ‘Mengele’ Fauci, and those appointed in Biden’s OSHA, FDA, CDC, and so on. That includes Biden too. They’re unconstitutional, period.

Dr. Fauci, the highest-overpaid employee of the US Government, is developing a reputation, like Joe Biden, for being wrong nearly all of the time. He moves about in the Progressive dream world of absolute power. He said: “when they criticize science, they’re criticizing me.” Precisely what science is he talking about? It must be ‘political science’ because medicine is an art. Science makes it work.

Ever since the China Virus was sprung on us, he’s been at the forefront as America’s premier medical spokesman dictating to us how we are supposed to live our daily lives and, by the way, there are penalties if you don’t comply. That’s political science and fear-mongering of the worst kind. We need to be rid of it!  

An aroused American electorate, aware of the disastrous incompetence of Biden’s entire administration filled as it is with political creatures bereft of business experience, common sense, or basic knowledge but filled with Marxism, is the model for tyranny. They operate on remote control, enforcing the unconstitutional ideas of Karl Marx exactly as they have been brainwashed to do in our communist-infested public schools, colleges, and universities. 

What can be defined as “unnecessary?” Well, that’s a full list. Here are a few ideas: First, it’s politicians who are Marxists and know nothing. The nests of Marxist vipers in the Teachers Unions and school boards members who are indoctrinating our little children into transgender and LGBTQ perversion; local councils and mayors who refuse to protect all citizens in their communities, not just the felons whom they quickly return to the streets. Most importantly, we need to actively participate in the local election process to ensure that democrat infested election boards don’t suddenly find thousands of late paper ballots in somebody’s car trunk. Can you think of some more? Of course!

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way.  Now, go get ‘em!

Image: AP


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