
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 19, 2024





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Did he or didn’t he? Truth for me is, I don’t care. Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed to be our next Justice on the Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh has led an exemplary career and by all accounts, an exemplary life. He is one of the “best of us”.
Here is why I say I don’t care if 35 years ago he supposedly attempted to remove the clothes of Christine Blasey Ford. Let me be clear I don’t believe her for a minute. IF you take her statement as true, that she was 15 years old, drunk to the point of not knowing where she was, who was there, when this happened and that she was assaulted by someone that she believes was Brett Kavanaugh at 17 years old, it was, by her own admission a nothing. Nothing happened. Since the beginning of time men and boys have been attempting to kiss women and will pretty much do whatever we allow them to do, until we say NO.
It’s a part of the dance of life. Women make the choices to put themselves in situations and places and with people who are questionable, and women need to be smarter and take responsibility for those choices. Nothing justifies forcible sexual assault, nothing. Barring a true assault, which happens all too often, women bear a lot of responsibility for poor decisions. It pretty much takes two to tango. The tango here was a 15 year old choosing to get herself so drunk, she was out of control. Perhaps the boy was also. Happens every day, been there, done that. The #metoo thing is out of control. It is being used to destroy good men. It is also being used to destroy bad men, but one does not justify the other. 
If we must believe all women like Christine Ford who make 35 year old accusations, mustn’t we then also believe her friend from that time who said she had 54 sexual partners at a young age and bragged about it? Is one more honest than the other? Look at the suggestive photos of her in her yearbooks. This was not a young girl leading a celibate life, this was a girl by her own admission who had many sexual partners at a tender age and led quite the party life.
Christine Ford has an agenda, a political agenda. Her story is questionable at best and outright lies at worst. Either way, it is unprovable. There is no one who she told at the time, not parents, teachers, classmates, close friends. There is no one who was a witness. Now she has 4 “friends” who say she told them 25 or 30 years later. That means nothing today. This is a person who has fretted over the Supreme Court being conservative and has decided to be the vehicle to obstruct that.
Brett Kavanaugh has been a federal judge for many years. His life and career have been unblemished. He has been through 6 FBI investigations. He denies ever even being at any such party and denies ever assaulting any woman.
I am so deeply disappointed in the politics of destruction in America. I am so afraid for our future when we tear down good people who devote their lives to the service of the people of America and feel happy about it. Who will step up in the future? Who among us has never had a moment in their life when they slipped, or they would change, take a mulligan on? 
Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Diane Feinstein and all of the political “blood in the water sharks” have those moments in their past. They are so willing to believe, or claim to believe a lie when it suits their agenda, and so willing to destroy a great man. Yet where is the outrage at Keith Ellison, with current allegations and proof of those allegations in emails and texts? The hypocrisy is deafening.
Our political system has become a sham. Our men are afraid to mix and mingle with women for fear of being accused of something. People who serve America are being harassed out of restaurants and public places, along with their families. People can purposefully make claims that cannot be substantiated and those with political agendas jump in the boat with no human honor, and nothing but destruction of their political “enemy” on their mind.
To hell with truth, to hell with decades of honorable and good service to our country. Republicans need to stand stronger and stop being such wusses against these onslaughts of political sabotage. I am ashamed of the republicans like Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, Lisa Murkowski and 5 others who can’t make up their minds. We put you there to fight for us. Who of you is a better person than Brett Kavanaugh? Where are you when we need you, when we count on you to make a positive difference for the next generation? It’s not about you people, it is about what we the American people wanted when we gave you this job. You need to carry the ball across the line for us. 
People make mistakes, we cannot take 35 years of greatness and dismiss it if there was a teenage moment. I don’t believe there was, I don’t believe Christine Ford and her feigned distress. This is a calculated move to destroy a good man, and if we allow her to succeed, America will be the loser for it. Step up Republicans, show some outrage and moxie for once and seat this dedicated and honorable man on The Supreme Court.


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