
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 12, 2024





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Pelosi’s bipartisan Select Commission on Truth, Justice and the American Way, populated by all anti-Trump Democrats, including two Pelosi Republicans who voted for Trump’s impeachment, sissy weeper Renfield Kinzinger, who should be gone the next election cycle, and Liz Chaney, who will be gone. Pelosi’s Truth Commissions’ whole purpose of existing is to damage Donald Trump with already disproved malfeasance in office, as the cause of the Jan 6 incident. But, we know better, don’t we?

Truth Commissions, like Pelosi’s, are created to make lies the truth and vice versa. Pelosi’s commission is only another Soviet-style Kangaroo Court to waste taxpayers’ money accomplishing nothing.

As to preplanning and the political organizing of the 06 Jan counter Trump rally, we can easily suppose exactly what Pelosi’s role in it was. Her fingerprints are all over this thing. In her exalted position as Speaker of the House, when Trump was still in office, she assumed an attitude that she was absolutely his equal. Trump viewed her like a gnat in his teacup.

She was accompanied by her stooge Chuckie Schumer, and when Trump dismissed her Marxist hogwash, she stormed out of the White House, dragging Schumer with her to tell the world how bad he was. Trump wasn’t impressed at all. When she publicly and contemptuously tore up Trump’s State of the Union speech for all the world to see, that solidified her credentials as a real kook. Thereafter she continued to publicly denounce him as a phony President installed by the connivance of the Russians.

In her growing deranged state, she plotted against Trump recklessly using the Constitution as her authority to claim he was a candidate for the 25th amendment action. That having failed, she claimed he was guilty of other high crimes and misdemeanors, demanding impeachment action. That having failed, she resurrected the earlier collection of lies about the Russians, and the phone call with the President of Ukraine as further evidence that Trump was bad. Then, even after the Marxist Democrats stole the election and Trump was headed out the door, she reinstated efforts to re-impeach him.

Pelosi’s Trump derangement knows no bounds. Now, she’s threatening Republican Representatives who show up in the House chamber not wearing masks with fines and/or imprisonment. What she doesn’t realize is that her day will soon be coming to an inglorious end. She has only a little more than one year to complete her party’s goal to destroy America.

We can easily dismiss any claim Pelosi posited that she has a responsibility to faith in her Catholic Christianity as deep and abiding. Even her Catholic Bishop has dismissed her nonsense out of hand. Christians simply don’t support the mass killings of babies. Hitler did that!

Wokeism Can’t Be Sustained

Words have meanings and changing definitions; no matter how delightful it is to the ‘woke’ believer, these ‘wokeisms’ can’t be sustained. To maintain it longer than necessary will garner the distrust, ridicule, and ultimately the contempt their efforts so richly deserve. As logical thinking conservative Americans, we must rid ourselves of the idea that we are obligated to agree with the Leftist voices screaming their Marxist nonsense over saner-heads.

Do the so-called “Experts,” especially in the fields of medicine and weather, really know what the hell they’re talking about? I don’t think so! They’ve changed their positions on the China Virus, masks or no masks, vaccinations, etc., so often that most folks are really confused about what danger is coming next… buses to the re-education camps, fines, or imprisonment? 

Black Leninists Matters

BLM was what I long thought meant the Bureau of Land Management. It’s now become Black Lives Matter when exactly the opposite is true. So let’s change that definition. The BLM group claim on their website that they are truly Marxists and want to see all of America become Marxist too. So, therefore I submit that their moniker is misleading. They should really be BMM or Black Marxist Matter.

But that takes away from the fun of labeling them for what they really want to be, BLM. How about calling them Black Leninists Matters? That would work, especially since most of them are white progressives led by 60s era college professors, mush-headed students who will never get a paying job, and graduate students who still can’t get a job and have nothing better to do than protest those who do have jobs. 

And, where are those real black leaders who are supposed to have started this wonderful BLM movement against police brutality? Why they’re living the high life using the millions of “Woke” corporate sponsor donations to buy themselves swell mansions so they can look and feel successful. Does the IRS know, or do they care? 

Judging by the black death count in Chicago just this past weekend alone, and every weekend actually, it’s manifest that black lives really don’t matter at all. It’s just a word game to help destroy law and order because it’s not policemen doing the killings. So how do Democrats justify the high and growing black death rate? Blame it on guns, not Lori Lightfoot’s lousy leadership. If guns are the cause, then no one should have a gun. Brilliant reasoning. So, let’s extrapolate that idea: If drunk drivers cause the majority of highway deaths, then all sober drivers should be banned from the highways.

Professional Planning, Tactics, and Execution

The 06 Jan 21 peaceful protest at our Nations Capitol against voter fraud quickly turned rowdy, then riotous, then insurrectionists (because Nancy Pelosi said so), leaving in its wake a growing but recognizably clear pattern of professional planning, tactics, and execution but, like most sleazy plans, it was poorly executed because mass protests run on their own time schedule. Success lies in the hope that their trusted media propagandists will, as expected, either ignore the crimes or cover ’em up.

Consider the FBI’s hired agent provocateurs planted in the swell of legitimate protesters, coupled with the BLM and Antifa provocateurs in Trump hats pursuing their own discordant operation, as essential parts of the governments’ entrapment scheme.

For Democrats, the media has complied admirably, but that only adds to the growing mistrust the government and media actors are generating for themselves. They are protected by Biden’s DoJ’s refusal to recognize their crimes by refusing to release video evidence of Capitol Police collaboration with riotous protestors.

They must proceed with their plan to claim Trump supporters are true domestic terrorists and not BLM or Antifa. This is Pelosi’s third impeachment effort of President Trump. Trump cannot be allowed to win again, and they are desperate to prevent it.

In sheer desperation to deny Donald Trump a return to power, it’s imperative to convince voters that Trump and Trump’s supporters are America’s real danger!

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!

Image: AP


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Lori Geerhardt
Lori Geerhardt
2 years ago


2 years ago

It’s apparent to me, and I’m no politician, that our leaders think we don’t understand the hypocrisy and gibberish of the left, so they keep pointing out the predictable and the ridiculously obvious day after day. When is some keen-thinking, scholar with integrity and real morals going to lay out the action plan for those of us, so-far, sitting ducks– not knowing what effective things we can be doing at this very moment and each moment after to get this filth off of my planet. I’m standing here, as always saying, “Yes! Let’s get them!” Ten years later I’m standing here saying, “Yes! Let’s get them!” The worst part of it is, Republicans don’t really rally together really well everywhere. Here in southern California, everyone I know hates what is going on too, but that’s as far as any conversation about it goes. Then it’s suddenly too much to think or talk about and there I am left again standing here saying, “Yes! Let’s get them!”

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