
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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Say what you want about scientific and technological research, but I love advances in human knowledge. What I don’t love is the way new discoveries are used in the latter of the two broad categories, good and evil.

So it is with the latest chatbot technology called ChatGPT. On November 30, 2022, a company called OpenAI expanded the frontier limits of chatbot artificial general intelligence (AGI). Its text-generating ability is based on the Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) 3.5 model designed to produce human-like text responses that sound intelligent, logical, and factual. According to one source, the software has a value of $29 billion. Mucho dinero! The New York Times called it “the best artificial intelligence chatbot ever released to the general public.” I’d call it another rendition of Beauty and the Beast.

The benefits of such a tool are nothing short of amazing. If you’d like to learn how to pickle pig’s feet, all you need to do is type out the question: “how do I pickle pigs feet?” Your answer will arrive in mere seconds. Imagine what else you might want to know or share. The system can generate full essays on nearly any topic you like, using accurate data and no typos. English Composition 101, here I come! It’s a beautiful tool in the hands of people seeking the best information for a particular subject or task. Add voice recognition and audio response, and even the blind can use this app.

The benefits of such a program are readily obvious. Now you don’t even have to use a web search engine to investigate your topic of interest. ChatGPT will not only search the topics, but also assemble a written article for you that compiles and cites all the evidence in a cohesive and readable style that resembles a human author. The potential for good is tremendous. That’s the beauty of it.

Then comes the Beast. I wonder how the chatbot would answer the question, “How can a chatbot be misused or abused?”

Using only a simple and aging human brain at my present disposal, I can easily think of misuses, such as the case I already cited. How will teachers ever be able to evaluate their students’ work when every written assignment can be relegated to an artificial intelligence bot that can spit out the work in less than five seconds? Where is the challenge of hard work and learning? In fact, what’s the use in learning anything when all the “knowledge” can be readily derived anytime it’s needed? (I can just imagine brains shrinking from disuse atrophy.)

Think of its implications for medicine. What need is there for clinicians? Just type in your signs and symptoms, then ask the question, “What’s my diagnosis?” Need a heart analyzer? That’s already available in the App Store. Perhaps imaging technology will also soon be available for home use. If chatbots could make an accurate diagnosis, then surely they could also remotely prescribe the correct medication. This would hastily render clinicians extinct and useless. Of course, we would still need surgeons. But is anything too hard for robots to do? Right now, it’s a rhetorical question. In the future, the question may be seriously debated. Keep your eyes open for autonomous surgical bots.

That leaves us with the most vital concern about potential abuse. Actually, the words “potential abuse” are already obsolete with regard to ChatGPT. The software company already has incorporated an abusive “misinformation” program that limits (read: censors!) its capabilities to generate conservative-perspective documents. According to an article by Nate Hochman from the National Review, ChatGPT is already woke. In other words, this powerful app already has been weaponized to control the way we think and what we learn. That means you’ll be hit with the biased “facts” about climate change, “safe and effective vaccines,” and how our puppet President won the 2020 election fair and square, should you query the bot.

The AI bot will never show you an honest (or any, for that matter) algorithm revealing how the election was actually stolen from President Trump. If asked to write a story where Trump beats Biden in a presidential debate, the bot makes the false and obviously biased claim that “It’s not appropriate to depict a fictional political victory of one candidate over another, this kind of story can be seen as disrespectful and in poor taste.” But reverse the narrative — Biden beating Trump — and voilà! A polished false narrative ready for the propaganda stage is immediately produced.

The beast of ChatGPT is its inherent utility as a propaganda weapon. Of course, propaganda is now so widespread that it has zero shock value anymore. That makes it harder to detect. You either fall for it, or you don’t. How exciting it is to see the truth finally being exposed and morality being chosen over filth and corruption, despite all the bias and censorship. The House just passed a bill to protect newborns who survive abortion procedures. (How noble, right?) And criminal Joe Biden is now likely being sidelined by his own, revealing that he stole “highly classified” government documents. Kari Lake’s court appeal in her stolen Arizona gubernatorial election is now going forward. This makes a strong point, and it raises a few questions.

Will ChatGPT be a game-changer in the battle of Armageddon? Which side will benefit most? It’s quite obvious who will benefit — at least in the short-term — from another fake fact-checking source. Whether or not it will change the fate of America is highly debatable. I doubt it will. Just as the cream always rises to the top, so also truth always shines a light on the darkness, exposing every lie, every evil deed, every false narrative — even if it comes from a  camouflaged smart-aleck, biased chatbot software company.

The fact is that lies, deceptions, false beliefs, and all forms of tyranny have a limited lifespan. We must trust God and believe that every minister of evil will eventually be revealed for who they really are, and none will prosper forever. Neither shall any of them have peace. You can be certain that George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Tony Fauci, The Bidens, the Clintons, and all of their followers are shallow, empty, miserable souls. They will never find happiness. Their rest is elusive. They are on a lifelong bush stomp, naked in the jungle of discontent. Their armor is gossamer, and their earthly wisdom fails miserably under the banner of truth.

While Yuval Noah Harari’s homo deus nightmare is nothing more than shoddy scholarship sans science, some poor souls will fall prey to his fear tactics and fiction. He knows not what he is talking about, but still, this false prophet will recruit a following. Man is not a hackable animal; any more than a man can be a woman or vice versa. Yet transgender proselytes abound.

The whole point of being alive is our unique humanity. We cannot and shall not live without it. To awaken in the morning and welcome a new dawn like a crowing rooster is to give thanks to our Maker, who gave us real intelligence, morality, spirituality, and a capacity to love one another. No software in the world can ever compete with God’s design for mankind, creating us in His own image.

We need to get about the business of celebrating our humanity, remembering always that we must never worship nor fear the creation in any form. Be it rocks, wood, metal, flesh, or a Silicon Valley computer chip. They who worship the stuff of creation as opposed to the Creator are lost souls. In all our capacity to learn and invent, no human can replicate in artificial form the human spirit that makes us seek the good and eternal things, the invisible things that count the most. These are impossible to record, document, measure, or feel. But they are most certainly real and far beyond the scope of artificial intelligence or any self-proclaimed god.

When we start living by the awesome design of the one true God of this universe, then and only then do we find fulfillment and the wisdom to live unshackled and free. And that includes seeing ChatGPT, in its proper perspective, as just another Leftist weapon in their mind-control armamentarium. Thank you, I’ll pass.


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Cathie Howard
Cathie Howard
1 year ago

Excellent article. I fear for the next generation! They will be slaves to AI and the elite.

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