
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 8, 2024





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As Pennsylvanians everywhere plan a trip to the polls in less than a week, the political attacks are coming out in full force. Even if a person can get past the political attack ads ⏤ many Pennsylvanians wonder if their vote will really count. As the movie “2000 Mules” hits sold-out theatres across the state, the idea that there were 1,100 people in Philadelphia alone actively and prolifically participating in election fraud may have people uncomfortable with the prospect of a free and fair election. 

As a US Attorney General, gubernatorial candidate Bill McSwain could have been one of the people who ensured election integrity. Instead, he has repeated on the debate stage that we should just move on. According to the researchers in “2000 Mules,” McSwain’s county could have flipped the Pennsylvania vote to then President Trump.

So how does a population move forward, unsure their vote matters in the first place? There are 9 Republican candidates on the ballot for May 17th, and few look viable if you are a freedom-loving citizen.  

In the Republican primary, the polls have Doug Mastriano, Lou Barletta, Dave White, and Bill McSwain in the lead, followed by Nche Zama, Charlie Gerow, Melissa Hart, Joe Gale, and Jake Corman III following. If freedom is what you want, there are really only two candidates with a real history that is recognizable; Senator Mastriano and Lou Barletta. Both candidates have been outspoken with proven records of standing up for what is right, not necessarily what is popular.

Barletta as a mayor of Hazleton, and Mastriano as a junior senator from York County. Senator Mastriano has an advantage being that his recent role as senator has put him in place to fight the establishment, upsetting many RINOs, and they are in full force coming out against him. Numerous bills to combat the rights being stripped away from citizens, along with election integrity hearings and freedom rallies, have set this candidate apart in a clear path in protecting his constituents. Dr. Zama has never run for elected office, so he does not have the voting record. But he does stand on the side of conservative values and medical freedom.

Popular news outlets and the GOP push the idea that Mastriano has no chance of winning against Shapiro, but why?Where is the evidence?Is this a repeat of the 2016 presidential election where Donald Trump would have no chance of winning?

The general population is tired of politics as usual. Wherever Senator Mastriano shows up, people show up in droves. The real question is whether or not the GOP will successfully get their favorite guy in. This is the year where we see the grassroots groups vs. the establishment GOP.

It will be interesting to see the results of the primary election. The establishment has money and counts itself as power brokers. They love the status quo, the “don’t rock the boat” mentality. They pronounce, “This is our guy!” and expect the masses to get in line. However, many are standing up and deciding to vote conscience over party or affiliation – regardless.

But aren’t those the same “stand up” attitude and actions that formed this great nation?

A decided, determined few who said “no” and were willing to take a stand for what they felt was right.  We often look back at the events of 1775/1776 and think that all of the members of the Continental Congress were fighting for liberty with equal fervor all the time. Not true.

The initial vote for independence from England saw a few colonies, including Pennsylvania, unwilling or unconvinced. But American patriots persisted. They kept the fight. They talked. They pleaded. They wrote. They were unwilling to forfeit their convictions for convenience. Finally, by unanimous vote, the colonies voted for independence. Even Pennsylvania got it right.

Let’s hope PA patriots can see it through in 2022, just as our forefathers did in 1776.


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1 year ago

Actually, Joe Gale is the only real candidate without ties to swampy politics. Mastriano is tied to Act 77 which caused the debacle of mail in ballots in PA.

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