
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 17, 2024





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Thanks to the collective work of England’s Global Warming Policy Forum, a dozen accurate and upbeat stories were reported in 2020 relating to our planet’s weather. Most of our readers realize that man-caused climate change is not an existential threat to life on Earth. Believe it or not, there is no such thing as man-caused climate change (also called anthropogenic global warming, or AGW), aside from the urban heat island effect that occurs in all metropolitan areas. If AGW exists at all, it is too small to quantify. Thus, it is safe to say that it is close enough to zero to accept zero as the default value. Yet, day after day you read in the media that the use of fossil fuel-producing greenhouse gases must be slowed to a halt.

We read regularly on the website what a disaster will befall the world if fossil fuels are prevented from providing us with safe and inexpensive energy to support our lifestyle. Willfully or not, those in power today are leading us back to a standard of living experienced in the mid-19th century with their anti-fossil fuel policies. Ultimately, it will not happen as they will be removed from power long before they achieve the damage to which their plans are leading us. 

In the meantime, here are some stories, one for each day of the month, you can share with your friends to help walk them back from the ledge on which they may be living.

1- In January, it was confirmed that global deaths from natural disasters including weather dropped from 15,000 in 2018 to 9,000 in 2019 confirming the overall trend in recent decades towards lower numbers of victims thanks to better prevention measures. This is not surprising considering how much better our early warning systems have become, allowing us to quickly detect approaching hurricanes and other extreme weather events.

2- In February, the staying power of Mt. Kilimanjaro snow continued to defy the gloomy forecast by Al Gore almost 30 years ago. Alarmist scientists who never understood the nature of weather at the top of this famous mountain had forecast that all ice fields and glaciers on the mountain would have completely melted by now. This, despite the fact that the temperature at the peak has never risen above freezing.

3- In March, a new study at the University of York found that preindustrial sea level rise in Nova Scotia, Maine, and Connecticut was a constant 2 to 3 millimeters per year, just as it is today, without any human impact.

4- In April, Earth Day was 50 years old without a single one of its yearly doomsday predictions ever having come to be true. From their belief in ecological collapse, the complete exhaustion of our oil supply to the end of civilization as we know it, they have been wrong on every count, as most frauds are.

5- In May, scientists discovered that coral reefs can readily adapt to rising ocean temperatures by creating their own sunscreen of neon colors, attracting new coral animals to the reefs in the process.

6- In June, Antarctic penguins were seen to increase their numbers when sea ice melts since they have to spend less time foraging for food.

7- In July, it was recognized that Siberian heatwaves have been very common and unrelated to current climate change. Its hottest summer on record was in 1917.

8- In August, it was determined that there has not been any trend up or down in hurricanes over the last 167 years.

9- In September, a random survey of 70,000 Europeans learned that only 5% described themselves as extremely worried about climate change. The United Nations’ own survey confirmed that this trend is even more prominent internationally. After polling 9.7 million people from 194 countries, the UN’s My World global survey found that “action was taken on climate change” rated dead last out of the 16 suggested priorities for the agency. This despite the fact that on the survey website, the UN lists climate change action as the first choice given respondents. Access to reliable energy, better healthcare, government honesty, a good education, etc., are apparently far greater concerns to people across the world.

10- In October, a UN disaster report revealed a big decline in climate-related disasters since 2000. Titled “The Human Cost of Disasters,” it has been described as an embarrassment and a catalog of errors after it emerged that the headline claim of a staggering rise in climate-related disasters was refuted by its own data which showed they had been declining for the past 20 years. 

11- In November, it was discovered that, in the Netflix original movie OUR PLANET, faked scenes of Walruses dying from climate changes were included in the film.

12- In December, scientists discovered that the warming of the Greenland ice sheet was driven by geothermal activity from a flow of hot rocks known as a mantle plume.

You might want to share these stories with your friends who still buy into the idea that activities of mankind are causing a climate emergency. When Shakespeare said long ago “Sound and Fury Signifying Nothing,” he could have been describing the man-caused climate change fraud.


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