
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 15, 2024





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The Democrat party has long considered our Constitutional safeguards impediments to their goals of socializing America. Lurking within their ranks like the loud, masked, aggressive foot soldiers of Marxism, the social justice warriors (SJW) who believe they have a right to neuter American culture and render it prostate to the demands of the new world order. America must accept its role as an equal in their one world order realignment scheme, and not continue in a first rank status that, they argue, is not earned. Free speech rights end at the tip of their clubs.
Social justice warriors are really unjust. Civil rights activists are uncivil, denying others their rights and, black Americans, long subjected to Democrat racism are now the biggest racists in the colleges and universities from which very few even graduate. Once bastions of free speech, colleges and universities have become Marxist incubators where any attempt to challenge the catechism of Socialist dogma and indoctrination is beaten back by radical student and faculty activists alike, sometimes violently and always with purpose.  
The refusal by college administrations to host Conservative speakers is because SJW’s use ”Twitter” to create an impression of organized outrage. So, to be safe, school administrations capitulated to evil. Public schools where math, science, social studies and the Constitution were once taught, have become centers for political change; crucibles for the promotion of sexual deviancy and safe havens for the weak “snowflake” culture they are creating. It’s where socialists encourage the ruinous policies of perversion, multiculturalism, collectivism, diversity and wealth redistribution. 
The Democrat Party has been stealing our country for decades, piece by piece and I want it back! Socialism doesn’t work, never has. Capitalism does and the rewards it brings to the energetic individual willing to spend the time and effort to create wealth, is proven every day.

Our politicians, and I don’t exclude todays RINO Republicans, must return to us our liberty loving capitalistic system the leftists have been changing for decades.

We Americans so despised by Hillary Clinton, no longer appear disorganized in the face of Leftist assaults by their media allies because we are seeing a rise in aggressive push back by Trump and no nonsense, pro-American attorneys prepared to go head to head with the political left colleges in courts of law. They will set a new standard of Conservative aggressiveness that should slow down if not end this socialist BS infecting our nation.
The Democrats⏤known baby killers, thieves and voter fraud specialists, call Conservatives liars. Yet for two weeks and more, we’ve watch real champion liars in Adam Schiff, Jerrod Nadler and Nancy Pelosi, in the face of their own negative investigation results, continue the charade of virtue over our Presidents mere existence in office, supposedly to “save our Democracy.” They and the media, ignore their own rich history of lying. Obama lied to us, Eric Holder lied to us, Hillary has lied to us constantly, John Kerry lied to us, Chuckie Schumer still lies to us and worst of all, our FBI, blatantly lied to us.   

Under Democrats, the House is rotten to the core. Pelosi’s House impeachment hearings, for which the outcome was preordained, was anything but a fair process and Americans saw that.

The President is not a fool. He’s fighting it off as best he can, but he truly needs our help now. It’s up to those of us who really love America to help him succeed. After all, “personal sacrifice is the price of freedom.” 
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!
Image: AP


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