
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 16, 2024





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I’m really grumpy today, so I decided that on today’s show, I’m going to call out stupid. There are just so many stupid people everywhere that deserve to be called out, and today seems like a great time to do it. Let me start with my list of stupid questions. I really wish most of these were a joke, but unfortunately, due to the insane amount of stupid we are dealing with in our society, they are valid and warranted. (Bear with me; I’ll cover all the below in my “I’m Sick of Stupid” rant, hold on, folks, you don’t want to miss this one).

Why do I need a mask if you are wearing one?

Why are our schools letting ‘furry’ kids bark, meow, and use a litter box instead of a toilet? Isn’t that unsanitary? Didn’t we invent indoor plumbing for a reason?

How could COVID have sprung into existence by both natural origin AND in a lab leak?

How are MRNA vaccines safe and effective when Pfizer has admitted that they don’t stop the transmission and they do not know how they would cause an immune response?

If the vaccines are safe and effective, why are so many people #DyingSuddenly?

How was COVID the deadliest pandemic in history, with a sub-1% mortality rate and only a moderately high rate of spread?

How does 6ft. of distancing protect us from contracting a virus that floats around in the air?

When and why did we decide that your gender is no longer related to your genetic makeup and body parts?

Why do trans women think straight men should want to date them?

If Drag Queens story hour is not about sexualizing children, then why isn’t it just story hour?

How is it racist to enjoy fitness and exercise?

Why do people believe that a wall across our southern border with controlled points of entry would stop ILLEGAL activity (drug trafficking, human trafficking, cross-border violence, etc.) while still allowing legal immigration?

In the future, people are going to look back on this time and go wow, 2020 was when they all lost their minds. I mean, seriously, look at the cultural rot we are dealing with here.

At the top of the stupid list are the people still believing Fauci… now he wants us to believe the virus was both natural origin and a lab leak? Fauci is a liar, and every time he opens his mouth, he lies more. He created a bioweapon and has caused more death than we know what to do with. If I have anything to say about it, he will face justice and will be tried for crimes against humanity.

Masks – seriously, does anyone really still believe that the plastic, toxic piece of garbage that’s loosely covering your nose and mouth is protecting you? Or wait, it’s you protecting me from your germs, right? I’m sorry, but if you’re still wearing a mask, you’re an idiot.

What about 6ft of distancing? Where was the logic on this one? So you are standing 6 ft in front of me in line at the grocery store and breathing; in a few seconds, I’ll be standing where you are breathing the germ air you just exhaled that came out of the side or went directly through your mask. So how does standing on these stickers on the floor help save lives?

Vaccines, if they are so safe and effective, then show me! Show us the numbers; why would you hide the evidence if they are so safe and effective? Also, why do I have to take a vaccine to keep Grandma safe? Can’t she just take the vaccine? And why would she take the vaccine if it literally does nothing to prevent her from contracting and spreading the virus?

Basic critical thinking is dead, it’s a skill that looks to be completely lost (plus, I hear it’s racist). Dylan Mulvaney, who’s apparently a famous trans woman, or man, I think he’s a man who is now pretending to be a woman; I don’t know, this stuff always confuses me. I guess he’s done all the surgeries and procedures one can do to become trans, whatever that means (though he may still have male bits… no idea). Dylan was in the news recently for complaining about not being able to get a date, he’s really baffled as to why STRAIGHT guys won’t date HIM. Yep… he seems to have forgotten those straight men don’t like to date other men. Can someone please tell Dylan that if he was born with junk in his pants, he’s a dude? Even if you have the weenie-removal surgery, your genetics have not changed… you’re still a dude, and that is just not attractive to most other straight men… and who are we to question ANYONE’s truth?

Last November, on “The Whatever Podcast,” a guest named Chase was asked, “would you rather smash the hottest trans woman in the world or the oldest woman in the world? His answer was, “Honestly, bro, the oldest woman in the world, ’cause then I wouldn’t be gay.” He went on to say, “Cause if I had sex with a trans woman, I’d be having sex with a biological man, and I don’t wanna do that.” Thank you, Chase; I commend you for being one of the few people on television willing to say what everyone else was thinking.

This is critical thinking, and the fact that his answer caused such an uproar and upset so many people only furthers my point regarding the absurd levels of stupidity people have become willing to tolerate. These basic questions should have very simple answers, and they should by no means be controversial. We’ve hit many lows in our society, and I bring this all up in an effort to expose just how insane it is; we need to be calling out stupid when we see it. As Obama’s favorite mentor Saul Alinsky said, ridicule is a potent weapon… maybe we should take a lesson from the left and use the tactics they use against us to try and facilitate honesty rather than lies…

Sourced and much more stuff:

The Tom Renz Show on America Out Loud Talk Radio can be heard weekdays at 6 pm ET. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or Alexa. All episodes can be heard on-demand on podcast networks worldwide. Find out more and listen to previous podcast episodes here. Visit Tom Renz’s website:, and his substack:


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