
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 13, 2024





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The Marxist-oriented Democrat Party under the leadership of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi can see 2022 as the end of their gig because the Biden administration has been a disaster for America and reveals itself as the precursor to the installation of totalitarianism in America.

That’s because enough flyover country Americans are convinced that the Democrats rocked into near hysteria when President Trump defeated; what’s her name? …Hillary Clinton, in 2016… That to continue Obama’s plans to change America fundamentally, another four years of Trump simply could not be endured.

Trump had to go but, since all their anti-Trump propaganda schemes failed⏤blowing up in their faces, they turned to the last remaining measure of their contempt for America⏤steal the 2020 election, install a controllable, corruptible dufus and carry on with all possible speed.

With the coming collapse of the Progressive government imminent, it explains why Democrats want to flood America with millions of uneducated, disease-ridden illegals to feed and house them as potential voters while ignoring the overwhelming problem of America’s homeless, especially our veterans.

It doesn’t explain why Nancy Pelosi believes it is her job to spread a limited-function police force, the US Capitol Police, around American cities and states?

Is it to protect federal politicians or implant the Capitol police force Obama promised us in his first term. That idea hit a stone wall then, but like all socialist ideas, it lay there forgotten until Pelosi saw the value to Democrats to turn the 06 Jan 2021 Capitol protest into an “insurrection” requiring, within the meaning of the Patriots Act following 9/11, further Federal intervention into Americans daily lives. How?

By redefining who constitutes America’s Domestic Terrorists and squashing them. It fits the New World Order agenda and will make the UN’s Agenda 21 scheme operable. You think that’s been forgotten? Don’t bet on it!

The official reason given is: “Ostensibly so the agency can learn about ‘threats’ to Congress sooner.” “The USCP has enhanced our staffing within our Dignitary Protection Division as well as coordinated for enhanced security for Members of Congress outside of the National Capitol Region.” And, the spokesman added: “The Department is also in the process of opening Regional Field Offices in California and Florida with additional regions in the near future to investigate threats to Members of Congress.”

So, if you don’t have a crisis, be ready to create one! Come on, man, Congressmen come and go, some only one term while others, like Pelosi, make careers out of their folly thinking it makes them indispensable and worse irreplaceable. Only Pelosi thought she was an equal to President Trump, and she conducted herself that way. 

I don’t envision Capitol Police actually patrolling American streets. Their job will be to respond to and crush Americans protesting governments intrusion into their lives; to supplant local and states police authority at scenes of protests in the name of the government and crush all dissent just as the Bolsheviks did in Russia and the SD and SA did in pre-Nazi Germany. 

That defines what is a POLICE STATE and the installation of totalitarianism.

Some may say: “But, the constitution won’t allow that,”  but when has the Constitution ever stopped the Democrats since Obama was installed? We are beyond that point now and unless we stand together at local political events, make our individual statements against such unAmerican offenses, and deny them our consent to proceed, they will proceed and the world will inevitably slide into another Dark Age.

So, be fully aware that the Progressive Government the Democrats want to install will be avid collectors of data. The Chinese have shown them how it’s done. Face recognition surveillance, phone, and text intercepts, prohibited movements (think face masks mandates and vaccination passports), and lo, there we have it, a totalitarian America.

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go protest!

Image: AP


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Frank Buchanan
Frank Buchanan
2 years ago

A very clear insight into what is currently being perpetrate in this critically important time.

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