
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 13, 2024





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The level of disinformation flowing in media circles continues to create mass chaos and confusion for Americans. In many cases, these are life and death decisions, yet there appears to be no sense of urgency to provide honest and accurate information to the public. Government agencies, along with their bureaucrats, are creating policies and mandates that overreach the boundaries of their jurisdiction.

Here at America Out Loud, we are receiving a tremendous number of questions and comments on a daily basis, and are doing our best to get the answers back into your hands. Dr. Peter McCollough will be joining Malcolm Out Loud in the weeks ahead on the Voice of a Nation to bring a series of these highly important Q & A’s to the airwaves. Dr. Peter McCullough is an academic internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist from Dallas, TX. Dr. McCullough is considered among the world’s top experts on COVID-19 pandemic response.

Here are examples of the kind of questions that we will address on the program, and much more:

– Thank you for getting the word out! I’ve already had COVID-19, and when I gave blood, I was positive for COVID-19 antibodies, as well as positive for antibodies on the second test for COVID. My QUESTION is this: If I have the antibodies, would I be safe from the COVID variant?

– My husband and I are just recovering from covid, and We are unvaccinated, and also both had the monoclonal antibody infusions during our illness. We understand this is unknown as to how the infusions will affect our future antibody response to any future covid. If we decide to be vaccinated, will that be dangerous to us after having had the infusions? We also understand we are to wait at least 90 days before even considering the vaccine. Thank you for any input/thoughts you may have regarding this.

– I’ve heard Dr. McCullough talk about the T-Detect test for T-cell immunity to the SAR-COV2 virus. I have a suspicion that I contracted the virus in early 2020 before testing became available, and I may have T-cell immunity. I want to be able to opt-out of mandated vaccination, and I believe having proof of T-Cell immunity may be a strategy to combat these mandates and passports. Can someone help me get a T-Detect test?

– I’ve got 15 years in the military, and I’m concerned they’ll force me out if I continue to not get the vaccine. Fact sheets or packages with references and hyperlinks to CDC data from reputable doctors may help.

– Hello, I am employed as a firefighter/paramedic for a very large city in California. While we are fighting vaccine mandates, I am probably going to be fired on Oct. 1 if I don’t get vaccinated. I was initially going to let myself get fired, but my personal convictions and faith are leading me to believe that I should risk my health to remain as a light in this department and provide for my young family. Could you give me guidance on which vaccine I should take if I must take one?

– Please, Dr. McCullough, give your analysis of the Novavax Covid vaccine. I have been waiting for this vaccine to be available in the US. I have studied how it works and how it differs from the “RNA Tech” vaccines now being offered. My conclusion is that this will be a safe vaccine. I am NOT anti-vax, and I DO want to be vaccinated for Covid. What is your analysis of the Novavax?

– How can an average, retired person such as myself find a source for ivermectin or HCQ?

– Is the Regeneron safe to get. I found out that it has spike proteins. Is it safe? 

The Voice of a Nation can be heard weekdays at 6 PM ET, with an encore at 10 PM ET. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or Alexa. You can email your questions to [email protected].


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2 years ago

Thank you for this informative podcast. I took notes this time to share with my family/friends who do not have the time to absorb all of this critical information. I also post on my FB page in the comments of course so it is not banned. Besides the intentional division this whole debacle has caused, it is infuriating to me that we have to become our own doctors and do the diligent research with the most current data outside of the mainstream media. The media is responsible along with many “health” organizations for many many deaths. Why is politics in our health care? Thank you for the brave journalists and those in the medical and scientific world to stand up for the flow of information.

2 years ago

Wow! What a bundle of imperative information! Thank you so much for doing this. Please do more Q&A with Dr. McCullough, it is so helpful. I found Dr. McCullough about a month ago and have been following him since. He is a truly a blessing and we are all so grateful to have him speak the truth. Why his extensive knowledge on this pandemic has been stifled is beyond tragic. We, the general public are so confused and inundated with mixed and misinformation by the CDC, NIH, WHO and current administration, and so appreciate a qualified doctor speaking out about this. It is truly a crime that more voices such as his are not being acknowledged. Thank you again! And please, more Dr. McCullough!

Also, so happy you and your wife are now on the mend ❤️‍🩹. Keep up the great work, all of you- it is appreciated!

2 years ago

FYI it is the website dr McCullough mentions for list of doctors. 🙂

2 years ago

Excellent interview, I learned so much! Please tell me where I can find all the links Malcolm said he’d provide. Thanks again!

Hal Gib
Hal Gib
2 years ago

Dr. McCullough you are happy for us to wait for the NOVAVAX when available (NovaVax injects the same synthitic Gene Sequence from the same Gene Bank from China used for the mrna and dna current jabs) but both are the same spike proteins ( gain of function modifications) will be present in the ones been jabed body parts! some contradiction. here??

Reply to  Hal Gib
2 years ago

The EU has ordered 100 million doses of NVAX; Japan has ordered 150 million doses and has entered into an agreement for Takeda to produce some of the Novavax supply. Regarding your comment about spike proteins – the process with NVAX is very different. With mRNA’s, instruction as genetic code is injected telling YOUR BODY to make the spike proteins. Harder to control . With NOVAVAX the needed amount of spike proteins is injected directly without any instructions to our body to change or make anything. I am a clinical research professional – 25 years- and I’m waiting on Novavax

2 years ago

Hello, I just read this about Novavax:
“This one gets you to the same place… Toxic spike proteins by the billions dumped into your body in a lipid nano particle that takes it everywhere

Only they are made first in MOTHS, using their DNA!

Oh and this company that was about to go under is slated to receive $2 billion of your tax dollars to finish the development of yet a fifth death shot”

Can someone tell if this is true?

Hal Gib
Hal Gib
Reply to  Karin
2 years ago

I’ve learned that too and also was refered to by other well known scientist/researchers/professors, same outcome not to mention the effect of the Matrix-MTM adjuvant.
mRNA vaccines teach your body to create intended spike protein, while Novavax gives the same spike protein right to your body. Both spike proteines synthasised from the same computer generated gene sequence from the gene bank supplied by China.

Reply to  Karin
2 years ago

See comment above about the fiscal reliability of Novavax and about the method of obtaining spike proteins in Novavax. I think you would be shocked to know what and hoe many medications are manufactured. Yes, moths are used and IMHO are far better than many other methods. The big pharma boys are out to get NVAX because it is a safer alternative. They will continue to try and delay, but I hope we see this safer alternative in the USA soon. This is more like the vaccines we took as children. the Matrix M adjuvant is simply a vehicle used to distribute the vaccine more efficiently.

Reply to  Karin
1 year ago


2 years ago

Where do we find the follow up information? I’m looking specifically for the name of the tcell test and how to get it. Wonderful interview with Dr McCullough again. Thank you!

2 years ago

I have a question for Dr McCullough. I have concerns regarding the spike protein present in the covid shot. I am fearful that donated blood from a vaccinated person could contain the spike protein. If the spike is circulating through their blood stream couldn’t this be a possibility? I know donated blood goes through extensive testing but to what degree would it take to destroy a spike protein? If it’s possible, then my concerns are not only blood transfusions but what about receiving say Rhogam when you’re pregnant?? Or what about those that get Botox which contains protein from donated plasma? These are a few examples but there are many paths this could lead down. Is there evidence to prove the spike protein cannot be present in donated blood products? Should we be Leary of this? Thank you!

2 years ago

Dr M has been a great source of information. His CV speaks to his credibility and passion to deliver evidence based quality care. One thing that has concerned me is the need for him to promote advertising (nutrition supps), for example, which there is not often “peer reviewed” data. I think this could appear hypocritical to some and lose the powerful effect of his message regarding all things COVID.

Tina Magee
Tina Magee
2 years ago

What is the site Dr. McCullough referred to to get the data. http://www.openvares/ just doesn’t seem to exist. Reliable data and stats are critical. I believe him but many in my family do NOT.

Reply to  Tina Magee
2 years ago

Vaers was spelled incorrectly.

2 years ago

He mentions 3 studies that state previous infection should count as an exemption against the vaccine mandate. Anyone have a link to 1 or all? Thanks.

Fred Grube
Fred Grube
Reply to  Malcolm Out Loud
2 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing. I’ve been looking for these studies for weeks now. I’m also here to tattle a bit, because this is so wrong.

Fred Grube
Fred Grube
Reply to  Malcolm Out Loud
2 years ago

I’m in a neighboring county and this center is where our overflow people go. Our local center only has maybe 6-8 appointments daily, and this one had around one hundred. I’ve heard Dr. McCullough mention the government has bought and paid for 500 million doses. I’m not sure if I heard that correctly. At any rate do you know how many doses of that order have been fulfilled?

2 years ago

I follow Dr. McCullough, believe in his protocols and I’m very thankful for his work. However he says you can only get Covid once. I know several people who have gotten it twice. Please address this conflicting information.

Peter Buczinsky
Peter Buczinsky
2 years ago

Here’s my concern. There are doctors who claim that the Covid vaccine can and has caused illness and death in some. Yet, everyone I know, of all ages, has taken the vaccine and no one has gotten sick or died. This is what leaves me very confused.

Daniel Pritchard
Daniel Pritchard
2 years ago

I had SarsCov-2 in August 2021 along with my wife we are 73 and 72 respectively. We both recovered and have the antibodies as verified by our local doctor. Neither of us received the Fauci Jab but have natural immunity. Do we need the seasonal flu shot or are we protected.

2 years ago

I have a question about vaccine injury for dr. McCullough. My dad received severe blood clots in his legs after j and j vaccine. After six surgeries he still has his legs and out of the hospital. My question is, are there any reports of the blood clots reoccurring? They have him on two blood thinners (one for his heart and one for his legs where he had the clots.) Since we added the second blood thinner for his legs (zohaltra) his urine is bloody and he is a fall risk now with his walker. We worry about the dangers of bleeding. Does he need to be on the leg blood thinner anymore? Is he always going to have a chance of clots since he got this vaccine?

2 years ago

Dr. McCullough, I suppose I caught the latest version of coronavirus and symptoms started with severe myalgia and now it’s just severe abdominal issues. I can’t eat, I want to throw up non-stop. Almost as if I’m pregnant (but I’m not). This has been going on a week. Does fluvoxamine or another drug do you know help with this severe debilitating stomach issues? I had no respiratory issues at all!

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