
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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No one is suggesting that COVID-19 should be dismissed or taken lightly. Precautions certainly will still need to be taken for some time to come. There have been some lessons learned for sure, but obviously more is yet to be determined and understood.
Several weeks ago, there were people asking the question “why not just have everybody wear face masks?” 
That seemed to me to be a fairly logical step to take to help prevent, or to at least slow the spread of the Coronavirus. Certainly no one, myself included, believed that it would be the end all answer on how to respond to this crisis. It could at least be a start.

At the time we were being told by the “experts” that wearing face masks wouldn’t really protect us. In fact it was being outright discouraged. Now it seems that very thing is being suggested as a method of helping to protect ourselves and prevent the spread of the virus.

I can certainly understand⏤if at that time, the supply of medical face masks and other PPE was limited and needed to be saved for healthcare professionals on the front lines dealing with this virus.
But why not just tell us that? Don’t lie to the American people and try to tell us something that we know isn’t true, when we can clearly see healthcare professionals wearing the very devices we were being told were of NO help.
People could have started weeks ago to wear face masks, scarves, or bandanas over their faces⏤whatever might have provided them with some level of protection. And perhaps it might even have helped limit the spread of this virus, if even just a little bit.
In fact, it’s long past time for everyone in any position of authority to stop lying to the American people about this crisis, or about anything else for that matter. We have the right to know the truth and we’re capable of dealing with it.
It’s also completely irresponsible to keep an entire nation’s economy and workforce shut down because of some of our larger metropolitan areas still experiencing ongoing infection problems. Particularly if the infection level is in part continuing because of the irresponsible behavior of residents of that city or area.
I’m not at all referring to the completely legitimate protests that have recently taken place in Michigan and in other communities. Those protests need to continue until the state and local governments finally get the message that Americans yearn to be free to make our own choices, and not be subjected to what in many cases seems to be arbitrary orders. You simply don’t punish an entire state or population when the problem is primarily isolated to a specific locale.
Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats need to stop hurting the American people simply because they hate President Trump so much. They need to put politics aside and help him do whatever is necessary to defeat this health challenge to our nation. If he derives some political benefit from it, so be it. That should not even enter into the equation for considering what is the proper course of action to take. If what the president follows is also good for the American people⏤then that should outweigh any political considerations. It shouldn’t matter who gets the credit.

Democrats need to find other issues to debate the President on, and offer their own Democrat solutions to those issues. But they need to stop standing in his way when he’s taking reasonable steps to confront this invisible enemy. 

With this COVID-19 challenge, the only response should be a unified effort to defeat this virus and repair the immense damage to America’s economy, and get Americans back to work where they belong.
I can’t help but think of the quote attributed to World War II General George S. Patton who is credited with saying “either lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.” President Trump is leading. Democrats need to get the hell out of his way.


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Sam adam
Sam adam
3 years ago

Trump could not pour piss out of a boot with the directions written on the bottom.

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