
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 15, 2024





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The Democrat party was never a party of the people. Before the Civil War, the Democrats were the party of slavery. And after slavery was abolished in 1863, they institutionalized the Jim Crow laws which perpetuated segregation in all areas of life in the south. The Democrats were also the party of the Ku Klux Klan, of lynchings, of poll taxes which were used to disenfranchise black voters, and of school segregation which continued in some parts of the south for more than 100 years after Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. The segregation of black children continued even after the US Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public education was unconstitutional in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. 
Now, the Democrat Party has reached new depths in the pernicious core of its political agenda. The party leaders seem to be willing to do almost anything to retain and expand their power in Washington, and in a monster blow to our fundamental and Constitutionally guaranteed right of choosing who governs us, they have corrupted our electoral system and undermined the will of the American people from the process. They have stolen our votes.

The massive voter fraud that pervaded the 2020 elections has dwarfed any past efforts to compromise the integrity of our election process. The scope of the Democrats’ efforts to marginalize our individual votes is beyond anything we have seen in this country in its entire history. 

From harvesting votes prior to the elections from people who may or may not have been eligible or competent to vote, to taking advantage of the elderly and the mentally challenged by collecting their signatures and then voting for them, to demanding and implementing “mail-in voting” which could be compromised in many different ways, to flipping votes from red to blue on machines that could be manipulated to alter the voting totals, and manufacturing ballots to use as needed in the wee hours of the morning of November 4, nothing was out of bounds in the Democrats’ quest to win at all costs. 
It’s Not ‘Conspiracy Theory’ When There’s a Real Conspiracy
At first, there were rumors and even videos of people bragging about how many votes they had harvested and from whom. And then there were reports of hundreds, maybe thousands, of Republican ballots being found in the trash, or along the side of the road. And on election night, after the totals began showing Donald Trump with a significant lead, ballot-counting was stopped in a number of states, and there were reports of late-night ballot dumps of thousands of ballots, all bulleted for Biden.
And afterward, came testimony – signed affidavits from hundreds of people – poll workers who were barred entry to the polling and counting centers they were supposed to observe; legitimate voters who watched their votes switch from Trump to Biden before their eyes; voters who came to cast their votes and were told someone had already voted in their name; and all manner of sworn testimony about hundreds of ballots appearing from nowhere, to be counted after the room had been cleared, and there was so much more.
What happens now?
So I have to ask: when is enough, enough? When does America demand a stop to the shenanigans and dirty tricks and criminal behavior that the Democrats have unleashed on our country? 

What will it take for us to insist that what has gone so far beyond political tricks has entered into the realm of real crime – crime against the American people and the Constitution – when do we call it for what it is – and stop it? 

And when will Americans say “Enough!” to the arrogance and hypocrisy of the power-hungry Democrats who will do anything to exert their power, to retain their power and protect it, and to compromise the basic rights of millions of Americans – if that’s what it takes?
President Donald Trump has been under siege since before he was elected to office. And yet he has managed to do more in three and a half years than any other president in our lifetime. He revived a lagging economy into a huge rally, that created more jobs, and lower unemployment than at any other time in our history. In the third quarter of 2020, the GDP, that on a good year hovers in the neighborhood of 6% hit an unheard of 31.1%. 
And when the pandemic hit our shores in late January, he reorganized industry to produce essential equipment and supplies for patient care and pushed a fast-track R&D program to find a cure and a vaccine. What would normally have taken years to accomplish, took only a matter of months, and the first vaccines will be rolling out of the labs and to the public in a matter of weeks from now.
Donald Trump kept his promise to the people, and the people didn’t let him down. An estimated 73 million or more voters came out to vote, to re-elect him for another four-year term. But the dirty tricks and criminal activity of the Democrat Party stole the election from him and from the American people. And their allies in the media hailed the new President-elect Joe Biden, even before many of the votes had been counted.  
Now the Biden team is setting up his cabinet as though he had won the election, while votes are still being counted in several key states, and several high-profile lawsuits are going through the courts. It may take a decision from the Supreme Court to finally decide this election. But it is crystal clear to this analyst that the level of corruption is so high and so ugly and so criminal that it will be a long time before this story will be over.
And here we are, only days away from a time certain when the votes must be finalized and the Electoral College must vote. We’ve already made a good start, demanding investigations and hearings that have now begun. Eye-witness testimony about the incidents of fraud has rocked the complacency of self-satisfied officials. And with a little luck, one or more of these lawsuits will make their way to the Supreme Court. And they, nine justices, not the Democrats and their insidious schemes, will decide the outcome of the 2020 elections. 
When self-serving politicians corrupt the system that is supposed to work for all of us, the situation cannot be ignored. It must be addressed. In America, this has to be through the legal and judicial systems. That is what is happening now. Providing that the judges are fair and apply the law as it was meant to be applied, without bias, we may yet come out of this morass and find ourselves back on firm ground, based on Constitutional law that has framed and guided our nation for some 240 years. 
No matter how this plays out, the consequences of this election and the overwhelming fraud that poisoned it will bring even greater challenges than what we have seen so far. The rage of the left if Trump prevails, and the frustration and anger of the right if Biden wins, will be unleashed on this country. Either way, our path in the near future is uncertain and the challenge will be to prevail and win back America for all of us.


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Tim Meiers
Tim Meiers
3 years ago

Its much worse: the Dems and the leftist, globalist media (worst is CNN, the clinton news network) and the big tech (twitter, facebook, google) and the deep state all 4 evil together!
Go to the must see documentary the plot against the president

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