
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 16, 2024





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If we want to protect America, we must first and foremost protect our little children from indoctrination by Marxists in our public schools into becoming transgender, racist, or commie libtards. If you love your children, then get them the hell out of any school that gets its funding from the federal government, even second hand, because strings are always attached. As long as the Progressives run the government and fill the Deep State ranks of bureaucrats with like-minded creatures bent on suborning America’s future citizens into pleasure-seeking morons with low expectations, then the future of America will be dark, morose, and melancholy.

It was Jimmy Carter in the late 70s, who created the Department of Education, possibly on the best of motives, but since then, the Democrat Party, infiltrated as it is by the Communist Party USA, expanded the DoE’s mission into a propaganda tool for Marxism. Today, all schools in all jurisdictions in all states, in order to receive federal financial assistance, must adopt the projects the DoE deems best. The DoE Mission Statement says: “Our purpose is to prepare young people for rewarding lives as engaged citizens in a complex and dynamic society.” That’s pure ‘gobbledegook!’ They are assisted in this hidden agenda by the two equally Marxist co-opted national Teachers Unions.

Their insistence on what is to be taught in America’s schools like the Critical Race Theory is the very basis for our social problems today. Teach diversity, inclusion, and perversion then all children will experience ‘equity’ instead of a privilege. That’s not Americanism; that’s Communism.

We have had the “No Child Left Behind Act” thanks to George W. Bush, the “Every Student Succeeds Act” under Obama, and as often, local affirmative action schemes for racial equity, to change the focus of educating our coming citizenry. Equality under the Constitution as an issue has long been settled.

Now, the mission of teachers’ unions has morphed from preparing our children for rewarding lives to preparing our children to become mindless Socialist voters, dependent on the Federal state for free stuff for their happiness and by the way, throwing in some gifts for pedophiles and transgenders as well. That’s where we’re at right now.

The indoctrination of our children into becoming “fellow travelers” for Communism, the National Teachers Unions became the best back door method for Marxism to exercise its perverse control over our captured little children. The evils are now apparent.

US Attorney General Merrick Garland, thankfully kept off the US Supreme Court by Mitch McConnell, in his new role of protecting the village idiot, Joe Biden, harkens to a written complaint from such groups as the National School Board Assoc., demanding the Dept. of Justice (FBI) conduct witch hunts against concerned parents petitioning local school boards, to accuse them of Domestic Terrorism.

I’ve never heard of the National School Board Assoc before so, apart from exposing themselves with their letter to the DoJ as being a Communist group, what is their main purpose? Subversion! 

Who needs it, and why does it exist? It’s not a Federal entity, but I’ll bet they’ll get a lot of money from the Democrats Build Back Better scheme intent on looting our taxpayer-funded treasury. Who are the real terrorists today? Democrats, of course, but consider the National Defense Authorization Act and the Patriot Act, since 9/11, suborned by Trump-hating Nancy Pelosi to alter the Acts definitions to condemn Trump and his supporters as America’s real domestic terrorist threat instead of Islam, Antifa or BLM. They didn’t complain when Antifa or the Burn, Loot, and Murder (BLM) groups burned down Blue cities around America or defunding the police and canonizing criminals like George Floyd. Now, they’re fully engaged in wholesale looting of America’s street commercialism, unmolested. WTF?

Not all school boards are corrupted, but money talks. They’re visible now and are so scared they need to sic the police on complaining parents as Terrorists. The terror is coming, so get prepared for it. I don’t mean buying more ammo; I mean challenging them everywhere. They’re very shallow indeed, and faced with stern opposition, they’ll collapse. It’s past time to replace them!

Remember, Freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!


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