
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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Politics are cyclical, coming at us in two and four-year cycles with politicians promising us this, that, and the other thing, everything except a return to an original stable America our Founders left us. America was founded on the principles of individual liberty and limited government. If limited government was a goal, then where have we gone astray? Follow the money. Government is where the money is! Thats why so many want to get in.

It seems that our mailboxes, mine anyway, both postal and electronic, are crammed daily with pleas for us to part with our hard-earned money and give it to this candidate or that or the party, or their PACs who tell us they know best how to spend it to save us from all the horrors that threaten us like climate crisis, Biden’s destructive energy crisis, the border crisis, the economic crisis or the threat of a crashing meteor or whatever other life-threatening dangers they can think up ⏤ to frighten Americans. Both parties do this because they control the deep state, and they need to control the citizenry. They do it by giving or taking away money and offering free stuff. Nothing’s free.

The shrill political cacophony that comes with campaigns becomes so loud that people tune it out and wait in silence for the coming destructive forces of radical change being imposed on them, as we witnessed in this past 2022 election. People don’t know what to do! Republicans are no help. They have hinted at a return to earlier happier times, with affordable energy, schools that educate our children in real Americanism, not Marxist doctrine, a respect for the family unit, and the glue that keeps society together, religion, or at least moral standards. So, they make promises, but where are they? Without faith, there are no standards of morality that politicians can offer. Blood runs in our streets because there is no morality, and Marxism doesn’t provide a choice except, “I’m from the gubment, and I want to help!”

Where does our money go? Oh, not the money you donate but our taxed dollars?

Our political donations end up in vast ethereal accounts so favored politicians of each party can throw dirt on candidates of the other party. But, mostly, politicians spend it on themselves, their benefactors, and the leftist unions, among other verifiable charities.

Let’s start with the recent National Defense Authorization Act. Not challenged by Republicans, the NDAA continues funding the indoctrination of Americans in Marxist theories such as the Critical Race Theory (CRT) and transgender identity nonsense that even plagues our military, resulting in purges of conservative soldiers and those that refuse the vaccination. The medical tyranny of Dr. Fauci mandating deadly Covid vaccinations and the Left’s wokeness to transgenderism and LGBTQ perverts doesn’t improve the military’s ability to perform their primary function, protect our shores from attackers. Their combat readiness is being specifically undermined by Woke DoD Leadership (Traitors) that will adversely affect our national security.

We’ve got to wonder why the Lefts obsession with Marxist ideology and vaccinations for the military are prioritized when every military branch is struggling to reach recruitment and retention goals. These decisions are being imposed by the same treasonous military leadership that failed our Afghanistan involvement. Additionally, the NDAA resources are being squandered on worthless Green New Deal programs that further weaken our military preparedness against our enemies, China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.

Environmental extremism (climate change) projects weakness and compromises our capabilities. And, while the incoming Congress promises to end the vaccine mandate, I see no solution that addresses the 60,000 soldiers and sailors already discharged who refused the mandated vaccines being reinstated. That’s a costly intolerable expense, and discharging military personnel without due process is unconstitutional, yet Biden’s Marxists did it. How do we rectify that?

Congress’s new NDAA bill now includes a preposterous amendment to strip Presidential authority over the Wash D.C. National Guard, handing this power to the D.C. mayor as if he or she were actually a state governor instead of a city mayor. Democrats want DC statehood so they can claim two more Leftist Senatorial seats, which is also not allowed constitutionally.

Where does our money go? In Biden’s government ⏤ it purposefully goes to weakening America militarily, socially, and economically. It’s a scam of such grand proportions that it’s hard to see the end. And where have the Republicans been? Why help deep state candidates keep their seats as best possible, even to the point of not funding GOP candidates because Trump supported them? Karl Rove just demonstrated his Trump backstabbing skills.

What else is going on here about which we should be concerned financially?

Besides using taxpayer dollars to fund their radical agenda, Biden’s American Rescue Plan, initially passed by congress to offer economic aid to businesses affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, awarded $123 million US dollars to a Rhode Island scheme that supports “racial equity and resiliency” 10 million dollars of which go to “reparations and bail bond funds.” That can only mean another exercise in affirmative action. What “reparations” does Rhode Island have in mind, slavery? And talk about screwing the taxpayers; $ 15 million of that $123 million was directed to indoctrinate K-12  school children, in Rhode Island, with “anti-racial and social-activism programs. Rhode Island wants to turn out more little commies to invade our future with their socialist nonsense.

Last September, Biden’s State Department dispensed a $16,000 grant to “Fundacion Sentiido,” a group funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros calling upon the Colombian government to expand “sex worker” rights in the crime-ridden country. WTF?

That’s our money they’re throwing away. While sixteen thousand is piddly to these people, it adds up when you add the cost of supporting the 53,000 illegal trespassers crossing the border in one month in El Paso, Texas alone. Hopefully, the price includes transportation somewhere cold and frozen or rich and secluded.

Columbia has enough of their own problems without the Biden’s Woke America getting in their way with their nonsense. Colombia refusing to outlaw prostitution suffers from high rates of sex trafficking and human rights abuses, but that’s their problem.” Reps. In opposition, Chip Roy of Texas, Ralph Norman of South Carolina, and Andrew Clyde of Georgia wrote: “By funding Sentiido, we can only conclude that the Biden Administration condones these activities in Colombia and Latin America.”

There isn’t enough space left even to attempt to list more outrages by the radical left’s attacks on our purse, but they’re getting close to bankrupting America. That includes help from the GOP’s new conservatives. We’ve got some serious house cleaning to do.

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!


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