
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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Okay! What does “gender Identity” have to do with the Equality Act of 2021?

It has everything to do with it.

First, what is the Equality Act? It’s a bill that would ban discrimination against people based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It would also substantially expand the areas to which those discrimination protections apply, including housing, credit applications, schools, public accommodations, and employment. Many of these areas already have protections against discrimination in Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Law.

As proposed, The Equality Act will replace the word “Sex” by expanding “Sex” to include sexual orientation and gender identity. For instance, the Equality Act defines gender identity as “the gender-related identity, appearance, mannerisms, or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, regardless of the individual’s designated sex at birth.” Whereas sexual orientation explicitly means “homosexuality, heterosexuality, or bisexuality.”

Unfortunately, the inclusion and expansion of “gender Identity” makes the Equality Act unequal for all people of faith. The Equality Act transforms the 1964 Civil Rights Legislation from a shield against discrimination into a lethal sword, compelling all Americans to conform to subjective and highly questionable viewpoints against their religious beliefs on sexual orientation and gender identity.

There are already severe conflicts between sexual orientation, gender identity, and religious liberty. However, by highlighting and expanding “sexual Identity” to the same level as race, color, and national origin, in Title VII of the Civil Rights Law, those of us who disagree on religious grounds with the progressive left’s views on sexual orientation and gender identity will be legally labeled racists and bigots.

In short, if the Equality Act becomes law, it would force every American to agree with a highly controversial Democrat party-endorsed and LGBTQ-promoted political ideology on sexuality and gender identity or be prosecuted as an outlaw. The Equality Act also makes changes to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, and these changes DO NOT uphold or in any way support Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments Act.

For instance, the Equality Act allows Transgender girls and women to compete in female-only sports and share locker rooms and shower facilities with biological girls and women. In other words, males who claim to have transitioned into female gender identities have the right, a constitutional right, to compete against and be among girls and women in female-only activities.

This right extends to sororities, women’s jails and prisons, female-only domestic violence shelters, including religious sponsored and operated women’s shelters, and foster and adoption care agencies.

And this is just one of several changes to the law that will discriminate against biological males and females and people of faith. For instance, it will force doctors and hospitals to perform abortions even if it’s against their conscience or beliefs. Moreover, it will require all employers with more than 14 employees – even religious organizations-to cover abortions in their health insurance plans.

So, back to why the explosion in apparent adolescent female prepubescent and pubescent gender confusion, gender dysphoria, and the urge to begin Transgender therapy is essential to passing the Equality Act.

It’s simple mathematics. The more people who appear to be Transgender adolescents added to more adults coming out as Transgender, the more compelling a law like the Equality Act appears.

There’s one very thorny problem, however. Being Gay appears to be an immutable characteristic like race, color, or national origin. But, given the number of people trying to reverse their rush to Transgender and other facts elaborated in this edition of The Frankly Daniel Show, it’s evident that being a Transgender teen or adult is not a permanent, irrevocable trait. 

This is the second Frankly Daniel show devoted to runaway teen gender confusion and Identity crises and their impact on federal legislation. The last show is entitled “What You Don’t Know About Transgenderism.”


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