
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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Under a normal and fully sane America and Americans, this article would not have been required. Unfortunately, the American people are so divided especially politically at the moment, that concerned people need to publish as many truthful messages as possible that may help bring some of the insanity to reality.
Not since the Civil War have Americans become so separated in their perceptions of what the Republic stands for, that brothers and sisters are against each other, as well as between them, their parents, their relatives and their friends. The political, religious, economic, ethnic, educational, social, media and racial divide is as crystal clear as the European division after WWII between the totalitarian Communism of the Soviet Union and the free and Democratic one in Western Europe. I compare the above to the current divide between the Democrats of Obama/ Hillary/ Biden/ Globalists and the Trump party of Conservatives/ Republicans/ Patriots.

Since 2016, the Republican Party has by any stretch of imagination become the Trump Party, since he was and is the mentor, whose sole purpose as President has been to Make America Great Again, after the most dismal, lackluster, unproductive and conflict-ridden eight years of Obama.

Without a shadow of a doubt, in about two weeks, ‘We the People’ are faced with the most important Presidential election since the Civil War. ‘We the People’ have to choose between saving the Republic or allowing it to go into the dustbin of history, by becoming just another flailing Socialist State.
The American electorate must decide between Trump’s vision of America’s Exceptionalism or Biden’s Globalism/Communism disguised as ‘Progressive Socialism’. American voters have to resolve whether a future of Light and Freedom (Trump/Pence) or Darkness and Democrat Plantation (Harris/ Biden) to be bequeathed to their children and future generations.
As always, I bring to the attention of Hispanics, Blacks and Jews – who almost always – reflexively vote for Democrats, no matter what the agenda of the party is or its leader may hold, the following self-evident questions and answers regarding Trump and his achievements prior to the Corona Pandemic unleashed by China.
To Hispanics and Blacks:

1/  As far as so called minorities are concerned, the unemployment figures for both Hispanics, Blacks and Asians are the lowest in 50 years

2/  The numbers of the same waiting for Benefits also the lowest in 50 years

3/  More money in their pockets due to tax cuts than ever before

4/  More attention given by Trump to the betterment and empowerment of Blacks than under any previous president, especially Obama

5/  Trump cut more legal and economic rules, that allowed the incarceration of Blacks and or their dependence on government handouts than any other president before him

6/  Trump is for families of father and mother to try and raise disciplined and educated children because the building blocks of any successful nation starts with the family

7/  Trump is against the present ‘culture’ of so many single Black mothers raising dysfunctional, ill-educated and unruly children who grow up into mostly under educated, unemployable criminals against each other

8/  He is Pro Life, meaning against the abnormal percentage of abortions committed by single Black women than any other racial group in the USA

9/  The Administration issued a rule preventing Title X family planning funds from supporting the abortion industry that causes the murder of mostly Black children

10/  More Americans under Trump were expecting a brighter future with him at the helm

11/  He has made supporting Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) a priority of his Administration

12/  He promoted second-chance hiring to give former inmates (Hispanics and Blacks) the opportunity to live crime-free lives and find meaningful employment, all while making the communities safer

13/  Trump is for Controlled Borders to stop all illegals and terrorists from crossing into the USA – invariably arriving without any background checking – who will of course take jobs from American citizens, will compete with them for Benefits, Housing, Medicals and Teaching. The worst off will be tax paying Black, Hispanic and Asian Americans, who are already struggling to ascend the ladder of the American Dream

14/  Trump is pro-choice regarding where any parent wants to educate their children. He knows very well that the most important step up the ladder of success is education

15/  While Donald J Trump is for Law & Order, the Democrats are running almost 70 American cities into social and economic collapse to spite Trump, no matter how many tens of millions of American are suffering; Democrats are for “Arson, Plunder, Mayhem & Disorder” through their thugs of Antifa and BLM who are literally burning and plundering the businesses of the very  minorities that they claim are fighting for

Under all the above advantages, why would any clear thinking and rational Hispanic or Black, vote to remain in the dystopian Democrat Plantation?
Is it not about time, that both Blacks and Hispanics should unshackle and free their psychological profile from always being beggars awaiting pitiful handouts from the Democrat elites (White and Black)?
Is it not about time to remove politicians who for decades made unfulfilled promises to restore the deteriorating, outdated and collapsing infrastructures in cities run mostly by uncaring and corrupt Democrats (White or Black Mayors and Governors) that resemble shanty towns in Brazil more than anything else? Can’t they see how all of these politicians have become millionaires on a salary?

Is it not payback time by voting these mostly dishonest, underachiever politicians and replacing them with new younger ones who are raring to do better for the Latino, Black and Asian communities? Why not just Walk-Away and do the right thing?

To American Jews
American Jews in particular, are among the most educated and successful in the world, yet at least 70% of them in the USA, are still willing to vote for the Democrat party that embraces not only anti-Jews Muslims (Farrakhan, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Linda Sarsour and others) but all of them are also anti-Christian, anti-Whites, anti-America and anti- Americans, because they are all Allah’s Sharia compliant.
Sharia is after all, founded upon the two pillars of Islam: Muhammad’s Quran and his Sunnah (Traditions about Muhammad) both of which represent the complete opposite of literally everything that the US Constitution stands for; yet Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were allowed to swear ‘allegiance’ to the US Constitution using Muhammad’s Quran and not a single person in Congress has any inkling of what this entails, because they are either Politically Correct, Quran ignoramus or spineless.
It is very interesting to realise that Orthodox (religious) Jews support Donald Trump while so called ‘liberal/ progressive’ Jews, are irrationally against him, and they too, reflexively and without any real sustainable facts, keep on voting for the Democrats who have been pushing them under the bus ever since Obama.
I assert irrationally for the following obvious reasons~

1/  All members of the Democrat party from Pelosi to lowest the level, accuse Donald J Trump of anti-Semitism (Jew Hatred) while he has children and grand-children who are Jews. Are they stupid, or just suffering from the Trump Derangement Syndrome that has afflicted and warped the brains of all Democrats since 2016?

2/  They accuse him of Islamophobia for attempting to protect the USA from Muslim terrorists arriving from terrorist infested Muslim states such as Somalia, Yemen, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan and others.

It is obvious, that not a single Jew (or for this matter, anyone in Congress or the Media) actually realises, that the term Islamophobia is an Oxymoron, since it is totally Rational to fear Muslims who want to slaughter Kuffar/ Infidels/ Non Muslims, for not accepting Allah’s Sharia and completely Irrational NOT to fear them.

3/  They accuse Trump of Xenophobia when he declared China as the source of the Corona Pandemic (which it was) and for attempting to prohibit travels between China and the USA to protect Americans from the virus

4/  These weak kneed Jews were against Trump declaring Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel for ‘fearing’ the outrage, fire and brimstone expected from the Arab and Muslim world.

They were wrong, because their mind-set is programmed to the decades-long failed beliefs of the State Department, and almost every so-called ‘Think Tank’ who had botched miserably for 72 years trying to solve the Arab Israeli conflict. Besides a few huffs and puffs, nothing happened. Trump was able in four years to bring peace between Israel, the UAE and Bahrain. More Muslim countries are following.

5/  Trump is for Border Control. No country on Earth is sovereign without Borders. There are thousands of Jewish lawyers, most of whom it is obvious, cannot differentiate between Illegal and Legal, because they are running more with their emotions than with their logic and diplomas.

As I am writing this article, my application for a Green Card is moving slowly and very expensively. I find it outrageous, immoral and unconscionable, that any American of whatever background, would think that an Illegal should have the same benefits and rights sneaking across the US border, as myself or as any tax paying American.

6/  Why do they think Trump is a supremacist or elitist for his absolute determination to Make America Great Again? Is it not the duty of any leader in any country to state exactly the same? Should not Charity begin at Home?

7/  Most of them are against Bibi Netanyahu, for exactly the same reasons they are against Trump. They suffer from hard wired, leftist erroneous perceptions of what is right or wrong, based entirely on total lack of knowledge.

These Quran and obviously history ignorant Jews – who never once bothered to read either – have the audacity to tell the Israelis, who are on the front line of war against Islamic terror, how to deal with the so called ‘palestinians’ whose charter dictates the extermination not only the Jews of Israel, but according to Islamic Sharia, all Jews in the world.

Had any of these ‘enlightened’ Jews ever asked any Arab or Muslim to name a single ‘palestinian’ king in recorded history to substantiate their claim for even a square inch of the Holy Land?

I repeat again, that European Jews in general, and German Jews in particular, did not believe that a people (Germans) who produced Beethoven, Bach, Brahms, Goeth and hundreds of others, would commit the atrocities that Hitler was repeatedly declaring against Jews, Communists and human undesirables.
Are not Antifa and BLM the current Brown Shirts of the Democrat party? Are they not singling out Jewish businesses and holy places like the Nazis did? Is this not the reason why not a single Democrat leader (Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Schumer) has condemned them but in fact, several such as Kamala Harris, publicly support them?
The current Jews of America (as well as all Americans, Black, White and others) should heed the words of the far leftists ruling the Democrat party when they are declaring publicly to turn the USA into the United Socialist States of America.
Biden, only recently asserted his intention to elevate Muslims to highest levels of his administration (just as Obama did under his), starting with open arms to all Muslims from any Muslim country. Are not two anti-Jews Muslims in the House, enough?
Although the Writing on the Wall is crystal clear, this does not mean that intelligent people will heed its warning.
In conclusion, Biden & Harris – or any Democrat –  should not be elected to utterly destroy the Republic.


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