
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 16, 2024





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The recorded instances of American military failures that actually shocked Americans to their core, while historically significant in their shock value, are really rather few. The dramatic loss of an American Civil War hero, Lt. Col George A. Custer, and his entire command to the last man at the Little Big Horn in June 1876, naturally come to mind, and the debate continues among historians what caused the disaster. Did Custer disobey orders, ignore his Pawnee and Crow Indian scouts intelligence reports or was he so overconfident that he laughed at the odds before charging into history? 

Probably all have some measure of truth but the fact remains that he was unprepared for what he encountered, a combined force of the world’s best-mounted Cavalry of Sioux, Arapahoe, and Northern Cheyenne who were more than willing and capable of challenging his arrogance and score a big win over the US Army. Tribes defeat the US Army.

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor so shocked a somnambulant American nation right out of its Isolationism that fighting mad Americans girded up their loins, joined a great crusading army, and fiercely pursued the Nazi, Italian and Japanese Axis to their utter destructions. Then we rebuilt them. At Pearl Harbor, were we unprepared because we were unprepared? I don’t think so. We knew world events were spinning out of control, Europe was at war and US code breakers guessed Japan’s intentions, just not when or where they would attack, or did we? Whatever, American isolationism ended on 07 Dec 1941 and the shock of Pearl Harbor was soon assuaged with the Battle of Midway that cost the Japanese four, first-line fleet aircraft carriers, their entire air-wing complements, and all their experienced pilots.

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

We saw our government’s betrayal for the first time when it refused to save or protect its Ambassador to Libya and several of his former military-trained personal bodyguards. Relief and/or rescue was available but denied by progressive President Obama. But what could possibly assuage our country’s humiliation and shame when we realize our Progressive Commander-in-Chief, Joe Biden, literally threw away twenty years of blood, sweat, and tears to an organized mishmash of seventh century, medieval Islamic tribes who, like the great tribal Confederation of Sioux, Arapahoe and Northern Cheyenne, defeated the US Army? In the Little Big Horn Battle, the victors scoured the battlefield and grabbed up Custer’s newly issued repeating rifles, ammunition, and uniforms found on the battlefield. Joe Biden’s perfidy simply left for our Islamic enemies vast acres of new vehicles, helicopters, arms, ammunition, and other neat toys that are sure to be found on future battlefields everywhere including here in the USA.   

The 1994 bombing attack on one of the twin towers was a sure precursor to the later 9/11 disaster⏤if we had recognized it. Most readers of this essay over twenty years old, actually experienced that shock, not only because of the horrible death and destruction inflicted before our eyes in the Big Apple, but to realize that America was no longer invulnerable to its enemies. Like Pearl Harbor, our government may have known something was coming, and it did, not with guns, tanks, and artillery but with commercial aircraft, stealth missiles of our own manufacture, seized by Islamic terrorists determined to strike a blow against the “Great Satan.” Terrorism is only a tool, a means to an end. It is not the end result itself. That is yet to come!  

Important changes are on the horizon and we are indisputably exiting the era of maintaining big costly, standing armies because military planners already know that the United States needs to rethink the concept of future warfare.

We cannot fight the next war with last wars tactics because, in fact, we’re woefully unprepared for another future global conflict. We are still focused on producing faster, stealthier fighter aircraft, missiles, and enhanced infantry capabilities, while Russia, Iran, and China, and possibly North Korea even, who have watched us with keen attention, are adapting our techniques of irregular warfare to their future strategies, especially cyber warfare, the use of proxy (mercenary) armies, propaganda, HUMIT, and SIGNET espionage and PSYOPS propaganda disinformation campaigns to undermine American power. It’s all already been underway against us for a long time.

US Military Power

China, for example, thinks in terms of planning for contingencies decades ahead whether they occur or not. The whole career of Zhang Youxia, Vice Chairman of China’s Central Military Commission was spent studying American power and he has devised techniques to avoid war, either conventional or nuclear, with the US. However, Zhang’s efforts for the PLA present the most serious challenge because China has grown its military power to levels that not only are threatening to China’s neighbors, but a direct challenge to the US Navy’s position of maintaining open seas treaties. As yet untested, it remains to be seen how China’s vast military apparatus would actually do in battle, but they follow the advice of their greatest military strategist, Sun Tzu who said: “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” Which is it one wonders?

Russian Army Chief of Staff, General Valery Gerasimov is overseeing a resurgence of Russian irregular warfare (spetznatz). We even see ads on our TVs comparing a new American warrior, a young “Woke” female raised into adulthood by two lesbian mothers, to Russian Paratroopers training in hand-to-hand combat, jumping from airplanes, breaking things, and killing people. An ad that must send shivers down the spines of America’s real warriors. Gen. Gerasimov’s preparations for irregular warfare included cyber attempts to influence our last US presidential election. Maybe he succeeded! Look what we got, Joe Biden, a total loser! 

And lest we forget, Iran’s recently deceased and unlamented General Qassem Soleimani, who was effectively expanding Iran’s Mid-east sponsored terrorist Jihad in the Middle East was doing such a good job that President Trump targeted him for assassination. Until Biden, we were still in the game too!  They want retribution but they won’t touch Joe, he’s too valuable to ’em!

In an instant, Joe Biden pushed America to the precipice of annihilation. America’s reputation is not just sullied, it’s been grounded into the dirt by Joe’s abandonment of our friends and allies to an enemy that takes its direction from a book written centuries ago.

We’re no longer fighting a Cold War, we won that one, but the cost of hot ones are almost too prohibitive to even consider especially when Democrats only want to spend our money to bribe voters so they can stay in power forever. The future of warfare is now in the hands of the computer geeks, the hackers, mathematicians and, if needed our Special Forces. 

Operations by skilled Special Ops warriors of the land, sea, and air will be the soldiers of the future. Only the US Navy will maintain a large strategic function in the years ahead, if we get that far. Are we doomed to repeat history?

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!


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2 years ago

Absolutely brilliant!

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