
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 3, 2024





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On February 2, 2023, Robert W. Malone, MD, finally called for a ban on mRNA and DNA COVID injections — years after many of us had come to the same conclusion.1 But to our shock, we have now discovered that Malone, more than three years ago, had already scientifically proven and published that these COVID vaccinations with genetic mRNA and DNA were too dangerous for human consumption, even experimentally. He never made professional or public disclosures of this information. Meanwhile, the article remained in obscurity until we recently discovered it.

In January 2020, Malone published on ResearchGate an elaborate scientific paper with MIT researcher Darrell O. Ricke as the first author in which the two concluded that all COVID-19 vaccines, including mRNA, were too deadly to be given even experimentally to humans.2 The duo of Ricke and Malone followed this up by submitting the paper to Lancet, and the journal put the article up on its prepublication platform in March 2020.3 The article is still in place today online and has never, to our knowledge, been published in a fully peer-reviewed format.

As Malone became famous, especially among health freedom researchers and activists, he never mentioned the January and March 2020 online publications of the article. As he became a public figure with considerable influence, he never drew professional or public attention to this scientific conclusion that the mRNA vaccines were literally unfit for human consumption, even experimentally. He never disclosed that he and his coauthor had proven this to their own satisfaction in their own laboratory research and in a review of the scientific literature.

Given how long it takes to conduct laboratory experiments, review the scientific literature, and write and edit an illustrated finished paper, the paper published in January 2020 reflected knowledge obtained at least several months or more earlier in 2019. Malone may have held back on informing the public about the deadly effects of the genetic vaccines for three and a half years or more.

Malone Generates Audiences in the Millions Without Disclosing His Most Important Scientific Knowledge

The rollout of the vaccines on December 14, 2020, occurred almost a full year after the publication of the Ricke and Malone article in January 2020. Malone had nearly twelve months to warn the world about the potentially tragic consequences and did much too little, while the implications of his research publication and warnings went unnoticed. Malone went on to draw attention to himself as “the inventor of the mRNA vaccines” or “inventor of the mRNA technology” without acknowledging that he had proven to his own scientific satisfaction that the vaccines were too dangerous to give to human beings.

Remarkably, on May 20, 2021, Malone wrote an article on the “Bioethics of Experimental COVID Vaccine Deployment under EUA: It’s time we stop and look at what’s going down.” Malone basically complained about the government withholding “informed consent” and needed to evaluate and publicize its own data. But Malone crushed informed consent by continuing to withhold his most crucial information of all — that his own published research had conclusively demonstrated that experimental COVID vaccines were already proven to be too dangerous to experiment with on humans.

Then on June 11, 2021, Malone gave his first well-known known media show directed at the freedom health movements and the general public. It was titled “How to Save the World in Three Easy Steps.”4 The promo for the show uses Malone’s self-described role, stating, “Robert Malone is the inventor of mRNA Vaccine technology.” In a tragic irony, Malone could have begun the process of genuinely trying to save the world simply by telling the audience about his heavily documented scientific conclusions published almost a year and a half earlier and making them easily available.    

On December 31, 2021, when Malone then spoke to millions on Joe Rogan’s Podcast, he did not reveal his all-important knowledge. Once again, he did not “save the world” by describing his research findings that the genetic vaccines were too dangerous to be given, even experimentally, to human beings. Instead, he became famous by drawing attention to his remarkable contention that the people or “masses” themselves are the cause of widespread COVID-19 suffering under political oppression because they have developed a “mass formation psychosis” similar to self-hypnosis.

What If Malone Had Warned All of Us and the Public Three Years Ago?

As already noted, it was not until a short time ago, on  February 2, 2023, that Robert W. Malone, MD, called for a ban on mRNA and DNA COVID vaccines. Given how many others had already come to that decision, it had little impact. It arrived two or three years too late. Many had already risked their professional identities and livelihoods on the frontlines of calling for an end to the vaccines, much as we had already done in our COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, published in the fall of 2021.

We certainly would have heard about it if Malone had broadcast his real knowledge to the public in early 2020. So would many others in the health freedom movement who were coming together back then, including ourselves, Peter McCullough MD, Lee Vliet MD, Zev Zelenko MD, Harvey Risch MD, Paul Alexander, Ph.D., and Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. It seems to us that Dr. Malone, indeed, was a man who could have saved the world and chose not to.

Details of the Ricke and Malone Paper Calling for a Stop on COVID Vaccine Human Research

The Ricke and Malone publication focuses on Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE), one of the most intensively studied deadly adverse reactions found in animals, and more recently in human research, concerning “vaccines” for SARS-CoV-2.5

The SARS-CoV-2 vaccines allow breakthrough infections with SARS-CoV-2 to occur. When this happens, the vaccine-induced antibodies in the animal (or human) interact with the antibodies newly caused by the pandemic virus itself, creating an interaction more deadly than the separate effects of either the vaccine or the SARS-CoV infection. In other words, genetically vaccinating someone for SARS-CoV-2 makes them at greater risk of contracting COVID-19 and at greater risk of harm and even death if they are infected by the actual virus.

Ricke and Malone summarize their interpretation of their data as the concluding statement at the end of the summary at the top of the article: “Interpretation: Safety testing of COVID-19 S protein-based B cell vaccines in animal models strongly encouraged prior to clinical trials to reduce risk of ADE upon virus exposure.”

Notice they are making a “strong” warning not to proceed with human research until animal research shows a way to “reduce the risk of ADE.”

The “B cell vaccines” mentioned in the Ricke and Malone warning are those that stimulate the B cells, which are the ones producing antibodies. This includes Moderna, Pfizer, and all other vaccines that cause the body to make antibodies. Their publication makes clear that this warning is given for any SARS-CoV-2 vaccines that involve the production of antibodies, including those using fragments of or all of the spike protein to activate antibodies.

In the section on Methods, they make clear that they personally tested the effects of “all major SARS-CoV-2 proteins” in regard to ADE. They also tested related viruses, including SARS-CoV-1 and MERS, and concluded that the problem was not unique to SARS-CoV-2 but to coronaviruses in general.

In the section on Vaccine Risks for Antibody-dependent Enhancement (ADE), Ricke and Malone write that their research “leads to the prediction that new attempts to create … SARS-CoV-2 vaccines have potentially higher risks for inducing ADE in humans…” This is a critically important dire statement about a very dangerous situation. Then they warn in their Summary that new safety measures would have to be found because of “vaccine efforts which have failed due to ADE in animal models.” Again, a dire warning.

On the Joe Rogan Podcast that made Malone famous to millions, Joe himself brought up ADE as an issue, and they discussed it without Malone mentioning he had written and published a paper about it, warning against testing the new vaccines on humans.6

The Importance of Dr. Malone’s Work as a Public Figure and Deep State Denizen

In the 2020 scientific paper, Dr. Malone lists himself as the Medical Director of a biotech company called Alchem. On its website, Alchem lists a number of  “Partners,” including many corporations and agencies within the Department of Defense. One partner is the U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA)/ Department of Defense (DoD), whose stated Mission is toProvide sound business advice and best value solutions to develop, deliver, and sustain medical capabilities and enhance warfighter readiness.”7 Another Partner from DOD is the Medical CBRN Defense Consortium (MCDC), with the motto, “Accelerating DoD’s Fielding of Prototypes for Medical Countermeasures.”8

Another partner, CATO Research, boasts of its deep connections to the DoD. Malone himself, in a CV from 2017,9 stated that the Department of Defense provided 90% of his income to his personal, professional corporation, but Malone states, while still boasting about them later on, that these ties have now been terminated.

On Joe Rogan’s show on December 31, 2021, Malone described his elaborate personal connections in the political arena surrounding virology and COVID-19:10

I’ve won literally billions of dollars in federal grants and contracts. I’m often brought in by NIH to serve as a study section chair for awarding, you know, 80 to 120 million dollar contracts in vaccines and biodefense. I’ve spent countless hours at the CDC at the AC ACIP meetings. I have multiple friends at the CDC. I work closely with defense threat reduction agency [DETRA} which is a, and it’s one of my favorite client’s partners teaming partners and I work with the chem biodefense group there’s other branches um, including the other this is not the branch that funded the Wuhan labs that’s another branch of DTRA um I’ve got many friends in the intelligence community so I’m I’m kind of a pretty deep insider in terms of the government. I know Tony Fauci personally. I’ve dealt with him my whole career and then and then we had this particular outbreak, and um I was uh tip of the spear on bringing the Ebola vaccine forward that we now call the merc Ebola vaccine. I’m the one that got Merck involved. [emphases added]

To this day, Malone continues to boast about his former Deep State and CIA connections. On February 3, 2023, he told an interviewer:11

I don’t know this for a fact. But I speculate that Tony Fauci must be deeply embedded in the intelligence community or he wouldn’t have the job that he used to have. Because he wasn’t just head of he wasn’t just head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. He was in charge of the entire biodefense slash bioweapons program across both NIH and Department of Defense. So he had amassed that power. That’s why he got his big bonus was when he took over the program oversight for DOD. (interviewer interjects, “Yes” Ah. I… I… ah… the intelligence community is… is… wrapped around this from soup to nuts. Yeah. And they they don’t play nice. They’re trained liars. They… I know this because I’ve worked with them. I used to have a business partner who’s retired CIA. He told me about their training, how they get trained. [emphasis added]

Malone documents in a 2017 resume and elsewhere that he was awarded approximately 10 billion dollars (yes, billion) in grants to manage during five years ending in 2017.12 We have insufficient evidence by which to estimate his wealth, but given these grants and his many high positions in the pharmaceutical and research industry, his ownership of his own company for a time,13 as well as his wife’s earnings, with no known dependent children — he and his wife certainly could or should be very wealthy.

As he tried and succeeded in becoming a central figure in the health freedom movement, Malone would state that he had become free of all these Deep State attachments.14 However, according to a Declaration he made as an expert in a legal case dated November 20, 2021, he stated, “I  currently sit on the NIH/FNIH ACTIV COVID-19 Drug development panel.”15 ACTIV is a powerful HHS agency bringing together private groups like the Gates Foundation and 20 of the world’s top drug companies, including Pfizer and Moderna, and numerous agencies, including the NIH, FDA, BARDA, CDC, and Department of Defense.16

In the same Declaration on November 20, 2021, he wrote, “I currently serve as CEO and Principal Consultant for RW Malone MD LLC, primarily supporting the U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (via contracts held by Leidos and MIT-Lincoln Lab).”

All these Department of Defense and ACTIV affiliations, from our perspective, make Malone deeply mired in the military-industrial complex and the health-industrial complex, involving global public-private partnerships characteristic of globalism and the Great Reset. How Dr. Malone has managed to present himself as a health freedom fighter remains something of a mystery to us.

We suspect Malone must have an enormous amount of critical information that he has personally observed about the manipulations and fraud surrounding COVID-19 that he has never shared with the health freedom movement or the public. This seems particularly likely as it is now coming out that the Department of Defense is the central organizing body behind COVID-19.17

What if Dr. Malone Had Spoken Out Two or Even Three Years Earlier?

How many lives have been lost? How many lives could have been saved if, at any time a year ago, or two or three years ago, Robert Malone, MD, self-proclaimed “inventor of the mRNA technology, had made us aware of his January and March 2020 publication of his coauthored article calling for a stop in experiments on humans with COVID vaccines?

From Dr. Malone’s industrial and government connections, and as Medical Director of a biotech corporation, in 2019 or early 2020, Malone would have had an enormous worldwide impact if he had publicized his scientific paper calling for a halt on even testing these vaccines on human beings. His repeated claims to have invented the very vaccines that he was rejecting for human experimentation would have vastly increased his influence with scientists, the media, and the public when warning against even testing them on humans!

The posting of their article on the Lancet prepublication site on March 3, 2020, would have carried special weight with scientists and the media because Lancet subjected these kinds of papers to a preliminary review of their importance or value before putting them up on its prepublication format.

Questions to Ask of Dr. Malone

The world deserves to have answers from Dr. Malone to the following questions:

“When your own research first published in January 2020 concluded that the mRNA vaccines were too dangerous to be even tested on humans, why did you wait more than three years to come out for banning them in February 2023?”

“Why did you fail to bring up your January 2020 scientific paper and its conclusions despite opportunities to do so over the next three years, culminating in innumerable media interviews and your voluminous substack?”

“And finally, if you had brought this information and your coauthored paper to the health freedom movement and to the public, is it possible that you, together with many others of us around the world, might have banded together to slow down and even stop  the entire mRNA disaster?”

Author’s note: On October 6, 2022, we published “Dr. Robert Malone Attacks and Maligns Leading Freedom Fighters.”18 Our defense of our colleagues was seemingly what precipitated Dr. Malone on October 30, 2022, in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia (Charlottesville Division), to file a legal complaint against Peter and Ginger Breggin, and one other person, demanding $25 million in compensation for alleged defamation.19 At this moment, the suit continues to hang over our heads without having been served, which could happen at any time. The complaint has yet to be evaluated for its merit by the judge. We have never defamed Dr. Malone, and we will not be stopped from exercising our first amendment rights or defending those who are under attack by him in the health freedom movement.


1 We began calling for a complete ban on these deadly agents before the publication in September 2021 of our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey. So did a number of other physicians and scientists.

2 Also available on at, under BACKGROUND RESOURCES.  No. 29. The article was uploaded to ResearchGate by Ricke.

3 The Ricke and Malone paper appears on the Lancet prepublication website here: Although it passed a vetting procedure by the editors of the Lancet, who found it worth making available to scientists and the public worldwide, it was never published as a peer-review paper in the journal itself. As far as we know, neither paper was ever published in a peer-review journal, but the stats for the Lancet posting indicate it was read and cited by many others.


5 Peter and Ginger Breggin (2021, September). COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey.  Ithaca, NY: Lake Edge Press.  See Chapter 11, “COVID-19 “Vaccines.”—A Giant and Fatal Experimentation on Humanity.” We review the subject of antibody-dependent enhance or ADE on pp. 174, 179, 195, 524, 526, and 537, as well as the bibliography, and include it as one of the reasons for stopping the use of these vaccines. Ricke and Malone’s work, if attention had been drawn to it, would have been a great asset when we were writing the book.

6 We have not located any place where he gave these warnings, although he often gave more limited warnings.



9 Microsoft Word – RWM CV March 2017.doc (


11 This quote is from 00:52:18 from the recording itself.   

12 The figure of “almost 10 billion” appears in a 2017 Malone Resume that can be found at BACKGROUND RESOURCES, No. 8. Malone mentions the amount of 10 billion on pages 1 and 2 and lists the specific grants on page 14. Also see, which confirms the 10 billion and his ties to the DoD’s  Defense Threat Reduction Agency. He was, at that time, President & CEO of Atheric Pharmaceutical.

13 See the 2017 Malone Resume that can be found at It is BACKGROUND RESOURCES, No. 8.


15 The Declaration affidavit by Malone can be found at It is BACKGROUND RESOURCES No. 7, dated November 20, 2021.


17 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (2021). The Real Anthony Fauci. section titled, “COVID-19—A Military Project,” especially p. 434.


19 Here is our initial disclosure of the lawsuit against us:


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1 year ago

Wow! Interesting new information. Your questions deserve to be, truthfully, answered; they scream for it. I have been confused about Dr. Malone- what is he really up to? So, is the ‘ threat’ of filing that absurd lawsuit supposed to keep you quiet? In my humble opinion, stating this factual information was a wise decision. As a result of reading what Catherine Austin Fitts has written on this threat of lawsuit matter , I read something Dr. Malone had written and all the responses made to it. He has quite the fan base. When it comes to all matters in Psychiatry ( psychosis) I respect your opinion and vast experience. It will be interesting to see if Dr. Malone offers a meaningful response.

elizabeth abbott
elizabeth abbott
Reply to  Sydney
8 months ago

I read what Dr. Breggin had written about soldiers and psych meds and it literally saved my veteran pals life as he had an adverse reaction; had I not read Breggins book I may well have thought he was just acting up as other people thought. Because I had seen what Dr. B. had written about soldiers and anti depressants I had some idea of what was causing the over-excitement. So I did my best to keep him calm; he was really agitated on a combination of Cipralex and Cymbalta prescribed in error by his doc, as the pharmaceutical companies had published warnings not to combine these two anti depressants. After the crisis my pal said I had saved his life and he could not have made it otherwise. Dr. Breggin and his wife Ginger are the best. Grateful Canadian

1 year ago

Listening to Dr Robert Malone warn against the use of the mRNA vaccine, throughout the entire pandemic, was one of the main reasons I did not take it. I don’t know how you can say he withheld information when I clearly remember him constantly telling about its danger? Thank you, Dr Malone for saving my life.

Reply to  John
1 year ago

Dr Malone was vaccinated with the mRNA vaccine – two doses, actually. He admits he was vaccinated.

karla altiero
karla altiero
Reply to  Tess
1 year ago

You heard him. But millions blocked by censorship DID NOT.

Reply to  Tess
1 year ago

And Dr. Malone almost died himself from the 2nd jab…and had horrendous adverse damage. I agree he’s been a true hero in raising awareness – we’ve followed him and Drs. McCullough, Kory and all the Front line, FLCCC docs who thankfully kept us safe with meds that actually work and kept us from taking these experimental gene editing technologies

jane doe
jane doe
Reply to  Allison
1 year ago

I dont believe he was ever vaccinated with any of the covid shots. I questioned it then. I question it now. He wrote a paper about the dangers of the mRna shots back in dec 2019 and kept quiet. Who in their right mind would take it knowing its deadly? He didnt even NEED to take it.

Reply to  John
1 year ago

Exactly. My main source has been Dr Mercola for over twenty years, not to mention a lifetime of experience; but during the pandemic Dr Malone has been one of my other sources. I distinctly remember his Wikipedia references being changed and then removed from history in typical Orwellian style. Disappearance from the rest of the internet soon followed.

He did the Dark Horse podcast early on in the scamdemic and soon after that began his various talks on other podcasts as he became known and then in demand. Without such support their was no other way for him to get his voice out.

His presentations in the Florida Global Covid Summits last year have been eyeopening and wide spread. He’s been traveling the planet giving similar talks, thanks to the support he’s been given.

These are things he could not have done alone due to the planetwide censorship and lockdowns as well as the massive amount of organisation and other resources needed to carry out such a venture.

Without the group support he would have “disappeared,” due to the knowledge he holds. It is probably due to the fact that he has spoken on podcasts such as Joe Rogan that he is still alive.

Also, very few people have the FULL story. People can only speak from their own limited life experience, which Malone has been doing. Others in the group he has been presenting with give the rest of the picture from their experience. It is still not the full story. Very few people are aware of the depth of the corruption that is currently threatening civilization on this planet. These are the same people that financed Lenin and Trotsky in 1917, and then Hitler after that, and every other dictator, terrorist and other misery on this planet for the past few hundred years.

jane doe
jane doe
Reply to  Jacob
1 year ago

“In January 2020, Malone published on ResearchGate an elaborate scientific paper with MIT researcher Darrell O. Ricke as the first author in which the two concluded that all COVID-19 vaccines, including mRNA, were too deadly to be given even experimentally to humans.2 The duo of Ricke and Malone followed this up by submitting the paper to Lancet, and the journal put the article up on its prepublication platform in March 2020.3 The article is still in place today online and has never, to our knowledge, been published in a fully peer-reviewed format.”n He wrote about all this before the lockdown. He KNEW. How many scientists who KNEW it was deadly and weren’t required by work to take these death shots would take it? I call foul on Malone.

Reply to  John
1 year ago

Same here. I was not inclined to take the jab, as I served in the military during Desert Storm and lived thru the mandatory Anthrax Vax Program and saw how it damaged some service members. So, when I heard Dr Malone on that Darkhorse podcast, it sealed the deal for me. No Death Jab for me or my family members — at least those who would listen and/or were capable of doing their own research.
Curiously, someone I had never heard of and who, as far as I can tell, has not been an active vocal committed voice warning about the dangers of the mRNA Gene Therapy (Death Jab) now claims “Dr.
Malone could have done more”.  Cute. Well, a lot of people could have done more, including Dr Beggin, who could have been an active and vocal truth teller years ago and could have been voicing his concerns like Drs. Malone, McCullough, Zelenko, Tenpenny, Madej, and so many others. These physicians are heroes. They put the medical licenses and livelihoods on the line when they spoke truth to power. Now a few people that didn’t — as far as I can tell — are taking pot shots at those who did. I find that to be both petty and unfair.

Reply to  JP412
1 year ago

I read Breggin’s book early on in the pandemic. He exposed all of the lies back then. Just because some never heard of him doesn’t mean he has not been putting that information out there. I recommend the book to you, along with Breggin’s credentials. He is not taking pot shots.

P. K.
P. K.
Reply to  Jojo
1 year ago

To the people that were sucked into this cult of personality bubble surrounding Malone, it’s going to be tough to break through. Probably as difficult as the plandemic lies themselves. He was carefully chosen as the wise, father figure and spokesperson for reasonable science, all while spearheading it (and other future endeavors) simultaneously.

henry balfour
henry balfour
Reply to  JP412
1 year ago

these Breggin people are clearly damaged in some way. They are tilting at windmills, and are quite obsessed. I’ve been watching them for a while – something unhinged in these two ……

c Reidy
c Reidy
Reply to  JP412
1 year ago

I heard Dr. Breggin and his guest Dr. Zelenko early on in the “pandemic” and also Dr. Malone. The government lies prevailed and fear took over.

Josephine Defranco
Josephine Defranco
Reply to  c Reidy
1 year ago

No they didn’t prevail! While millions got the jab and continue to get jabbed, millions of us fought back and didn’t get the poison! Thanks to Dr. Malone, Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Gold, Dr. Ardis, Dr. Emanuelle, Dr. Rashid, Dr. Zalenko, Dr. Madej, on and on and on! Anyone now that says they didn’t know, I say you didn’t want to hear it!

P. K.
P. K.
Reply to  c Reidy
1 year ago

Another pile of BS that Malone shovels into the public sphere is the idea that this was all an accident of science and government and there was no intended conspiracy.

Josephine Defranco
Josephine Defranco
Reply to  JP412
1 year ago

You said it perfectly! A fruend sent this article to me and I am dumbfounded that any one would have the audacity to say this nonsense after everything these Docs gave gone through because they spoke up and warned us early on! Yes indeed they are heroes and saved millions of lives! Some paid by losing their livelyhood, licenses, businesses etc! The audacity that this illinfirmed author puts the blame on Dr. Malone is sickening!

P. K.
P. K.
Reply to  JP412
1 year ago

We have nothing but Malone’s word that he in fact took the mRNA injection and “almost died”. Considering his intel background and connections, his word means nothing. As a member of the spook club, you should assume he is lying when he opens his mouth. As for his warning people against taking the vaccine, until recently, he advised the mRNA shot SHOULD be taken by particular “at risk” groups including elderly people. The further you look into his connections with defense contracts and his business partnerships involved with businesses developing nanoparticle distribution systems (everything from HVAC/HEPA to Vape products (ie; “Nicotine 3.0), it becomes clear that his betrayal of mankind is far from over. Listen to his Youtube video “Round Table with Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche en Prof. Dr. Mattias Desmet”. At the 5:20 mark, they discuss his addition of the word “Psychosis” to the term “mass formation”. This was the beginning of an attempt to label “vaccine deniers” the status of being mentally ill and forcing treatment on them. BUT the critical part is his response to Desmet when he states “I think that perhaps… the way I can square the circle”… that is when I IMMEDIATELY realized him for what he is. He is a freemason through and through. Squaring the circle and squaring the compass mean the SAME thing. Hell. The guy breeds horses for the Knight of Malta (and no they aren’t just an innocent “Catholic charity group”). This guy was placed as a problem, reaction, solution “architect” of mankind, leading us to the slaughterhouse of depopulation. Ask him why his wife Jill Malone, lists these 4 people as among her top 7 influencers: Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, and Richard Branson. Or why Mallone has 25 million dollar lawsuits pending against multiple parties in the mRNA truth movement. Is there ANYTHING about Malone that appears to NOT be suspicious? He’s worse than Fauci (and far more connected). And there’s nothing “cute” about the accusations mounting against him. Nothing is worse than realizing we were deceived, and if anyone can say anything to these allegations, I’m all ears. I don’t want it to be true either. Malone certainly is not addressing any of them. Go to Twitter and listen to some of what George Webb has been posting about Malone and his background and current business dealings and THEN tell me you trust him.

Patricia Burlow
Patricia Burlow
Reply to  P. K.
1 year ago

Excellent comment, I agree!

Elizabeth Modica
Elizabeth Modica
Reply to  P. K.
1 year ago

Malone is a snake- He’s controlled opposition for globalists who continues to lie about existence of a fictitious virus(CV19)! I knew Malone was scum when he publicly discouraged people from questioning the validity of the virus.

There are multiple videos on Bitchute of Dr. Andrew Kaufman & Dr. Tom Cowan calling out Malone for perpetuating Covid’s existence.

I believe Malone’s job is to lure people in by telling partial truths to help suppress fact that no scientist or public agency in the world can produce a sample of the isolated virus & that the CV19 tests are fraudulent.

Patricia Burlow
Patricia Burlow
Reply to  JP412
1 year ago

Dr. Breggin was vocal , did you read his book, “COVID-19 & the Global Predators, We are the Prey?”

elizabeth abbott
elizabeth abbott
Reply to  Patricia Burlow
8 months ago

The Breggins are great. Question: somewhere decades ago I recall reading where some religion opposed vaccinations… does anyone know which one this might be? I would be interested as it may have indicated some inside knowledge that they (the vaxes) might become problematic. Personally I have taken all sorts with no trouble but there has been talk about certain batches being OK with the Covid shot while others had caused trouble.

henry balfour
henry balfour
Reply to  John
1 year ago

these Breggin people are clearly damaged in some way. They are tilting at windmills, and are quite obsessed. I’ve been watching them for a while – something unhinged in these two ……

c Reidy
c Reidy
Reply to  John
1 year ago

I also heard Dr. Malone throughout the entire pandemic along with America’s Frontline Doctors and that is one of the main reasons that we did not take the mRNA vaccine. All of my family was and is against it based on the scientific evidence we heard. He didn’t withhold information from me. I still don’t understand the lawsuit against the Breggins. I think it is a shame that people who should be on the same side are feuding. Praying it is all resolved soon.

Josephine Defranco
Josephine Defranco
Reply to  John
1 year ago

Yes me too! I remember hearing him and other Docs trying to inform us way early on! I brought all their names up to discuss the poison jab (bio attack on humanity) eith my Doc! This after she proudly announced her and her entire family were jabbed! She was very surprised! But to mention the inventor of the mRna in that group stood out! Hiw could littleb ‘ole me know when her and her collegues didn’t!? I said to her cause you have been busy trying to save lives and didn’t have the time to watch, listen, search! God put us here and gave us that time so we could save any that would listen. Unfortunately we won’t know the brunt of it for years though the “suddenly” incedences speak loud and clear! Now they wantbto hang Dr. Malone?????!!!! Dang their audacity!

P. K.
P. K.
Reply to  John
1 year ago

We have nothing but Malone’s word that he in fact took the mRNA injection and “almost died”. Considering his intel background and connections, his word means nothing. As a member of the spook club, you should assume he is lying when he opens his mouth. As for his warning people against taking the vaccine, until recently, he advised the mRNA shot SHOULD be taken by particular “at risk” groups including elderly people. The further you look into his connections with defense contracts and his business partnerships involved with businesses developing nanoparticle distribution systems (everything from HVAC/HEPA to Vape products (ie; “Nicotine 3.0), it becomes clear that his betrayal of mankind is far from over. Listen to his Youtube video “Round Table with Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche en Prof. Dr. Mattias Desmet”. At the 5:20 mark, they discuss his addition of the word “Psychosis” to the term “mass formation”. This was the beginning of an attempt to label “vaccine deniers” the status of being mentally ill and forcing treatment on them. BUT the critical part is his response to Desmet when he states “I think that perhaps… the way I can square the circle”… that is when I IMMEDIATELY realized him for what he is. He is a freemason through and through. Squaring the circle and squaring the compass mean the SAME thing. Hell. The guy breeds horses for the Knight of Malta (and no they aren’t just an innocent “Catholic charity group”). This guy was placed as a problem, reaction, solution “architect” of mankind, leading us to the slaughterhouse of depopulation. Ask him why his wife Jill Malone, lists these 4 people as among her top 7 influencers: Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, and Richard Branson. Or why Mallone has 25 million dollar lawsuits pending against multiple parties in the mRNA truth movement. Is there ANYTHING about Malone that appears to NOT be suspicious? He’s worse than Fauci (and far more connected).

Marion Wade
Marion Wade
1 year ago

Mr. Malone, the inventor of the mRNA technology, took two of these according to him very dangerous vaccines. Why would he have done this?? Is this too an invention? Or a moment of self induced psychosis?

Reply to  Marion Wade
1 year ago


  1. He didn’t write the article proving the toxic jabs are just that.
  2. He did write the article proving the toxic jabs are just that AND yet he is very easily influenced by his peers.
  3. He didn’t really take the jabs.

Can’t be number 1 because we can show he wrote it. Must be number 2 or 3 neither of which is good.

Marion Wade
Marion Wade
Reply to  Diane
1 year ago

What about number four:
He took it to stay in business (of making more vaccines?).
In an interview he said that he took the jab in order to travel to France to participate in a conference

Reply to  Marion Wade
1 year ago

Or number 5: the jab he took was saline.

Prof. Federico Nazar
Prof. Federico Nazar
1 year ago

Informing is just level 1 in the fight. Malone hasn’t sued the government or Big Pharma…why?

Level 2, suing for the common good or pushing legislation:
RFK Robert F. Kennedy Jr: ChildrensHealthDefense,org 1
Del Bigtree., Informed Consent Action Network: 2
Steve Kirsch
New Civil Liberties Alliance: 3
Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms:
Martin Kulldorff MD; Aaron Kheriaty MD: Great Barrington Declaration
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis 4 and Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo 5
James O’Keefe. ex
Pierre Kory MD, Paul Marik MD: FLCCC 6
Tess Lawrie MD:
Ryan Cole MD
Lawyers: Tricia Lindsay (Tricia Lindsay Law), Robert Barnes (Barnes Law, LLP), Warner Mendenhall (Mendenhall Law Group), Jeff Childers (Childers Law), and Bobbie Ann Flower Cox (Cox Lawyers, PLLC.)
   • Employer Mandates: State/federal, ADA, worker’s compensation, individual & class action plaintiffs
   • Education Mandates: Public & private K-12 schools, public & private universities, Title 10, coercion, informed consent, fraud, conflicts of interest.
   • Medical License: Medical board certification, tortious interference, First Amendment, fraud, libel, violation of Administrative Procedures (APA or equivalent)
   • Fraud: False Claims Act, pharma fraud, VAERS fraud, SBA and PPP fraud, whistleblower protection
   • Civil Rights: Public access/accommodation, ADA, informed consent (state agencies), due process, religious liberty, First Amendment
   • Censorship: First Amendment, collusion, racketeering (federal agencies)
   • Vaccine Injury: Includes liability, informed consent, mandates by institutions, VICP, CICP
   • Hospital Negligence: Includes Remdesivir, denial of early treatment protocols, vaccine coercion
   • Mass Torts: Includes Covid vaccine injury and hospital misuse of Remdesivir

With few victories, that isn’t enough to change the system. They explain everything in terms of massive corruption for the sake of profits, but deny the possibility of a global conspiracy.

Level 3, anti-IDmoney:
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Corey Lynn
Stew Peters

Others recognized there is a cabal and provide valuable data but sometimes mixed with false information, especially when pointing to “reptilian aliens”, thus defeating the purpose of truthing (scientifically proven: no aliens in the universe), ruining the reputation of freedom fighters.
Alex Jones (InfoWars)7
David Icke8
Alexandra Bruce:
Bill Cooper (RIP)9

Level 4, anti-freemasonry and satanism
Ronald Bernard (ex illuminati): 1 of 5 (don’t miss the 5th)
Prof Michel Chossudovsky: 10
John-Henry Westen:
James Corbett: corbettreport.com11
David Sörensen Global directory:
Dean Henderson (deleted in 2015, yet here12)

Level 5, anti-system political and monetary rebuilt from ground up

The freedom movement does half the wake-up job: leaving everyone half asleep, lethargic. It’s like warning the sheep something’s wrong, while still walking towards the slaughterhouse, but not telling them that the road leads to the meat-packer, and worse, no one seems to be telling them, that apart from prayer, there’s an escape route: asset backed anon currency and pro-rata spending townhall democracy without forced representation.

We fail to lead effective freedom action, i.e. the fundamental changes needed to stop the rigged system of slavery and death. We are heading straight to the next PLANdemics (1000 P3 labs and 67 P4 labs are working full time… thousands of scientists creating new gain-of-function Frankensteins).

Some fighters are even accused of being controlled opposition to numb us down and sink scarce resources. Most assume that they are doing the people’s job and therefore, so “we the people” can relax and do nothing: a classic false flag operation.
In order to have controlled opposition, the person must appear to provide the correct anti-narrative, at least in certain issues…

WARNING ! The next threats and the solution:
I’m about to post about something huge I found, which isn’t written anywhere else!

Reply to  Prof. Federico Nazar
1 year ago

That’s a great point!

If Malone is edgy to get into court battles, why doesn’t he hire lawyers to sue over the shots? Might he even have a special standing if his mRNA patent is involved? And, at any time he could hop on to other cases.

I’m really impressed with your observation of this. Thanks for sharing and the links.

1 year ago

I strongly believe not one person could have or could now save the world. Many people including famous doctors have been screaming and writing about the danger of these genetic products from the very beginning. Only to find censorship and being ridiculed. No MSM would ever give them voice no matter their accomplishments and expertise.
The globalists are achieving what they want in putting people within the health freedom movement one against another. Dr Breggin, the enemy is not Dr Malone, I know there were frictions between the two of you but he is not the cause of the current state of the world, he has done his part warning the world. He took the jabs himself so clearly at some point he thought the jabs were a good idea. He is human too, most of us have done things we highly regret and found out to be wrong decisions only later.We are all only humans…

Yuriy Peykov
Yuriy Peykov
Reply to  Ross
1 year ago

He came a second time and left a thousand proofs of how the diagoses remain in the past.

Reply to  Ross
1 year ago

The beginning was not 2020, nor even 2019. As this article points out, the study took years: the beginning was long before.

Piet Endersen Nølev
Piet Endersen Nølev
1 year ago

You attack the one man, Robert Malone, who has done nothing but warn against the mRNA-technology and the vaccines using this technology.
Already early in 2021 I read an article and saw a video with Malone, where he warned against the mRNA-technology and in detail explained the problem, so we could all understand it.
This is quite an achievement, considering that Malone has MSM and all Western governments against him.
You should have more respect for his hard work, and blame MSM and the governments employed people, who has lied and deliberately hidden all facts about the dangerous experimental drugs called Covid19-vacciners, instead of attacking the one man, who did his utmost to expose the government lies. 

Jeanne Green
Jeanne Green
Reply to  Piet Endersen Nølev
1 year ago

Wonder why Robert Malone did not circulate his article from 2020 to all channels he could find. That is what this article very calmly points to. I do not see this as an attack on Robert Malone. The fact that he waited a year to start warning is concerning to me too. Too many people I know died after they took the jab.

Reply to  Piet Endersen Nølev
1 year ago

Sure, in 2021—after the damage was done. The article clearly points out this knowledge began much earlier. And, it does take time for information to circulate, so IMO coming out then would be like a limited hangout that gets little early exposure.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jojo
1 year ago

In a recent interview Dr. Malone stated that he trusted his peers at the time that had assured him the negatives had been overcome, thus he took the vaccine. Could he have saved the world? No, a click-bait title. He would have been censored. Yes, he was late to the party, but he is doing excellent work at present and suffering greatly for it. Perhaps we should come together on this and fight the common enemy instead of this seemingly ego-driven infighting with the subtle inferences that Dr. Malone was just looking for an audience. Let’s keep our eye on the ball or we will, despite our differences, all sink together.

1 year ago

Great article thank you Dr Breggin! Yes, all of it, exactly. One of the main reasons I believe Malone to be a fraud is that viruses have never been shown to exist. At all. Not just SARS. Any of them. It is becoming clearer and clearer to those with eyes to see that the concept of a virus was created to push toxic injectables, which do actually cause disease. Every vaccine is doing damage, now indisputably proven by the Control group study: “Health versus Disorder, Disease, and Death: Unvaccinated Persons Are Incommensurably Healthier than Vaccinated” And not by a small amount. ‘Vaccines’ are practically solely responsible for all chronic disease and SIDS and etc etc…

Quite apart from his seeming need to constantly name drop and grandstand, there is simply no way, in my opinion, someone as high up as Malone in this field can not know that virus hunting and so-called ‘vaccine’ creation is a fraud. And why does Malone seem to appear at the scene of so many ‘viruses’ (Ebola etc) only to then win a government contract and go on to create a temporary shell company for the creation of an appropriate ‘vaccine’? And why doesn’t he mention how many deaths and injuries his creations have caused during these other ‘pandemics’? Stinks to high heaven.

On a side note, I am starting to wonder about all the scientists that continually push the virus narrative. There are several ‘no virus’ doctors and (largely due to the Covid fraud) there is copious amounts of information in the form of articles, podcasts and videos about the history and fraud of viruses and so-called viral contagion, there is little excuse for any scientist to continue giving credence to this pseudoscience. And while people believe there are viruses, there is zero study into the real cause of sickness, and 100% certainly the predators will keep rolling out pandemics.

Last edited 1 year ago by Diane
Heidi Stewart
Heidi Stewart
1 year ago

The only comment I can make is that Dr. Malone and his wife both took the jabs and he nearly died after his second jab and is still being treated for the adverse effects he suffered. He is very open about this. That does not sound like someone who deliberately withheld information, who would then risk his own life by being injected himself. He must have thought there to be some difference between his original work and the form it took in the jab.

Reply to  Heidi Stewart
1 year ago

Heidi, question yourself on this. Dr Malone the inventorof mRNA tech, whose vast knowledge of its potential harm. His Lancet paper warning of the dangers of ADE and absolutely this should not be given to humans. That he would still decide to ignore his own research and take the jab and booster? No it doesn’t. I’ve struggled with his role in all things Covid and this one exercise of critical thinking is why I believe he’s not all he appears. Most likely a agent of controlled opposition that treads lightly to gain public trust. Having done so, when a twist in narrative is needed he will have a believing audience. The Dr.’s I view as heroes in this also aren’t usually in his company.

Terry Brown
Terry Brown
1 year ago

I have another question for Dr. Malone. If you knew how deadly the new “vaccine” is, why did you take it yourself and then (surprise) have an adverse reaction. I do not trust this man and haven’t from the start.

1 year ago

In my view, if someone were to make a movie about the last three years of the covid plandemic, they would never be able to find an actor to play Dr. Robert Malone who could in any way portray Dr. Malone. Who could duplicate that handsome presence, engaging speaking voice, the swift and voluminous intellect, and natural charisma and how it burst on the scene to overnight success on a popular podcast? It would be a very difficult task for central casting to find an actor equal to Robert Malone himself.

Where am I going with this? Well, if I wanted to seed a knowledgeable, trustworthy player into the health freedom movement in a “controlled opposition” scheme, and I knew about Dr. Malone, I would have him for the part without hesitation. He’s just so perfect, so charismatic. I think that he is so charismatic that, no matter what direction the operation would take, he would have won over enough people to add confusion to the opposition’s progress. If there were total success — he could even become the leader of the opposition. If doubt was cast on his intentions — the controversy could suck valuable energy and time from greater targets for exposing and defeating the forces behind the plandemic’s workings, goals, profiteering/wealth transfer, and worldview. Even in failure, his book (like “Lies My Government Told Me” ), might be in every public library by the end of the year. Whatever the outcome, there would be points scored for the operation.

One might ask, “Why would someone as successful as Dr. Malone switch from a private sector role to a high-profile public role? Wouldn’t such a change require a sincere desire to affect good?” Beats me! Yet, just in general I can pose additional suppositions: Did he need a new challenge? Does he have political ambitions, and see this as a steppingstone? Did he just want to be admired for how swell he looks on horseback in a documentary all about him alone? Does he hold a greater stake in the success of a nefarious eugenics-style/disgenics/depopulation plan than even the discovered scientific paper discussed above might not indicate? Could he even be a victim of blackmail, as that is considered a possible control tool wielded by corrupt forces behind the scenes? Yet, we may never get our “Why, Dr. Malone?” answered.

More important is the fact that we should have enough evidence by now to stop the shots. Specifically —
o the shots do not work to protect recipients or other citizens from covid or anything else
o the redefinition of “vaccine” to include mRNA biotechnology including hydrogel, synthetic peptides and other toxic ingredients is fraudulent on its face and sabotaged citizens’ right to informed consent before participating in this experiment
o unlike other drugs and medical procedures, a threshold was never set for the number of injuries or deaths allowed by the covid shots, and an open-ended injury and death toll is unacceptable and immoral
o the timeline of the gain-of-function development for the initial weaponized Covid19 agent and the so-called “vaccines”/shots do not match but rather PREDATE the “Covid Pandemic” official story/narrative, and that indicates preparation for a planned scenario including profit motive

I do believe this evidence is enough, but every battle on the sidelines saps energy needed to demand the evidence be acknowledged and acted upon.

Even without any of my suppositions about Dr. Malone being validated, it cannot be denied that somehow he is managing to sap energy from the Health Freedom Movement by dragging activists into a legal battle and obviously being less than upfront on what he knew and when he knew it about all things covid. Therefore, the concerns about Dr. Robert Malone stated in this article have import.

I thank the authors for staying on course and not caving under the threat of attempted censorship via frivolous lawsuit.

Reply to  nora
1 year ago

He hasn’t launched the lawsuit… it’s sitting there, as a warning I think but the Breegins don’t seem to care, they continue to slander Malone

1 year ago

He took it himself so I’m not sure he knew… but I do think he takes a soft stance in general against the whole thing and also he still thinks every1 is hypnotized 😵‍💫

Reply to  Bar
1 year ago

He SAID he took it, but is there any proof? I think he’s trying to play both sides. He’s a coward

Patrick D Hahn
Patrick D Hahn
1 year ago

The efficacy of these shots is dropping faster than a paino falling out of the sky — to below zero, in some studies. Is this due to antibody-dependent enhancement, original antigenic sin, desensitization of the immune system by repeated inundations of the body with the toxic spike protein, or all of the above?

Now the official party line by those who censored, deplatformed, and smeared those of us on Team Reality is “Hey, nobody’s perfect. Let’s just forget about it and move on.” Or as the Washington Post put it four days ago, “Officials working with limited information made a lot of mistakes.”

But we already knew that. Nobody can be right all the time. It was for precisely that reason that the Founding Fathers guaranteed our right to free speech and robust debate — the very things that the covid pandemic has served as a pretext for ruthlessly trampling on.

1 year ago

Dr. Breggin, I think what you have done is valuable. I also think what Dr. Malone has done is valuable. For a man that donated to Joe Biden’s campaign, took two of the shots himself and believed the fast tracking of the mRNA had overcome the dangers because of this novel virus, he has woken up just like we all have, but it has been a process. He was one of the deceived. He was on the Dark Horse Podcast with Brett Weinstein and Steve Kirsch in June of 2021 demonstrating strong concern about the shots and hadn’t even fully woken up yet. He still believed that the shots had some value for the elderly at that time. It has been a process with him because it is clear from his writings and speeches he couldn’t conceive that people could actually be deliberate and evil. Today, he is warning and speaking to turn people away from the shots the best he can. He had to overcome cognitive dissonance like many have had to do. If you look at the whole body of his actions over the last three years you will see this clearly.

Also, I disagree that he blames the public “masses” themselves are the cause of widespread COVID-19 suffering”. If you go back and listen carefully to the interview with Rogan and his dialogs with DeSmet, there is no indication of them stating or even implying this, rather that they are deceived by propaganda. Further, if you read Malone’s Substack, he talks in depth about his transformation, the painful process and also answers your attacks with details and dates, put into context. There are two sides to every story. Actually, three sides, as the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle.

Last year Dr. Malone came up here to Washington State with Dr. Ryan Cole, after being asked to speak by desperate and concerned parents. He came to talk on a panel to the BOH on why the coronavirus shots should NOT be given to children and he and Cole did a knockout job. As a result, our State’s BOH chose not to add the shots to the childhood schedule. It was a deeply felt victory and we are most grateful to Dr’s. Malone and Cole.

While I do share concern in vetting people in the freedom movement, I think your ‘vetting’ of Dr. Malone has turned into an attack and your concerns could have been handled privately between yourself and Dr. Malone in a spirit of openness. You will always get more from people when you use honey instead of vinegar, and this could have been handled much differently and without engaging in a circular firing squad. It only serves to damage the work we ALL are trying to do. PLEASE, let it rest, show Dr. Malone grace and allow him to overcome his past.

Reply to  Denise
1 year ago

All Breggin did was disagree with Malone. If Malone just wanted to prove he is right, he could sue for $1.00, but no, he wants to destroy an important voice in health freedom: a voice that has been there for people long before Malone “changed his mind.” A voice that was selected among all others by opposing parties to review studies and drugs in court case. That, more than anything, has made me see Malone as a disingenuous person. It seems to me that, knowing the damage that has occurred from the jab, Malone is quite possibly doing a CYA. And making a good deal of $$ off it as he is, by my experience, the only one or one of very few on health freedoms substacks who is charging for his posts.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jojo
Reply to  Jojo
1 year ago

Malone does not charge for his Substack – I read it daily for free. Breggin made an attempt to destroy Malone’s reputation and defame his name. He COULD sue for $1. Or he could sue for 10 million dollars – the amount doesn’t matter. The point is, he would never have initiated a lawsuit if Breggin had not engaged in a below-the-belt attack. It’s called cause and effect. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Breggin did not consider how he would feel if the tables were turned and Malone did something like that to him. Treat others like you yourself would like to be treated.

Reply to  Jojo
1 year ago

I don’t pay to read and comment on his sub stack.

Patricia Burlow
Patricia Burlow
Reply to  Jojo
1 year ago


1 year ago

Not sure why you are attacking Dr Malone. He has been very vocal about the negative aspects of the Covid vaccines since they were first introduced and discussed by alternative media. The MSM would not give him the light of day. As a result of him and many other brave doctors, as mentioned by others.

I never took the vaccines. I had Covid Delta and although I got very sick I took Ivermectin, a Z-Pak, Vitamin-D, & Zinc, and got better.

Dr Malone maybe embarrassed for having unleashed this technology on the world to mention his own research papers about mRNA technology. Were any of these papers that you mention peer reviewed?

All I know was that I read about a paper where the animal test subjects (cats and ferrets – if I recall correctly) back around 2015 were given mRNA vaccines then later exposed to the SARS1 virus, all died within 48 hours from a cytokine storm. That was enough for me to say no-way to the shots. I decided to retire instead. If I had kept working I would have been forced by my employer to take the kill shots. I think there needs to be an International tribunal on how it was that Biden and other world leaders were illegally able to force US workers to take experimental shots that VAERS was showing had thousands of bad and deadly outcomes.

Reply to  Bill
1 year ago

They seem to think that because he did some DOD contracts, he must be part of the cabal. So many people are like Scripps Dr Anderson & Dr Eric Topol whose institutions got $millions. And many, mnay others got $billions (University of Manitoba). But, these people are homing in on the good folks. Makes you wonder their motivations?

Dr Jason Michael Lakatos
Dr Jason Michael Lakatos
1 year ago

That’s BS I was at CPAC in Orlando 2022 and met him and he was trying to warn everyone including Fox News, Gov DeSantis, Trump etc about the dangers of the vaccines! I as well was ignored by all the media there in regards to Remdesivir which has killed more people than the vaccines by the hundreds of thousands! Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc does cure COVID19 and to the point of negative tests within a day sometimes that I have proof of that nobody in the CPAC really cared about. Really sad your trying to blame Dr. Malone when his efforts have been ignored as have mine!

Reply to  Dr Jason Michael Lakatos
1 year ago

He realized the journals were NOT the way to reach people. The video with Brett Weinsteun & Steve Kirsch was explosive in a way a (non peer reviewed) paper never would be. My son is an academic & told me his papers are only read by people in his field, hardly ever by the lay public. So, he’s been talking about the harms almost from the beginning. I cannot fathom the attacks from these two & others. If they were seriously frightened about Dr Malone they wouldn’t continue with the nonsense. In Canada, the leader of the ‘vaccine’ propaganda is Senator Stan Kutcher. He’s the member from Nova Scotia and ALSO a psychiatrist. He runs a cabal of doctors, students, researchers & trolls. it’s pathetic. Our taxes are paying for this through the University of Alberta where one of his friends does the heavy lifting. His name is Tim Caulfield. He’s not a scientist, but shares an enormous ego with this pair.

1 year ago

What was the name of the fellow who rode a donkey and tilted at windmills? Did it get him anywhere? I think it would be much more useful if you would continue to identify and write about those who have pushed the poisons and sat on the First Amendment, squelching scientific discussion. Continuing to lead the call for a circular firing squad aimed at Malone but with lots of collateral damage to the truth movement…I’m not so interested. Laying the blame at his feet, and attacking him as if he’s Controlled Opposition…it don’t stand up to close scrutiny. Alas, it’s time I end my subscription to your screeds.

Miguel Marrero
Miguel Marrero
1 year ago

What about there are no viruses?

Reply to  Miguel Marrero
1 year ago

Well, there IS something. It causes knowable symptoms, it occurs cyclically, it has a DNA type profile, it can spread from person to person, and people have suffered from one version or another for centuries. So what is it then? I heard some say it is a toxin. OK. Fine. Let’s call it “virus.”

1 year ago

I cannot read this entire article . I have listened to Dr Malone for the last three years and he has been consistently against the jab. Dr Breggin is the one who has lost credibility in my mind. Why he persists in going after Dr Malone is his problem.

1 year ago

Malone was not the only one who knew these dangers…and sadly I daresay even if he had been shouting this from the highest mountain top – we know the powers of Big Pharma/Big Gov/Fraudci/WHO would have obliterated his calls to STOP just like they did to trash the effectiveness of Ivermectin/HCQ – it’s critical to realize the REAL culprits are these unelected powers that seem to have a clear agenda of depopulating the world. Until they are held to account and a mass of citizenry around the globe can be aware of these crimes…I fear the individual experts will have little sway.

That being said – ALL who knew of these dangers had a responsibility to scream out loud…and it’s not just the Covid jabs, all of these poisonous vaccines/medications etc. etc.

1 year ago

If the past 3 years have taught us anything it’s always read the quoted references yourself before believing the interpretation by either friend or foe. In case of foe, if it turns out to be false, I would consider that par for the course for the Covidians. In case of friend, well, that is actually much more damning for our movement. That, plus, as a scientist with a reputation I don’t like to be caught with my pants down if you know that I mean. So let me say this unequivocally, if you believed Breggin in this article you are standing there with your pants down. I read Malone’s paper in full. While Breggin’s quotes are accurate, the interpretation is not. The paper does not show that Malone “had already scientifically proven and published that these COVID vaccinations with genetic mRNA and DNA were too dangerous for human consumption, even experimentally.” The two researchers ran a computer analysis of the virus genome from a genetic sequence data bank and looked at other people’s work on SARS 1 and MERS. They did not perform any work on any vaccine!  Instead, from observed similarities with prior work they concluded that we need to be careful about ADE “independent of vaccine technology” (page 6). Please don’t take my word for it, read the article yourself, even if you just read the Findings paragraph on page2.

Robert Berkowitz
Robert Berkowitz
1 year ago

Dr. Breggin,
Please remember that Dr. Malone subjected himself to the Moderna vaccine when it first came out (and developed a case of malignant hypertension after his second dose). If he was as certain that these vaccines shouldn’t be tested as you suggest he was, he never would have subjected himself to the vaccine. I can certainly imagine that he believed sufficient work had been done by the pharmaceutical companies to dispel the concerns he wrote about in that January 2020 article. If not, how do you explain why he took the vaccine, and why should he be held responsible to warn others of something he allowed himself to receive?

henry balfour
henry balfour
1 year ago

I find it sad, and disrespectful, that you try to elevate yourselves in such a grubby manner. You’ve been at it for a while, I know – you seem to be driven in a quasi-hysterical fashion by your own damaged egos.

I think you are vindictive. I find your whining unpleasant. I hope you find peace, and leave other, better, men alone.

Josephine Defranco
Josephine Defranco
1 year ago

Sorry but this author must have been in a bubble these padt three years! Those that wantef to hear the truth heard Dr. Malone and many other Docs warning us about all the “C” (which was really a bio hazard attack on humanity) nonsense, (my words not theirs)! Many did not want to hear the truth! There are dozens and dozens of clips with Dr. Malone, Dr. Sherie TenPenny, Dr. Simon Gold, Dr. Rashid, Dr. Emanuelle, Dr. Madoj (dp?) etc etc etc! Too many to list here! They were blocked, silenced, licenses revoked, shut down, threatened and so many bought the scare lies that they called us loonies, crazy, unintelligent and we were silenced! If we spoke out Twitter, FB, Youtube and others put us on time out! No way can you blame Dr. Malone! I remember telling my Doc about him when she wanted me to get the poison jab! You didn’t know cause you didn’t want to know, now you want a scape goat to blame!

Reply to  Josephine Defranco
1 year ago

It’s difficult to understand the pile-on when Malone has been so vocal about early treatment & vaccine harms. I think he got sick of being maligned & started issuing legal notices. I think this lot know he’s not going forward with a suit against them so they’re poking the bear, for whatever reason.

Ed Smith
Ed Smith
1 year ago

This article makes no sense. If Malone really knew unequivocally in 2020 that the MRNA jabs were too dangerous to use, why did he get jabbed himself? That’s irreconcilable. Only if Malone lied about getting jabbed is there any chance of taking seriously the idea he withheld such damning information.

1 year ago

Dr Breggin your expertise is psychiatry. Why haven’t you stayed in your lane? Your attack on Dr Robert Malone is unwarranted and unfair. It appears that you have formed a gang……. a gang! You seem to accuse Dr Malone of NOT saving the world. Neither the pandemic nor the mitigation response was Dr Malone’s responsibility. No matter who he is, that fact remains. Your mention of his large audience is suspect. What difference does that make? Dr Malone has made a contribution to the historical understanding of various aspects of the covid pandemic and mitigation measures. Perhaps it would be more productive if you redirected your ire to those who were responsible and need to experience the consequences. There are a wide array of potential targets.

I purchased your book. I have not yet purchased Dr. Malone’s book. I’m beginning to wonder if that was a mistake.

Reply to  SSmith
1 year ago

Breggin’s book is excellent! Especially the 20+ page chronological summary. I highly recommend it. But Dr Breggin’s perseverations on Malone “not saving the world “ suggests to me that Dr. Breggin needs some psychotherapy! If he were catholic I would recommend a good confession. He is being petty, and doing nothing to hold the real creeps accountable since his excellent book got published. My wish for the world is that all those who have grasped the perils we face stop fighting each other and simply do the next “right thing” and that will be enough God willing!

1 year ago

I have been researching many articles and Scientist and Doctors poionts of views along with some virologists (like Geert Vanden Bosche) I now understand how we are all biased in certain views of the world, I saw how I was biased agains for example the “New” Mrna genetic vaccines. I knew I had to deliberately challenge that by also watching/reading information by other Doctor’s/Scientists who were very pro-vaccine. I see now how the first year of the Vaccines use in 2021 helped lower Covid Mortality rates (mainly in the aged and immuno-compromised populations) it helped to lower the overwhelm in the hospitals/ nursing homes etc.

It could be very credibily argued that this advantage quickly dropped by year 2022, and absolutely by year 2023 where highly transmissable Omnicron “vaccinated” everyone and for the doubters even Bill Gates said this “unfortunetely this Omnicron variant has worked even better than our vaccines..” personally I thought it was unfortunate that he included that word as it sounded like he was talking to the share holders of Ptfizer, and not showing his delight that nature had provided us with a natural vaccine !!

I realize my last statement can be picked apart by say some virologists who will argue that its the vaccine pressure thats directing the mutations along a certain path of higher contagiousness (and lower virulence) ..for now but that we could be only one mutation away from a highly contagious Virulent mutation which would see Vaccines pretty useless whereas natural induced herd immunity does not force the virus into this direction.

I could go on…

Really I just commented as I listened to Robert Malone from early on, he hasnt changed his message, is a voice of reason, has taken so many risks to stick his neck above the parapet (remember there are other highly qualified experts who are afraid to come out because of those very risks, finiancal, personal safety, alienation from colegues or having your liscense revoked etc.

I see some of the vitriol attacks below (are these people paid trolls, or paid staff working in disinformation centres like UK’S 77th Brigade who I presumed main job was trying to quell and neutralise genuine Covid misinformation, but sources say this also happens?) or just people who havent done enough homework or checked out how biased they are!!

I also see very positive and fair comments, well done You folks, and lets keep the SPIRIT OF BALANCED AND INTELLIIGENT DISCUSSION ALIVE, THESE PEOPLE DESERVE IT, THE WORLD NOW NEEDS IT, THANK YOU.

William H Warrick III MD
William H Warrick III MD
1 year ago

These Experimental Gene Therapy injections are unfit for animal consumption as well. They want to spread it to us Refuseniks by injecting it into Cattle, Pork and Chickens so no one can escape these poisons.

Caroline Chang
Caroline Chang
11 months ago

I do not like the title of this article, because even if Malone spoke up in early 2020, he would have been censored and shut down like they did with Dr. Mike Yeadon, who was the former VP and Chief Scientist for Pfizer for over 15 years. Yeadon spoke up immediately and he just got ignored and censored. Therefore, even if Malone did speak up in early 2020 the same thing would have happened to him. It’s not about ONE man saving the world. We ALL have to wake up! Humanity has to stop looking for a Savior, that is the reason Humanity is in the mess it is in. We are our own Savior, each one of us.

Last edited 11 months ago by Caroline Chang
Yuriy Peykov
Yuriy Peykov
1 year ago

Today, as before, we continue to live in a mentally infected environment. A toxic mental environment. We produce it with our mind. Depending on the strength of protection, some people, if they live in a highly involved mental environment, develop the condition Emotional Breakdown Syndrome, short SES. The SES condition is located with a test. The test shows the degree of mental contagion. If the person is affected by SES on the back of his head after testing, the characteristic mark of the SES condition / red spot is located. The stain is categorized into 5 degrees. This is the visible part of the mental contagion, there are additional means of protection and visualization. Today, the battle is first to realize that SES is a problem and to create a technique by which our emotional perception can be restored to its normal values. The spot on the back of the head is also a biomarker for recovery. Its absence is a sure criterion for this.

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