
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 28, 2024





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One must wonder how leaders of the world’s great Western Republics like Canada’s Trudeau and our chief imposter, Joe Biden, supported by legislative powerhouses like Nancy Pelosi, can possibly think they can force Constitutional Republics to accept Marxist tyrannies simply by diktats ordering people to accept dangerous drugs because wanna be dictators say so. It is the unlawful suppression of individual freedoms in both countries, and it’s not working, is it?   

After the dastardly 9/11 Islamic attack on the Twin Towers in NYC, the Pentagon, and a cornfield in Pennsylvania, outraged Americans, aroused just as Americans did following the Pearl Harbor Attack in 1941. They rallied to the call to combat the terrorism that killed so many Americans in so few hours on American soil. In response, the Patriot Act was wheeled out with the supposed purpose of hunting down the Islamic Jihadists in our country, charging them as domestic terrorists, and making America safe again.

A few years later, under the guiding hand of El Supremo Nancy Pelosi, the Patriot act was reconfigured, not to press the law against Islamic terrorists, but to protect the failing Democrat administration of Joe Biden by implicating Trump’s Conservatives as the real terrorists. Her scheme is still unlawfully holding conservative misdemeanants in DC prison cells without the benefit of the Writ of Habeas Corpus or the right to post bail while, in Democrat jurisdictions, felons bailout almost on their own recognizance. False felony charges added to the real small ones, were explicitly designed to inflame the public expecting that public to rally in defense of a collapsing Democrat Regime. Only the media did. Pelosi’s schemes amounted to the theater of the absurd as more and more evidence of her complicity in staging this event comes to light, confirming it.

Pelosi’s motive is to destroy a resurgent Donald Trump. As an issue of organized domestic terrorism by Trump supporters against the State (hers), her scheme is falling apart, but now an issue of corrupt government manipulation arises that has co-opted our constitutionally protected ‘rights of protest to redress our grievances into an insurrection and therefore a treasonous action against government. Constitution-loving Americans hate her guts and everything else Democrats stand for, and they are not coming along. A war in Ukraine might help their cause but don’t bet on it. Americans, like Canadian truckers, have had it with being manipulated.

By the way. Follow the money in this mandated Pharma business.

How does Canada’s Primer Trudeau measure up? He had no 9/11 that outraged Canadian’s. Canadians hold in deep respect their Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth, and therefore her government, until now. They follow the parliamentary party system whose party leader, Trudeau, as it happens, runs the government. They also have a Governor-General, the Queen’s appointed figurehead representative watching the sad state of current events unfolding in Canada’s new experience in dictatorship, absolute control over Canadian citizens because Primer Trudeau, who is personally invested and getting rich in big Pharma, says so.

Mandates on citizens to behave as the government demands were too much for Canada’s truck drivers. They have set the example. We can do no less. In fact, successful challenges to Leftist school boards have already started in some jurisdictions here.

Trudeau claims the truckers’ strike is ruining Canada’s economy. Not so! Trudeau, like our Dr, Falchi, had already destroyed their respective economies by mandating shutdowns of certain businesses. Canadian police are quitting, the Army has shown little, or no interest in participating in Trudeau’s restoration of order and discipline against Canadian truckers, and panic is setting it. “Seize their money and close their accounts.”

I see a restored Canada coming before a restored America. November 2022, our mid-term elections for federal politicians, should get the ball rolling, but, we still shouldn’t sit on our laurels. Local elections, recalls, and personal involvement are still our tools for successfully restoring our Rights as Americans.

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Image: Reuters


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