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April 19, 2024





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The followers of Muhammad deceive humanity by telling the world that he was NEVER an idol worshiper. That Allah guided him from childhood away from the pagan beliefs of his parents and tribe. It is an astounding realization when studying both Muhammad’s Quran and Hadiths, that his followers unto this 21st century treat him not only as Rassoool (Messenger of) Allah but in fact as Allah himself thus deifying Muhammad.

Are these statements borne by the records of Muhammadan Islam?

As usual with the followers of Muhammad, they INVENT and CONCOCT mythical stories about Muhammad thus shooting themselves in the mouth because they contradict the very exegetical Islamic sources, in the Arabic language, that PROVE otherwise.
It is an absolute fact that Muhammad was born of pagan parents. His father, Abd Allah (slave of Allah) and his mother, Amina were both pagans and they used to worship many idols. His entire childhood till the age of 25 years at least, was spent in paganism.
Today, many Muslims will find it extremely hard to digest this fact. However, Muhammad’s pagan origin is disclosed by Hisham ibn al-Kalbi.
On page 17 of his very important work, Kitab al-Asnam 
(The Book of Idols) he writes:
‘We have been told that the Apostle of Allah once mentioned al-Uzza (one of the daughters of Allah) saying,
“I have offered a white sheep to al-‘Uzza, while I was a follower of the religion of my people.”
In the statement above Muhammad clearly admits his past adherence to the paganism of his tribe – the then religion of the Quraysh.
When Muhammad married Khadijah his first wife, who was a HANIFIYAH – that is one who believed ONLY in the God of Abraham being neither a follower of the Laws of Moses nor of Jesus – she introduced him to her uncle, Waraqa bin Nawfal, who had converted from Paganism to Christianity. There is absolutely no doubt that Khadija’s and Waraqa’s religious influences were singularly instrumental in making Muhammad think deeply about his Pagan religious beliefs.
As he attended the annual assembly of poets at Ukaz (a pagan Arabian fair) he was deeply impressed and moved by the thoughts, eloquence, sentiment, freethinking and humanism expounded by many of those poets. He started questioning the idol-worshipping of his tribe and began, at the age of 40 years – 15 years after marrying Khadija –  to start preaching the concept of the one God, the creator – similar to the concept of the Jews and Judaized Arabs of his days.
Nonetheless, as the Quranic verses amply demonstrate, he was confused as to which god ought to be his one and only God. Allah, at that time, was the supreme rock god of the pagan Quraysh. From Muhammad’s perspective, their only fault was that besides Allah, the Quraysh used to worship as intercessors with Allah, other smaller gods/goddesses like: Hubal, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Manat; etc.
So, at the start of his new concept of an almighty creator, Allah was out of the question. Besides, at that time, even the magicians, the soothsayers, the sorcerers and the Satan worshippers used to vow by Allah. Thus, Muhammad, at the very beginning, found it utterly unacceptable to make Allah his one and only God (ilah).
During those pagan days, the people of Yemen used to worship another deity whose name was Ar-Rahman who was coincidentally, also the Jewish word Rahmana which was a name for God in the Talmudic period.
(Noldeke: The Koran, The Origins of the Koran, p.53).
They were still influenced by the legacy of the Judaized Hymiarite kingdom of the Yemen.
Muhammad at the very beginning of his perceived mission and for a while, adopted the name Ar-Rahman for God (ILAH) in place of Allah. Muhammad believed, that by using the name
Ar-Rahman he ought to be able to get the support of the Judaized Arabs to his new belief system.
*** Please note that nowhere in the Quran does Allah say that he has 99 additional names including Ar-Rahman.
In fact these alleged ‘names’ are actually ATTRIBUTES/ SIFAT and not names that were heaped later on, on Allah by the followers of Muhammad***
So, when he declared himself to be the messenger of Ar-Rahman, the Meccans, too, were at a loss and confused. The Meccans did not know of any Ar-Rahman, other than Ar-Rahman of al Yemen.
When we read, with an unbiased mind, the first 50 Suras
(in chronological order) of the Quran, we note Muhammad’s confusion regarding Lord/Rabb, Allah and Ar-Rahman. He was quite unsure of whom he should consider as his only God (Ilah).
Here is a summary of the first 50 Suras regarding Muhammad’s idea of his only God:
Lord/Rabb —  68, 92, 89, 94, 100, 108, 105, 114, 97, 106, 75
(11 Suras)  in which the name of Allah is not mentioned
Ar-Rahman & Lord/Rabb—     36, 55
(2 Suras) in which the name of Allah is not mentioned
Ar-Rahman, Allah, Lord—        (1 Sura) 20
Allah, Lord/Rabb—   96, 73, 74, 81, 87, 53, 85, 50, 38, 7, 72, 25, 35, 56, 26, 27, 28, 17 (18 Suras)
This demonstrates Muhammad’s initial vacillation, confusion and ignorance of the affairs of his only God (Ilah).
The Quran also confirms that when he started to preach his brand of faith Muhammad was lost, confused and did not know much of religion. Here is what the Quran writes:
Yusuf 12.3 “ We do relate unto thee the most beautiful of stories, in that We reveal to thee this Quran: before this, thou too was among those who knew it not”
Al Shu’araa 42.52 “And thus have We, by Our Command, sent inspiration to thee: thou knewest not (before) what was Revelation, and what was Faith”
Al Thduha 93.7 “And He found thee wandering, and He gave thee guidance”  
*** In all three verses, they ASSERT that previously, Muhammad, as a PAGAN, had no knowledge of earlier revelations: the BIBLE *** 
Maryam 19: 58 “We carried with Noah and of the posterity of Abraham and Israel of those whom We guided and chose; whenever the Signs of al Rahman were rehearsed to them they would fall down in prostrate adoration and in tears….
61  Gardens of Eternity those which al Rahman promised to His servants
Al Anbiyaa 21: 112 Say: “O my Lord/ Rabbi judge Thou in truth!” “Our Lord/ Rabbina  Al Rahman  is the One Whose assistance should be sought….!”
Initially, Muhammad even eulogized the important gods (or idols) of the pagans by agreeing with the Quraysh- at some point that these gods were the intercessors of Allah (The Satanic Verses). On the same page Hisham ibn al-Kalbi writes:
The Quraysh were wont to circumambulate the Kaaba and chant:
Al Najm 53.19  By Allat and al-‘Uzza,
                  53.20  And Manah, the third idol besides.
                  53.21  Verily they are the most exalted females [al Gharaniq al U’laa]
                 53.22  Whose intercession is to be sought.
al Lat, al Uzza and al Manat were “the Daughters of Allah who were supposed to intercede before Allah, the supreme pagan god of the Quraysh.
Muhammad, in a moment of desperation and weakness, to try and bring his Quraysh tribe to his way of thinking, compromised his monotheism by allowing himself to state that he received the ABOVE ‘revelation’ from Allah.
The above represent the SATANIC VERSES controversy, whereby Satan allegedly was able to easily mislead Muhammad into allowing his followers to have partners with Allah, as they had under paganism; that is to allow the three daughters of Allah to share his divine throne by being intercessors between humanity and Allah.
When Muhammad realized the enormity of his error, that he had compromised his Monotheism, he later very conveniently, ABROGATED verses 21 & 22 and replaced them with the following:
Al Najm 53.19  Have ye seen Lat and ‘Uzza,
                 53.20  And another, the third, Manat?                                                    
                53.21  What! for you the male sex, and for Him, the female?
                53.22  Behold, such would be indeed a division most unfair    
To cover up the fact that he had compromised his monotheism, Muhammad found that the best SCAPE GOAT is to very conveniently blame the unsuspecting and totally innocent: SATAN.
Being the self-proclaimed ‘prophet of Allah’, Muhammad always BLAMED OTHERS for ALL his OWN errors, troubles and failures.
I would like our readers, both Believers/ Muslims and Unbelievers/ none Muslims/ Kuffar/ Infidels, to ponder the following IRREFUTABLE fact:
That the alleged Monotheist Muhammad VENERATED, Circumambulated, kissed and hugged the Black Stone EVEN when the Kaaba still contained all 360 IDOLS of the Quraysh and was still a Pagan Temple all his adult life.
He only destroyed the idols of the Kaaba – except the Black Stone – after he conquered Mecca a year before he died.
Whom should a rational and fair minded person believe, the records of Muhammadan Islam or the Apologists and perverters of facts and reality who serve their agenda of deceiving humanity about the very essence of Muhammad?


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