
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 17, 2024





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Enough is enough. 

Elections have consequences, but stolen elections, as we have experienced since November 2020, can have catastrophic consequences.

The United States of America is on a direct trajectory towards collapse and fragmentation or civil war.

The American people are witnessing: a deliberate attempt to dismantle the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, an invasion of our southern border, the destruction of our Middle Class, the degradation of the military, the creation of unsustainable debt and inflation, and a systematic assault on our institutions, history and culture.

It is time to say out loud and often what everyone knows to be true.

Joe Biden is not President of the United States. He and those currently in power are usurpers, having stolen that power in a fraudulent election.

But those currently in power in Washington D.C. are merely foot-soldiers within a larger international movement, underwritten by a cadre of rich and powerful oligarchs, who wish to lead a global government, one which seeks to erase the concept of nationhood and is modeled after that of the Chinese Communist Party, combining state capitalism and totalitarianism.

Those international forces do not see the United States as a country, but as land and people to exploit, where citizens are mere serfs, without personal liberty or property as a form of Neo-Feudalism.

Those currently in power in the United States are philosophically allied with and seeking the same outcome as the globalists and the Chinese Communist Party.

Like the Chinese Communist Party, those currently in power seek to consolidate all power in a federal government controlled by a single political party. 

The Communist-led Democrat Party intends to “save democracy” by installing a totalitarian, one-party state.

It is a system in which power rests, not with the citizens, but with a relatively small group of leftwing politicians and financiers, who enhance their personal wealth and privilege by looting the country through a self-serving legislative process. They maintain their authority by adjusting the levers of government and using the media to manipulate or suppress open discussion of the issues.

Republican leaders neither contest that view nor oppose their Democrat counterparts because they do not want to challenge the ruling class, they want to join it. The GOP leadership has gradually solidified its choice to no longer represent what had been its constituency, but to adopt the identity of junior partners in the ruling class.

There is now a sharp division between the bipartisan ruling class and the rest of the American populace, who are considered retrograde, racist, and dysfunctional unless properly controlled by the dictates of central authority.

The present political environment, that is, the separation between the rulers and the ruled, bears comparison to the events leading up to the American Revolution.

On January 10, 1776, nearly six months before the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Paine published the forty-eight-page pamphlet Common Sense, which openly presented arguments supporting the freedom of the American colonies from oppressive British rule.

According to Paine, a society arises because individuals living alone in nature find shared benefits by living together rather than remaining isolated. In an ideal society, where each individual acts in a morally just fashion toward every other individual in the society, there is no need for laws and government. Only when moral virtue is inadequate to restrain human evil, do laws become necessary; and only when a society becomes too large to operate by collective agreement and as individual enforcers of those laws do governments become necessary.

In such circumstances, the balance between society and government will determine the balance between individual liberty and functionality of the society. In complex societies, in the absence of laws and government, chaos will prevail. When laws become too numerous and government too large, individual liberty suffers.

The efficiency and effectiveness of government are directly dependent upon the trustworthiness of government officials as representatives and executors of the views and desires of the people.

In other words, whenever the interests of government officials divert from or are in conflict with those of the people, tyranny ensues.

The erosion of the Constitution and the theft of our Constitutional rights have been occurring incrementally and quietly over a long period of time. Now that trend is accelerating. We are reaching the point of no return. Either we act now to reverse course or our constitutional republic will be lost forever.

Without free and fair elections, the United States is no different than the government controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.

We must not ask, but demand a 2022 Emergency Presidential Election in which only legal votes are counted to restore our constitutional republic.


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Jack Bergeron
Jack Bergeron
2 years ago

Mike Pence knew the election had been stolen and should have responded to the call of several of the state legislators to halt the counting of electoral votes until after a thorough investigation had been performed.

Thousands of Americans, like the signers of the Declaration of Independence, willingly risked their fortunes, their lives, their sacred honor to obtain and defend the freedoms we as a people have enjoyed. The Democrats, along with some of their Republican counterparts, have gravely dishonored those thousands of patriots.

The global elitists along with the Democrats and their Republican counterparts working together to destroy this country are being played as useful idiots by the communists in Russia and China. These idiots in exchange for transitory wealth and power have given Russia energy dominance and China raw material and manufacturing dominance. We are tottering on losing the dollar’s world dominance. If and when the communists gain full control of the entire world, a likely scenario as they now have the upper hand, they will quickly dispose of the no-longer-useful idiots. I fear it is too late to save our Republic. our Constitution and our freedom.

Reply to  Jack Bergeron
2 years ago

Pence and many others, have probably been threatened by the elite. I’m sure many are afraid to stand against them. Many on the left, are calling it quits. Whether they are waking up, or just afraid of getting caught, this fall, who knows. I just hope enough people wake up, before it is too late.

Cathryn Potvin
Cathryn Potvin
2 years ago

I can only hope it could be possible to have an Emergency Presidential Election – that’s the only thing that could possibly save us – is it even possible?

2 years ago

A voice of reason and truth – thank you. I hope we hear more from you, we’re very much in need of leaders.

2 years ago

We’re at war but it’s not the traditional war. We’re fighting corporations and billionaire influence. They are using psychological warfare, they are organized and have the financing they need to fight their fight. We need organization and financing as well, organization at least. We also need a plan how to fight them.

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