
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 16, 2024





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Sometimes life can be difficult. But Rule Number One in life is that life is not fair. The corollary is this: don’t expect it to be fair. You will not be disappointed. This being said, I had no idea the extent of abuse that would be involved in choosing to do the right thing. When I was targeted by the Oregon Medical Board (OMB) for practicing medicine that was supported by good scientific evidence, I knew this went against the grain of the liberal governor, and even the corrupted Oregon Health Authority. Given that both of these entities now strongly support a spineless and liberal-minded medical board membership, I was not naïve to the fact that a huge target was plastered on my back. That means I was being hunted. Why do virtually no physicians ever challenge their medical boards, even when harsh and seeming unfair judgments are pronounced against solid, responsible, caring physicians? Why did virtually every professional contact I consulted regarding my unfair assault from the OMB recommend that I just cut my losses and move on? Even when it involved the loss of a medical license, an income, and a good reputation?

Steve LaTulippe M.D., combines his experience as a physician, a seminary-trained ordained minister, and a retired Air Force officer, to boldly reveal the truth, expose lies, and show precisely how we can unite… on his new show, Unity Without Compromise.

A canceled physician experiences three phases of abuse before reaching the recovery phase. The road to cancellation is lonely and painful. It affects those you love and all the patients you serve. The first phase is called the Shock Phase. It is shocking because it effectively and completely neutralizes your influence as a practicing physician. It is every physician’s worst nightmare—losing your medical license. The abrupt end after years of training, professional development, honing diagnostic skills, and then saying goodbye to the few thousand patients you considered to be an extension of your family, is devastating.

Even when a physician knows that an adverse medical board action is possible at any time for a number of reasons, say, for even practicing pain and addiction medicine, he realizes that disaster can strike at any time if he doesn’t toe the political party line. The fact that politicians, billionaires, and businessmen such as hospital CEOs are telling physicians how to practice medicine is painful enough, but the full force of it doesn’t hit until a physician determines to take a stand for what is the right thing to do for his patients. Still, being falsely labeled an immediate danger to the public and patients, and being charged with unprofessional and dishonorable conduct, is just the beginning of woes. Before the shock of losing your livelihood even hits you, along comes the second wave of attack: the Cancel Cascade.

In this second phase, a physician begins to feel the more tangible effects of losing one’s license. First, the DEA calls and requests you voluntarily surrender your DEA registration, or else they will be forced to start the paperwork to take it from you. Then, your local hospital notifies you that your privileges have been terminated. Since you no longer have a medical license, The American Board of your specialty informs you that you are no longer board certified. This is followed by your announcement that your medical malpractice insurance has been terminated and that you have 60 days to pay $15,000 for tail coverage, the insurance you pay after you retire to cover any lawsuits that might come along from past actions. Notifications then start trickling in to alert you that all of your professional affiliations have been severed. After all, you are no longer a licensed physician. You might even be offered a courtesy report from the Better Business Bureau that recent actions (such as loss of a medical license) might adversely affect your business ratings. Yes, this happened. By the time all of these written notices have been neatly filed into a bulging folder, the stunned canceled physician begins the ordeal of the Fallout Phase.

In this stage a physician learns that he is facing an actual corrupt enemy that seeks to guarantee your complete demise, to put the nails in the proverbial coffin. In my case, the Oregon Medical Board sought to find any dirt they could on me to open new investigations that would hopefully offer further evidence that I was truly the villain they presented to the world.

Three investigations were opened, reaching as far back as five years ago to make absurd claims against my character and professional competence. Remember, my medical license was already indefinitely suspended. So what’s the point? The point is, they have to cover their tracks and make themselves out to be protectors of society. Their criminal actions must somehow be justified. However, the Board must also do all they can to seem fair, and for this reason, they offer their victims an “administrative hearing” that pretends to offer a canceled physician an opportunity to defend himself and get back his medical license. This hearing took place for me three and a half months after my license was pilfered. By this time, my patients were scattered to the winds. I was financially devastated but was still making heavy payments on my medical facility that I had constructed some 15 years ago. Some of my addiction patients were back on the streets doing heroin. My pain patients were suffering ridicule and forced to taper their opioid therapy that had rendered them highly functional. Many patients who were content and well treated for years now were forced to join the impersonal herds of “organized” (CEO-directed) medical clinics. By the time the hearings began, the damage was long done. An administrative hearing is the prototype of a kangaroo court, whereby “hearsay” is permitted as evidence, whereby political bias surges through each actor from top to bottom, whereby the medical board—not the judge—makes the final determination on the case. Constitutional protections? Forget it! So goes the Fallout Phase.

Finally, if a physician survives the preceding inhuman barrage, he enters the recovery phase. Now, this name is admittedly somewhat of a misnomer, and it can be the most painful and most complicated of all cancel phases. Decisions must be made. Action, or inaction, must be decided upon. Either you surrender and wither, or you continue to fight your enemy. The battle is bloody. Some physicians never recover. Some end their lives. Others withdraw to a simple life of tinkering in the post-productive years pasture. Others charge forward with a new offensive energy that seeks to expose and destroy the enemy. Whatever your choice, you live with it.

I chose to fight.

And so my battle will continue in federal court to take down the corrupt Oregon Medical Board and to expose and oppose the cancel culture that is gutting the very foundation of our liberty and equality for all. This is not an act of retaliation, but my duty as a warrior for Christ and defender of our God-given rights. Yes, Jesus did warn us that in the world we will have tribulation, but he also encouraged us to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world (John 16:33). We must never sit by passively and hope that someone else will fight the war against human tyranny, even if it does not directly affect us. In the end that would be the surest path to slavery and oppression for all.

Cancel culture in medicine is only one of many weapons being used to destroy America, but it is a very powerful one. This case study in the canceling of one physician hopefully exposes the sinister powers at work in our nation at this time. When one is hurt, all suffer. A single act of evil has a ripple effect; but so does an act of kindness, or an act of bravery. Never should we pass up an opportunity to defend what is good, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We must join the fight to cancel all evil, to expose it and defeat it, wherever it rears its ugly head. Fighting wickedness is its own reward—both in the present time and for all eternity.


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Michelle L Robinson
Michelle L Robinson
2 years ago

As a medical professional, this cancel culture continues farther down the path than just the physicians, it then takes on any nurses that don’t “toe the line.” If you dare speak out on the injustice, you will be falsely accused, written up, demeaned. In the end they will fire you without cause, so that it ruins your chances of getting another job in that town. Yes this culture needs to be exposed every chance you get. Let their dirty laundry should be aired all over the internet, as they have made a mockery of truth.

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