
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 19, 2024





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People are dying. Have you noticed? Not just the ordinary kind of dying that happens in ordinary life. Maybe it’s just an amazing coincidence, but ever since the mRNA shots were pushed by Fauci and other evil opportunists, people of all ages, from infants to centenarians, are dying suddenly, unexpectedly, with “no plausible explanation.”

Except, there is an explanation. The Covid jabs have been killing people. Lots of people. Just as some of us anticipated. Of course, you have been trained to trust your government “experts.” Believe them because the CDC, the NIH, the NIAID, the U.S. Surgeon General — because they can’t all be wrong. Right? Wrong!

Anyone who claims that the sudden deaths of healthy young children, world-class athletes, and hard-working, fit young to middle-aged adults, cannot be explained is lying to your face!

Natural News just came out with an interesting article that compared post-mRNA vaccine clots to normal blood clots. Through a laboratory assay called ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry), the composition (elemental analysis) of a normally-formed human clot was compared to the bizarre “clots” of post-Covid-19 injected victims who died suddenly. These rubbery, stringy formations in blood vessels have been reported and described by morticians all across the country and abroad. Mass spectroscopy is a highly specific way of identifying elements (of the Periodic Table) of these vascular samples.

What does the data show? Prepare yourself!

The clot is almost completely devoid of the key elements such as potassium and iron present in human blood. However, the sodium content is almost 50 percent higher, while the tin content was a whopping 588 percent higher. Aluminum also was at much higher levels. Tin and aluminum are used in electronic circuitry. This data suggests that these select metals are being harvested and assembled (“sequestered”) from the blood, and over time forming a pseudo-clot. When these self-organizing masses grow sufficiently large, they obstruct blood vessels and do their damage: strokes, heart attacks, destroyed organ tissue, infertility, nerve damage — all the things people have been reporting as vaccine injuries.

Let’s remember what the embalmers have been saying since the sinister vaccine plan was unleashed. “We’ve never seen this before”… “these weird rubbery clots”… I don’t know what to make of it….” But also listen to what else they’re saying. One 85-year-old Oklahoma mortician who has been in the funeral business since age 12 has reported that he can’t keep up with the funeral services because sudden deaths are claiming the lives of many thousands of people. Even florists who serve the funeral homes are hiring because of the many extra floral requisitions. Demand is high.

One of Silicon Valley’s own success stories, Steve Kirsh, has strictly analyzed the death data and concludes that around 10,000 people a day are dying from Covid shots. He estimates that as many as 12 million people worldwide have been killed by the shots. This may actually be a low estimate, as many deaths are likely being hidden in countries where forced jabs resulted in nearly the entire population (like Israel) receiving the injections.

Censorship abounds, and we surely aren’t getting the sum total of data. The findings of this elemental analysis are not reassuring.

Putting two and two together isn’t hard, and we can logically conclude that many more people will die in future months to possibly decades. Anyone who has taken at least one Covid jab may be a ticking time bomb. Only time will tell us if Bill Gates’s wishful death rate of fifteen percent of the world population will become reality.

What is certain is that the delay in deaths will make it harder to prove causality in “vaccine” deaths. Harder, but not impossible. The mass formation psychosis that prevailed only a year ago is now starting to wear off. People are waking to the truth. They are beginning to understand the hidden meaning of fraud Fauci’s admonition to “follow the science.” Even the best science can be flawed. According to the world’s leading expert on the theory of mass formation, “In the medical sciences, up to 85 percent of the papers cannot be reproduced.” He said that in 2005. Had he spoken the words today, he might have claimed a 99 percent figure. When science is based on politics and economics, it always defaults to pseudoscience.

But pseudoscience is what we’ve been fed in order to hide the evilest plot in man’s history: the Covid genocide plan. We now face decades of suffering and death because we fell for a lie. We allowed the powerful globalists to convince us they had knowledge beneficial to us. As the world-renowned late astrophysicist, Carl Sagan once warned, “This combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.” Here it is, our ignorance, their power. The bomb has exploded.

That means, however, that people can’t help but see what’s happening now. The explosion has stirred us from slumber. The globalists who pushed this bioweapon can no longer hide the pertinent data. Data always contains some degree of bias, and data can easily be manipulated. Data by itself can never tell the whole story of reality. And data becomes meaningless when honest inquiry is forsaken. That’s where the masses went wrong; we couldn’t or wouldn’t see the raw data. But when the relevant data becomes so obvious that the masses can no longer ignore it — that’s when a Copernican Shift, a reawakening, can replace mass formation psychosis. After all, seeing is believing.

It’s anybody’s guess how many people will die from the two Covid bioweapons: the virus and the shot. The virus has mutated but left its mark. The fake vaccine will be a much greater weapon of mass destruction. As the fallout continues, we still don’t have any idea how vaccine batches differed, if they varied in lethality ⏤ and if some placebo shots were given. The other unknowns in this so-called “experimental” vaccine are how many will die and how fast, how many will suffer, and how many will be sterilized. I can already give you the universal answer: too many.

When the Second Holocaust is fully played out, this genocide will have claimed more lives than any precedent mass extermination. Those of us who blew the trumpets early have perhaps suffered uniquely, knowing that many innocent lives, young and old, would be snuffed. As the Bible declares, “In much wisdom is much grief, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow” (Ecclesiastes 1:18). This verse gave us the saying, “ignorance is bliss.” But that adage misapplies Solomon’s words.

Ignorance is never bliss. Ignorance has killed far more than have wisdom and knowledge. Knowledge is the stage on which wisdom is acted upon. Therefore, know this: the mRNA shots are killing people. Do act wisely.


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1 year ago

The problem is the concept that people are “waking up” is not accurate. People are not waking up and most that bought into the propaganda and took the “shot” are never going to admit buyers remorse. The only people that are waking up are the people who have been awake from the beginning. Unfortunately the medical machinery that also now endorses child body mutilation has lost ALL credibility and they are NEVER going to admit they were complicit, if by no other reason other than their silence” in the deaths of untold numbers of people.

1 year ago

We also need to consider the experimental Paxlovid, as I went from totally healthy and no known medical conditions to being a cardiac patient with multiple prescriptions for tachycardia, arrhythymia (frequent PVCs), and hypertension associated with extreme nervousness/tension. If you read the Pfizer documentation, they only list the hypertension, but visit other online sites like WebMd, RXList,, etc., and you’ll find all of my symptoms listed, but I was never informed of this. Also, I had a sinus infection and severe sore throat, and have a Hx of previous shingles/EBV, but the “test” only said I had “covid,” so they misdiagnosed and mistreated me, not offering me anything but Paxlovid or OTC home care. I should have taken the home care! I’m not “vaccinated” but was exposed to several friends who visited in the week or so prior to my infection and all of them were vaxxed, and 1 had been diagnosed with EBV post-jab (her 3rd jab). How many folks are being injured by the pills when ivermectin would be better, or even azithromycin for a sinus infection?

Reply to  Anne
1 year ago

14 days now post Covid onslaught. At day three went to ER and discovered an aortic aneurysm. At day five with my primary he prescribed paxlovid. I didn’t read anything except the dosage, took the five pills and laid down to rest. Woke up 3 hours later with a terrible taste in my mouth. Had to go pee so, standing there at the toilet while peeing I felt like I had gas so gave a little push and uncontrollable diarrhea ensued for about an hour. Threw that shit in the trash.

1 year ago

This is deliberate. The so-called “elites” are committing genocide.

Reply to  Blackgriffin
1 year ago

And they started out by merely killing unborn babies.

1 year ago

Two words: Graphene Oxide. POISON is POISON…no matter how you want to sugar-coat it.


1 year ago

I’ve been in the Insurance field (medical claims management) for decades and the findings in the LIFE Insurance industry MIGHT be something that leads to a tectonic shift. At least in MSM finally reporting on what we are seeing before our very eyes.
Their business, after all, is death. When numbers spike they lose money and get angry. Perhaps the elites will pay off the industry but maybe not.
And folks will start getting turned down for policies if they got the clotshots.

1 year ago

People are dying everyday routinely from the clot shots.

charles zilich
charles zilich
1 year ago

people can too not see what’s going on with the vex. the are egomaniacal hedonist virtue signalers after more “likes’ and popularity. truth is secondary. and it’s bolsfevik luciferian ilk that egg them on. Hilarious!

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