
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 13, 2024





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Did voters literally put America’s demise into the hands of its enemies, the Socialist Democrat Party? Aligned with China, its Emperor Xi Jinping is now pulling the strings of his puppet dupe, Joe “stumbles Biden.” China could succeed in achieving its goal to replace America as the world’s foremost economic, industrial and military power. World hegemony is the Chinese goal.

Our success has turned us into soft weaklings and the world’s most consummate consumers of Chinese junk, not producers of quality products. We’ve moved far beyond being the Ugly Americans. Now, it appears, we’re just the sheep waiting to be sheared.

The signs are everywhere. China’s aggressive military feints against US Navy elements, their incursions into other national boundaries around the South China Sea, their refusal to even speak about human rights violations against a Muslim minority in the West, or their massive and continuing intelligence spying operations against America’s industrial and scientific institutions, and their disregard for America’s patent and copyright laws, are scary signs indeed.

Americans are constantly propagandized by the politically correct, aka the “Woke” counter-culture into accepting socialism as a better alternative than corrosive capitalism so as to exist equitably with the George Floyd’s of America’s underclass because it’s not fair, is it, that one person should have more than another. “Equity” is the operative word, not equality. Refer back, if you must, to George Orwell’s book, Animal Farm, where all animals are equal except pigs. The Pigs were more equal. Read it if you need a refreshment course on Socialism.

But, here’s a shocker for you: Why did MLB use the excuse of Georgia’s correcting its voter laws to move the All-Star game from Atlanta to Denver? It’s because of China’s relation with the Democrat Party. The same applies to Delta, American, and United Airlines as it does to the NBA, Coca-Cola, America’s movie, and the entertainment industry, all bowing to China’s demands for money. China intends to be the New World Order so, they have already coopted greedy Corporate America to do their will, and Corporate America can’t survive without corrupt Federal politicians. Follow the money! Ask, how did “Stumbles” Joe become a multimillionaire?

We’ve been led for so long into believing our fight was between Republicans and Democrats. Then it became Capitalism vs. Socialism until we discovered many of our Republicans weren’t really who they said they were. They’ve turned our country into a Corporation for money. They’ll sell anything, including our freedom, our jobs, and our future, to China, for money. 

Capitalism is the theory that anyone can achieve what their talents can provide them without government interference, as opposed to what the Socialist State will provide them whether they like it or not. Economic growth is now seen as the Provence of Corporate America, i.e., “Big Business,” including Wall Street, the Media, Sports and the Hollywood entertainment industry, transportation, space, and scientific endeavors. These Corporate organizations are flush with cash and can buy whoever and whatever, whenever they want, especially politicians, like Joe “stumbles” Biden and his son Hunter.

The eyes of Corporate America glazed over when they saw a vast field of potential cash in a growing China and made deals with the devil to sell them entertainment, like movies and basketball, and harvest the products of cheap, often slave labor, to keep Americans stuck in the quicksand of addiction, unable to live without their life-saving stuff. Who can’t live without a smartphone these days or Nike basketball shoes with lights flashing in the heels? You get the idea!

China has a death grip on filling America’s mercantile needs, and they’re not going to let go until we give up. That’s not in my DNA. Is it in yours?

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!


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