
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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Everywhere I go nowadays, I see people scurrying about as they pursue both necessities and pleasures, despite the tyranny now facing us from our corrupt and godless government. Even the madness of masking, the COVID-induced social phobia, and our many stolen freedoms have not yet caused a profound visible change in everyday life for most. It’s still pretty much life as usual for the majority of people.

In America, making life, a joy ride takes high priority. In fact, most people work hard so that they can play hard on their time off. While we certainly have a dwindling pool of hard workers among us, those who do work seem to have at least a modest work ethic. On the other hand, the gaggle who refuse to work because of pure laziness or incompetence seem quite content with their unproductive lives.

Why exactly are we working so hard? Do we worship money or the things money can buy? These questions take on more gravity when you think about how heavily the American worker is taxed to pay for illegals and sloths, and to fund ungodly agencies and activities that they strongly disavow.

The work environment itself is now oppressive for most because of the Coronamania hoax. And our hard-earned dollars don’t stretch nearly as far as in the past because of rapidly rising inflation. Joe Biden team, thanks for nothing! Working more hours just means paying more taxes for wasteful causes and oppressive changes to suit the Communist administration’s agenda.

This reminds me of the wise words Jesus once spoke, “Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life” (John 6:27). Jesus wasn’t advocating for laziness but rather was emphasizing the importance of prioritizing your life by putting God first. In essence, we are told to focus on the things that will impact us for eternity. We do have a choice. The spiritual food is our daily bread: the words of Scripture that are spiritual and lead to eternal life, as well as wholesome living on this planet.

In those moments of quiet contemplation, I have considered my labor as a physician, as a soldier, and as a preacher. All were worthy pursuits, but they pay for my labor in each pursuit varied widely. I lived below the poverty level when preaching in central Kentucky. In medicine, I thrived financially due to a highly diversified and busy medical practice. Each served a noble purpose. Surprisingly, I lived just as happily in poverty as I did in wealth. Yet, I realize the danger of living in prosperity. Jesus admonished the wealthy and lukewarm church in Laodicea, “Because you say, ‘I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,’ and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked…” (Revelation 3:17). This may well explain the falling away from faith we have seen in America. Perhaps we have had it too good and too easy for too long. We have become complacent.

Since my days of persecution in medicine began after daring to speak truth in science and politics, I have lost much wealth. Frankly, it’s been a drastic and sudden adjustment. But it’s only material wealth. Rich or poor, we all have a gift to share in a very needy world, and regardless of our circumstances, it’s the things that endure to everlasting life that really count. Even a loss of one’s livelihood is fully worth the price of standing up for truth in medicine and for exposing hypocrisy and evil. The freedom fight may exact its toll on those who enlist in the Lord’s righteous army, but we cannot place a price on freedom. Only truth will make us free, and all truth belongs to God.

In all our labors, we would do well to focus on why we do work so hard and long for material things. We should ask ourselves, how much is enough? How many hours a week do we choose to labor for material wealth that affords no eternal benefit? It’s a question only we as individuals can answer.

I went into medicine because of a genuine desire to help the suffering. Money really wasn’t a factor in the decision to attend medical school. I was faithful in that undertaking, and I have no regrets in keeping my physician’s oath, other than a forced abandonment of my patients by a debauched medical board. When we keep our focus on living life in light of eternity, our perspectives change, and we truly can claim along with the apostle Paul, “I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.” When we know how to be abased and how to about, to suffer, and to reap pleasantries, then and only then can we do all things—not of our own power—but through Christ who strengthens us. That’s the beauty of laboring for the food that endures to everlasting life. It takes away worry. It removes fear far from us. It prepares us to endure hardship, to thrive in times of tribulation, and to not cower in the day of persecution. It’s not that making money is intrinsically evil. It is not. Some heroes of the faith have been among the wealthiest: Job, Abraham, King David. Money is not the root of all evil. But the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil because greed causes us to compromise our faith, and that always leads to sorrows. That’s what the Bible says (1 Timothy 6:10).

The older I get, the more I consider how precious is our time commodity. It takes time to nurture a healthy marriage, to raise up stable and happy children, and to serve our fellow man. It takes time to know God, and to pursue the virtuous things of life. In the end, if we don’t make the mistake of laboring too hard for the food that perishes, our time here on earth will be both productive and satisfying, perhaps more than we could ever imagine, despite what tribulations we may face.

A noble and righteous life demands all of our resources as we pursue the things most worthy of seeking. And right now, as our very nation is on the brink of collapse, it is a good time to reconsider what we truly value. Will we be consumed by our toys and material riches that perish, or will we invest in our nation by returning to the very source of America’s greatness? It’s never too late to change your course. Neither is it ever too early to begin a deeper life by serving our God and country. Good life stewardship is simply a gift given back to God for His gift of life to you. Such a gift blesses your family and fellow man, and the rewards are eternal!


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2 years ago

Very good advice

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