
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 23, 2024





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Only white people can be racist. If you are color-blind and treat everyone equally, independent of race, you are racist. Science is racist, as is mathematics and even engineering. At least, so say today’s politically correct woke social warriors.

At the core of much of this Alice in Wonderland-like madness is Critical Race Theory, abbreviated CRT. Happily, for us all, Christopher F. Rufo was recently honored to give a school-wide lecture at Hillsdale College in Michigan on CRT, a topic few ever heard of six months ago. CRT has swept the country like a stealth airplane, on top of us before we recognized the danger it presented. We will wager that just in the past few weeks it has entered your consciousness and just in the nick of time. It presents as evil a threat to our nation as Marx and Lenin were to Russia and the Nazis were to Germany.

Rufo is founder and director of Battlefront, a public policy research center, and former Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy. Before tackling CRT, he dug into homelessness, addiction, and crime, making four films for PBS. CRT would not be a normal topic for liberal PBS as Rufo sees it as an insidious movement to advance socialism and tear our nation apart.

Without Marx leading the way in the early 20th century, CRT may never have arrived. Marx saw the world as an imbalance of power between the capitalists and the workers. He fomented the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. He believed that the workers would eventually gain consciousness of their plight, seize the means of production and overthrow the capitalist class, and usher in a new socialist society

Unfortunately, following Marx’s lead, socialist governments sprung up in Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba, and elsewhere leaving in its wake a death toll exceeding 100 million. Marx’s ideas brought on Mankind’s darkest hours with mass starvation and executions.

The failures of those kinds of overt revolutions were finally recognized in western nations, bringing forth plans for stealth takeovers of nations such as is clearly taking place in the U.S. today. The previous class warfare of the Soviet Union was replaced by race and ethnic warfare represented by what we now call Critical Race Theory.

The Marxist movement actually lost out to the civil rights movement of the 1960s which sought instead the fulfillment of the American promise of freedom and equality. At that time Americans favored the idea of improving their country rather than dismantling it. The radical left stood by, waiting to pounce again and indeed they have.

CRT is a disgusting academic discipline, initially pervasive only in universities and remote academic journals. Still based on Marxism, it has since spread through government agencies, public school systems, teacher training programs, and corporate human resource departments in the form of “diversity training.” Public policy and school curricula have now been ensnared.

Imagine you are just hearing about it and it is already everywhere. Marxists are very patient. World dominance takes a while and they are willing to wait. The deep state of leftists did not occur overnight. We place its beginning in our government effectively at 1980. By the time Trump came into office, they had all but complete control of the government. For example, it now appears the Attorney General Bill Barr was a deep state plant.

The insidious undercurrent of CRT deploys its supporters to employ euphemisms like equity, social justice, diversity, inclusion, and even lies as big as culturally responsive teaching. They are “masters of language construction,” as Christopher Rufo said in his speech at Hillsdale. Teaching Marxism directly would be a hard sell for most Americans but, under the cover of linguistic darkness, words like “equity” sound a lot like “equality”. Yet it is equality that is proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and set down in our 14th and 15th Amendments. Rufo reminded his audience at Hillsdale that it has also been codified in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Both of these acts are explicitly rejected by critical race theorists, trying their hardest to destroy the America we have long known and loved before people stopped standing for the National Anthem (a short note of joy here is that the U.S. Navy just ejected a sailor for not standing for the National Anthem. He was lucky not to have been thrown overboard.).

The term “equity” has been a clever way to define Marxism in today’s terminology. UCLA Law professor Cheryl Harris, in the name of “equity” under CRT, has proposed suspending private property rights, seizing land and wealth, and redistributing them along racial lines.

The head of Boston University’s Center for Antiracist Research, Ibram Kendi, has proposed a Federal Department of Antiracism. His plan is for it to be independent of any elected branches of government with the power to veto any laws and limit any speech deemed to be insufficiently antiracist. He also admits that to be truly antiracist, you must be anti-capitalist as well. At least he is not hiding his Marxist affinities.

In case you believe this plan to be impossible, did you believe we would have an open border on our southern boundary? On the brighter side, it does warrant skepticism that the majority of Americans would support our Congress as currently constituted for another two years after November 2022.

Now in case, our readers have not been fortunate to travel far from the United States, we can tell you from experience in working and traveling in 50 different countries that the United States in our opinion is by far the LEAST racist nation on Earth. And yet Federal agencies and public schools across the country are already holding CRT seminars. Start looking and you will find them. We are under attack!

Perhaps equally scary is the clear and dangerous fact that Americans and Canadians everywhere are becoming fearful of speaking out on issues involving race or conservative politics. You get mobbed on social media and possibly fired from a job. Rufo said clearly at his Hillsdale speech that “our institutions are becoming monoculture: dogmatic, suspicious, and hostile to a diversity of opinion.”

Now, how about a reality check. Neither America nor Canada is racist. People of color are not disadvantaged as a group in our societies. Blacks makeup 14% of the U.S. population and are not disadvantaged as a group. CRT is no more about race problems than the climate change issue is about science. CRT is designed to divide and conquer America, nothing more and nothing less, but how could it be more.

American history, Rufo said, “is rich with stories of achievements and sacrifices that will move the hearts of Americans, in stark contrast to the grim and pessimistic narrative pressed by critical race theorists.” When enough of us overcome the fear that prevents many of us from speaking out, we can overcome the leftist lies wanting to change the United States into a socialist republic.


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