
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 6, 2024





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Bill O’Reilly’s recent article entitled, “Bad Week for Biden,” states that, “This has not been a good week for the Biden administration. The gas shortage on the east coast, inflation rising fast, dangerous chaos in the Middle East driven behind the scenes by Iran, has put pressure on the President.” This is dangerous thinking and pre-supposes non-intentional acts.

What we’ve witnessed was not a “Bad Week for Biden.” It’s all part of a well-planned, purposeful attempt by the left and Democrats to destroy everything America was designed to be. The results we are seeing could not have been better strategized or more successfully achieved. A “bad week” to Conservatives does not at all equate as a “bad week” to the left. That’s because the end goals of the two groups could not be further apart.

One of the most oft-quoted mantras of the left is “never let a crisis go to waste.” Sociologists and well-known radicals Richard Cloward and Frances Fox-Piven (aka Cloward-Piven or C-P) emphasized the tactical opportunity of a “crisis” in one of their more well-known strategy papers of 1966 called “Weight of the Poor: A Strategy for Ending Poverty.” Like all their strategy papers, this one was written with the express purpose of overwhelming America’s systems in order to begin a total transformation of our country to Socialism/Communism. 

The 1966 paper targeted our welfare programs. Another, in 1983, was aimed at our voting system as a means of overwhelming it to create the chaos needed to turn our government into a one-party system in perpetuity. We are nearly there. It began with the Motor Voter Act in 1993. Cloward and Piven were present at the White House when Bill Clinton signed the bill into law.

As explained in my book Rules for Deplorables: A Primer for Fighting Radical Socialism, Cloward-Piven understood the political expediency of a crisis. They wrote that “by ‘crisis, we mean a publicly visible [emphasis theirs] disruption in some institutional sphere. Crisis can occur spontaneously (e.g., riots) or as the intended result of tactics of demonstration and protest, which either generate institutional disruption or bring unrecognizable eruption to public attention…. Because crisis usually creates or exposes conflict, it threatens to produce cleavages in a political consensus which politicians would ordinarily act to avert…. When, however, a crisis is defined by its participants—or by other activated groups—as a matter of clear issues and preferred solutions, terms are imposed on the politicians’ bid for their support.’” (RFD, Pg. 29). They say a crisis can be real or manufactured and then exploited for political gain.

One week after the pipeline was hacked on May 8th, Biden delivered a response. As his Administration inexplicably refused to intervene in the criminal act supposedly perpetrated by Russia, he nonetheless used the hack-attack “crisis” to justify his $2.25 trillion American Jobs Plan. Curiously, per Just the News, “the proposal doesn’t mention cybersecurity, hacking or cybercrime.” It does, unsurprisingly, include green energy initiatives. How politically convenient.

Russia as the mastermind behind the hacking attack has neither been proven nor is it necessarily believable given their constant unfair targeting by Dems over the past four years without evidence. So whether or not Dems are capable of intentional dishonesty is a question already asked and answered.

The more relevant query ought to be, who stands to gain the most by shutting the pipeline down? If the motive is to further weaken the middle class after a year of forced shut-downs based on bad science, the answer should be obvious.

As the Washington Times correctly points out, on his very first day in office, Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline permit, and placed a moratorium on oil and gas leasing activities in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Such decisions cost jobs, add debt, make us less oil-independent, and increase the price of gas.

O’Reilly also points to a rapid rise in inflation as being part of Biden’s “bad news” week. Yet, consider the successful Trump-era policies reversed. As O’Reilly insinuates, these were simply more bad decisions. Hogwash. They are intentional acts by the left towards total transformation to their one-world government end goal.

In a revealing article by the New York Post entitled, “The $8 trillion (and growing) Biden wants to spend on changing America forever”, Biden’s first 2-1/2 months have been “meant to transform the nation — to empower and enrich Democratic special interests, lock in permanent Democratic control and impose radical left-wing ideas.” The writer claims that the amount is “equal to more than a third of America’s entire yearly economic output.” This is by design.

Alluding to the crisis now unfolding because of Biden’s foreign policy decisions, O’Reilly seriously tries to convince us that “dangerous chaos in the Middle East driven behind the scenes by Iran, has put pressure on the President.” Does he really think we are so stupid? The “chaos” going on has not been “driven behind the scenes by Iran” more than they have been allowed and even nourished by the Biden regime.

In his article for America Out Loud, entitled “Biden, Kerry and the Moderate Iranian Fantasy,” IQ al-Rassooli lays out Iran’s true intentions in the Middle East, proving “that [Iran] is hell-bent on military domination of the Middle East by every means possible, especially by proxy terrorist entities, such as Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Kataaib in Iraq, and Houthis in Yemen, to name a few.” Yet Biden has reinstated aid to the Palestinians in Gaza who not only back Hamas (the group attacking Israel) but also pay money to the families of suicide bombers who intentionally kill Jews. Are we to believe the Biden regime doesn’t understand what’s going on? 

Al-Rassooli says, “Biden is hell-bent on making a deal with the Ayatollahs’ devil, ignoring all the information at hand.” He’s 100% correct. Trump’s unprecedented policies to bring peace to the Middle East are being reversed for all the world to see, and misinformants like Bill O’Reilly expect us to believe it’s NOT intentional.

Cloward-Piven “partnered with the Democratic Party decades ago. So long as C-P was able to continue creating programs that overloaded our systems, leading our country towards eventual socialism, [Dems] were thrilled” because they got votes in return. (RFD, Pp. 226-227)

O’Reilly doesn’t mention all the other “crises” we have weathered since Biden’s takeover. Immigration, unemployment, debt, trade imbalances, Chinese Communist Party power grab, and so many other catastrophes that Trump had been working to get under control are now threatening our country’s very existence.

To the American people paying attention, I’ve one thing to say: get rid of the spin doctors. What we witnessed this past week, indeed since Biden’s first day in office, is nothing less than the intentional destruction of our country.

A week cannot be bad news if the desired result is achieved. Make no mistake; this has been a great week for Biden, the Dems, and the left hell-bent on our destruction. And, it’s going to get a whole lot “better” for them if Americans don’t wake up to the truth.


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Victoria-Menna M Perez
Victoria-Menna M Perez
2 years ago

I’m disappointed in Bill O’Reilly. He is different from his days on the Factor.

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