
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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Lacking a crystal ball, I fear Joe Biden’s government just may get us into another proxy shooting war with Russia⏤like what happened in Korea and Vietnam. I think Joe Biden’s masters, see war as a profitable business (it always has been) and Joe’s Afghan debacle notwithstanding, Ukraine offers the best opportunity for having another go at a nearly restored post-Soviet Russia.

Forget Afghanistan, that was an American disaster with Russia only lurking on the periphery. Same with Syria and Iraq. Russia learned its lesson in Afghanistan under the Soviets. I believe also that the West puts too much faith in NATO as a fighting force. The issue is, Russia doesn’t want Ukraine to be a member of NATO and will seize it by bluff if necessary, or war assuredly, threats of sanctions notwithstanding. For Putin, it’s bad enough that Poland is now a NATO country.

Like Poland, Ukraine has no natural defenses against an invading army⏤save a few big rivers that have been crossed so many times in the past decades that they really no longer offer any obstacle. Russia on the other hand is surrounded by enemies, or they have always thought so. Russia’s great defensive act was to absorb all the little countries surrounding it on the West and South and make them Russian. This was even so during Czarist days and apart from the fact that Russia, basically a peasant country that aspired to great imperialism, like all great countries they still need seaports that don’t freeze up in winter. They had only one, the great Ukrainian port of Sevastopol on the Crimean peninsula. Following the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991, Crimea including Sevastopol reverted to Ukrainian ownership. 

Ukraine, always a downtrodden country, lacking natural resources except as a great place to grow grain and some oil, with no other real industrial base or strategic natural resources, was always willing to join forces with whoever had the strongest army at the moment. In WWII it was Nazi Germany followed by the Soviet Union’s occupation upon Germany’s defeat.

It’s still a nation waiting to happen. Russia has always been the big Bear ready to comfort, occupy or destroy the few countries that occupy the plains on Russia’s western border. So, in its defense, Ukraine has learned to fight as well as genuflect. It’s in their nature. For a while, they did own the great seaport, Sevastopol on the Crimea, leased to Russia for some decades; but Russia took it in 2014 and intends to keep it through its 2050 lease period and beyond. They also took nearly a third of Ukraine. Militarily, for Russia, their Black Sea fleet can be bottled up by the Turks slamming shut the Bosporus. 

Vladimir Putin, the wannabe new Czar of Russia thinks in terms of restoring Russia to its once imperial glory but lacks the ability to accomplish that so long as enemies are picking at his hide from outside and internal enemies are working against him on the inside. He must, therefore, move one step at a time.

Remember the little war with Ossetia and Abkhazia? Small problems indeed, but troublesome little Islamic states looking to expand north from their increasingly crowded little plots. These are all concerns for Putin, so now, after easily seizing Crimea in 2014, and America offering the Ukrainian’s blankets and MRE’s, Putin sees a weakness in Joe Biden to be exploited. Trump did send them anti-tank missiles, small arms, and ammunition but I can tell you right now though, NATO isn’t going to Ukraine to fight Russia especially because Joe Biden is an incompetent who can’t be trusted.   

Until we get a strong leader in the White House, the West is in danger of losing it all under Joe Biden. Look for the US mainstream media reaction to current events, if they report on them at all. They’re all Socialist thinkers now and will drive the issue as they’re told. For example, for some inexplicable reason, the Democrats are talking about defending Ukraine from the Russian Bear which to most of us seems a pointless exercise in futility because (1), we’re not there and Russia is, (2) we have no business at all getting involved in another lengthy ground war we won’t win and (3), follow the money on this one, who gets paid?

The Industrialists pushed the New World Order. Finally, a rumor has been floated that Joe Biden may be a reincarnation of Nevill Chamberlain, willing to let Russia have Ukraine to avoid war. If it’s not his to give away, we wonder if the Ukrainians’ will agree? We wait with bated breath because for weaklings, it’s always easier to capitulate than fight. We’ll know soon enough!

Are the Russians and Chinese plotting to act in consort? Will China make a move to seize Taiwan at the same time Putin seizes Ukraine? China cannot be ignored on this issue. And while they look like they’re in cahoots with Putin, they really hate each other and will take advantage of the other if the opportunity presents itself.

We already know the chips are stacked against us in this poker game because Biden is a close family member of China’s Emperor Xi, bought and paid for through his son Hunter. Isn’t it a wonderful America we live in now?

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!


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