
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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No matter how the package is wrapped, how sweet and sensible sounding the charming words that fall from candidates lips are, always keep in mind the end goal of the Democrat party is to destroy America’s representative government, its constitution and its values, to create in its place another failed Communist empire but, on a world wide scale. The Democrat party is now totally Socialist and moving rapidly further to the left as more radicals infiltrate its ranks.

One such serpent is the former mayor of South Bend Ind. Greg Buttigeig, a sweet talking, sensible sounding, young politician, with administrative accomplishments in his resume’. But, he’s still a gay Democrat!

Unlike the rest of their cast of characters who presume to be Presidential material and firmly linked to the radical philosophy of the Democrat party, Buttigeig is not and that makes him dangerous. Like the snake dispensing forbidden apples, he could win!

The other Democrat candidates lining up for their party’s primary approval are exposed as rotten apples having already employed the party’s pernicious techniques of spreading lies, falsehoods and innuendo’s against anyone and everyone who does not tow their ‘politically correct’ line, whether they be bloggers on internet sites, network news readers, entertainers, other politicians or simply folks who write their concerns to their local newspaper editor.

Among the more visible Nimrod’s with presidential aspirations are the three B’s of political fantasy: Beto, the Irish Mexican, Biden the Elder of the free hands, and long past his shelf life due date, and Bernie, the house hoarding socialist. All are open to examination.

Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, aka: Roberto Francisco O’Rouke will, like a single candle in the wind, soon be puffed out because he say’s idiotic things. But one must wonder, by what measure of competence did he manage to snatch six plus million dollars out of the ether on the first day of his announcement?

How about George Soros? It simply cannot be true that the multitude of “deplorable’s” in fly over country, all at once, ponied up that much cash, in a single day, to start his campaign for president. Something’s amiss here, for sure and it ain’t apples.

The rapidity of amassing a campaign chest of that magnitude from individual donations, is clearly not in the cards. Unquestionably the stipends came in the form of gracious endowments by progressive billionaires who see in ‘Beto’ the best bet of a Democrat replacing Donald Trump. I don’t think they really believe it can happen though, until 2024, so this is preparation only, a test run as it were, like polishing up that ol’ apple.

Improbably, should “Beto’ win the Democrat Primary, I can hardly wait for the first debate. One wonders what nickname Trump will permanently affix to Beto’s persona, ya know, like he did to “Little Mario,” and “Low Energy Jeb,” that sort of thing? But, Beto is perceived as popular and he ran a near race against Ted Cruz (a legitimate Latino), for Texas Senator, losing by three points. Should we hold a contest for a best nick name for “Beto?”

A quiet hush fell the other day, news wise, after an honest Reuters journalist revealed that years ago, Beto harbored a deep pathological problem about killing little children playing in the street with his car. A pre-campaign revelation of this nature should crush poor Beto like an order of refried beans in a taco shell. It was also revealed he was a member of a youthful gang of intellectual “hackers” who did much damage. So, we can presume I suppose, he has a good technological mind even if it does involve running down little children on the street with his car.

Remember freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, Now, go get ‘em!

Image: Robert Franklin AP


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