
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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Biden couldnt wait to reinstall Obamas wonderful nuclear deal with the Iranians after Trump ditched it as the worst foreign policy deal he could ever have imagined. Now, five years later, Biden has been trying to resurrect Obama’s original deal, long-defunct and in tatters, probably so Obama’s legacy could claim some credit for a foreign policy deal he thought would appease the evil that is the Iranian Islamic regime.

The shameful part is that the Iranians wont speak to US representatives, including Joe, so he hires the Russians to negotiate the deal for us. What could possibly go wrong? How about a bleak future?

Now, we’re helping Ukrainians kill Russians. Was something missed here? Glad you asked! For Iran’s cooperation with Joe, the mullah’s demands all sanctions against them be lifted, and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) be struck from the international terrorist blacklist. As president of the US, even though he stole the job, Joe cant be tone-deaf to the dangers to the West to even want to negotiate, let alone agree with this terrorist regime. But he will, and he’ll fold!

Estimates are that IRGC already has a war chest this side of $300 billion. Still, Iranians are dying in shoddy, newly built but collapsing buildings, scrounging in dumpsters and landfills for food scraps, and offering their body parts for sale in order to feed their families. Yet, Joe expects these people to want to join the world of nations for the advancement of democracy, without nuclear weapons, of course, so long as our hand of friendship is extended to them. Wow, what a deal. Islam, of course, is theocratic and operates on the lines of fascist Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, and Maos China. They don’t want to be a democracy. They want an Islamic Caliphate because that’s what their book, the Koran, tells them they want. Joe simply doesn’t get it!

Corruption is the handmaiden for all dictatorships, even Islamics. “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” so tyranny is required to maintain order and control over obstreperous citizens dying under the strains of international sanctions. The mullahs, Iran’s ruling class, use the money they hoard to maintain their comforts, wage war on their Arab neighbors in the name of Allah, and finance international terror, their own people be damned.

Corrupt theocratic regimes must oppress and sow discord within their populous while conducting acts of terror against their neighbors. And, like democrats, they never let a crisis go to waste! One would expect that their acts of terrorism should scare any American president, even corrupt Joe, that negotiations to revive the long lost nuclear deal, with Russians doing the negotiations on Biden’s behalf, are a sham, a waste of time, and dangerous to the West. 

On the home front, how can conservative Americans adjust to the forced implementation of sexual perversion in our schools, CRT, the trashing of our economy, the replacement of a successful fossil energy industry with a Green Energy scheme that mathematically is impossible to implement, let alone maintain. Must Americans return to wood fires for warmth and cooking?

And, how about feeding Americans. We don’t ask government to feed us, except for the poor wretches who swallowed their pride and accepted Democrat welfare. Presently our mountains are filled to overflowing with the creatures, but where they’re thickest, we can’t harvest them lest we be in violation of some law. Never knew that to stop anyone, though.

Most people who live in North Georgia know how to can fruits and vegetables as well as grow them so survival can be addressed, but when those city folk who don’t have those skills, and have finished looting every shop, store, and fruit stand in their town, they’ll move out like a hoard of locusts consuming everything in their way. That’s the bleak future that’s coming our way if conservatives fail to win in November’s election.

Recall when an outraged Nancy Pelosi fuming over Trump’s 2020 victory, once said: “This will never happen again.”

We can expect the George Soros and Bill Gates crowd to pour millions into this 2022 election to prevent Conservative victories. If, indeed, conservatives do prevail and take both the House and Senate, a real war will be joined.

It will be an uncivil war between good and evil. While all that’s going on. China lurks on the horizon.

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!


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