
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 25, 2024





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Please don’t blame Joe completely for his dark speech. Some performance-enhancing drugs for dementia can have side effects. They wake you up and help you spin your wheels. They even help you be all you can be, who you really are. When Biden addressed the nation on Thursday evening with his satanic staging, he truly spoke his mind quite clearly. And he meant for us to pay attention, as he had the Marines backing him. The message was this: “you people who want to make America a great nation are dangerous! You’re spoiling everything, and we aren’t going to let you get away with it! The problem with demented people, is they have trouble keeping the facts straight. So do normal people who don’t know the history and don’t pay attention to details.

Fact one is that “the extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic” is not extremism, and it’s not a threat to the Republic. Joe’s words mimic the very rhetoric of Imposter Obama: “That’s not who we are!” he ranted against every act of patriotism. Fact two is this: Patriots are freedom lovers, not extremists. But push us too far, and we’ll show you extreme patriotism! Fact three is, that Sloppy Joe just demonized not just half of the electorate, but possibly over 100 million Americans. Since the filched election, many Americans have seen the light and awakened to the America First plight. To make America great again, you have to put God and the Constitution first. That’s what President Trump wanted. That’s what loyal, everyday Americans want. We want our country back. Joe is systematically destroying it. What will he do next?

It’s sort of like predicting the weather. You never really know what’s going to happen until it happens. But the current crisis America is facing at the hands of our very own evil empire leaves us all wondering if anything will be left of our nation’s fabric by the time midterm elections come. Our deluge of internal Communist and Globalist attacks leaves me sympathizing with Merle Haggard’s classic song, If We Make It Through December. I wish I could say, if we make it through November, we’ll be fine. But at the rapid-fire rate that our blessed nation is being crushed, I’m honestly skeptical.

For some pathetic reason, nobody can even tell us who’s running our country. All we know is, that he or they are one hell of a formidable enemy. Whoever the enemy dictator is, he is wooing our chief foe, China. See what he already has done. He has collapsed our economy, interdicted our supply chains, removed all border protection, brainwashed our children, drugged our youth, destroyed our health, and supplied our most avowed enemies with weapons and majestic wealth from our tax dollars. The coup that was never actually declared is fulfilling its mission to turn our land to dust!

With every passing day, I feel increasing emotions: anger, confusion, and resolve. I’m angry that we have allowed evil to prevail in our country for so long. I’m confused as to why we still have not taken any definitive action to take back our free republic. And I am ever more resolved as hell to take down this domestic enemy! Is that what you mean, Joe, by extremism? American liberty is certainly worth fighting for. Isn’t it time to stop pursuing all the lofty, fake-noble things that don’t work? Shouldn’t we just stop trying to reason with an enemy who mocks our plight to follow the Constitution? When will we quit offering “proper” solutions that we know will never work?

God bless his heart; Dr. Ron Paul recently called out “President Biden” again. His words are spot on — and at the same time, all wrong. His telling LewRockwell article (, August 23, 2022), titled More Billions to Ukraine as America Falls Apart, is true and accurate as far as statistics he cites. He mentions the reported 200,000 illegals who crossed our southern border in July alone; the multibillion-dollar weapons support to Ukraine in the past six months; and the $5200-per-family inflation burden that each American household must bear this year. Even his summaries are great, such as, “Watching Biden bragging about sending billions of dollars to corrupt leaders overseas with American cities looking like bombed-out Iraq or Libya is US foreign policy in a nutshell.”

And what does Paul offer for a fix? He claims, “There is a way out. It’s called “non-interventionism.” He doesn’t define the term, but this word purist takes his proposed action to mean “Stop getting involved in other countries’ problems.” Great! Another “-ism” that amounts to nothing. I sincerely thank you, Ron, but it won’t work! Your idea may be polished and nicely packaged, but it’s not worth a Biden copper “zero cents” coin.

First, we must stop assigning actions to Biden. He may call us right-wing extremists. He may brag about squandering our tax dollars, gifting the Taliban billions of dollars in modern weapons, and praising Xi Jinping for his clever Communist leadership, but Biden is doing NOTHING! He can’t even comply with his teleprompter. I’d really like to know — just who is running our government? Why has nobody investigated? Is it an individual like Obama? Or is it just a conglomerate beast of evil? Imagine, we still haven’t identified the enemy who is crushing us!

Second, we need to stop our own stupidity of calling the enemy crazy and stupid. Are we really that deceived? Ron Paul proves my point with his rhetorical question about the Ukraine war, “Has there ever been a more idiotic US intervention in history?” Respectfully, Mr. Paul, yes. This US intervention, as you call it, is anything but idiotic. It serves the purpose of funding the globalist mission. It concomitantly weaponizes the energy grid, defunds the hard-working American people, destabilizes the world, generates fear to gain yet more control of the globe, and it greatly pleases the domestic enemy who is hell-bent on nullifying American sovereignty — all in one swoop! Call it what you like, but this is not idiocy at work! The idiots are those who call them idiots. True? No disrespect intended. But we need to wake up!

Every day, the domestic enemy is growing stronger and more desperate. They have just over two months to completely annihilate the great Union. Notice how their tactics have escalated. They know Americans aren’t enjoying the takedown of our country. Do they care? No. Will they stop? Never.

And as long as we continue pointing out every little detail of their evil coup that is unfolding, saying “shame on them,” and doing absolutely nothing about it, we are sealing our fate. The Left has already started hammering nails into Lady Liberty’s coffin; She is buried alive, but still breathing. Unless we act, the casket will soon be sealed. The hearse driver has already started the engine. If you haven’t figured it out yet, let me speak as clearly as I possibly can: It will now take drastic action to save America.

That means we, as a moral majority, must stand up and defeat the enemy. How? However possible, and by all means necessary. Get rid of all the cute little ideas and wishful thinking. Stop trying to negotiate with your unbending adversary. This enemy needs to be stopped. They aren’t finished attacking our rightful 2020 President Trump. They fear him. And they should fear us as well. We are the people. We must take a stand, and refuse to be seen dawdling among the weak-minded masses who idly desecrate the tombs of those who sacrificed their own lives for our freedom. This is a time to fight for what we believe in — lest we soon live to regret it, and die in slavery.

Yes, we can repair all the damages that this undefined ghost enemy has inflicted upon us. But the price of freedom grows daily, thanks to our negligent delay in conquering this beast. If we make it through November, it will only be because we took action and fought this unrighteous government. Where are the freedom warriors? Who will go and do what must be done? May we have the heart and will to answer in the spirit of Isaiah, the great prophet, “Here I am, Lord. Send me.”

Please, do wear the badge of honor that declares your MAGA spirit! In other words—shove it, Joe!

Image: AP


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J brock
J brock
1 year ago

Thank you, Dr. LaTulippe! I needed to hear that. You’ve confirmed all of my thoughts and renewed my flagging will. God bless.

1 year ago

Where are the US Constitutional laws that prevent the federal govt, or any lower govt from massive harm to both the country and it American population?

That’s the answer to so many individual policy, cultural, moral destructive back-stabs by the fascist democrat progressives!

Someone please write an article about that. Seems the founding fathers may have left out clear laws for that possibility we all face now with a party bent on Making America Bad every possible way – the heavy consequences fall on The People, commerce, everything connected to lives, money, economy, health, education, moral sustenance, etc.

If the Constitution indeed has such laws that would shut down a rouge nutcase party majority. please enlighten us of there presents and why they are not being used. No don’t say, “voting”! The 2020 election is encircled with so many tangible cheat mechanisms that nobody with a good function brain and 1 ounce of honesty can ignore.

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