
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 17, 2024





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So, all the secret ‘Black Chamber’ BS is over, and the really important BS begins in Adam Schiff’s sham forum of a Soviet style show trial in an attempt to modify public opinion with his corrupted, phony, one-sided circus show. It’s a Barnum and Bailey event with Schiff as the Ring Master that has absolutely lost any importance to any but a few die hard Democrats and a few Trump hating “NeverTrump” Republicans.
It’s a potential danger to them because even now, a few in the Democrat caucus recognize the lurking dangers of continuing this farce as a clear and present danger to the continued existence of the Democrat party. Even Nancy Pelosi gives lip service to Schiff’s efforts because she knows it’s not going anywhere in the Senate and will leave her party looking as foolish and stupid as Schiff the Abdominal Showman.
Nancy Pelosi, pushed hard to the ‘left’ by the nut house crowd of super socialists and Islamist racists in the Democrat caucus, must at least appear to do something to support the Schiff show trial.

Pelosi needs to bring the Party back to the center but as an aging, used up old political hack, she appears no longer capable of carrying the party’s load. Disaster awaits in the wings.

For some reason, Schiff’s ardor in pursuing the President’s impeachment on a unsubstantiated, second hand rumor by a “leaker,” not a ‘Whistleblower,” a CIA hack planted on Trump’s staff by former CIA Director John Brennan, an Obama creature, rests in Schiff’s mind as the Gospel truth not to be denied and not to be questioned. Therefore no Republican witnesses, no “whistleblower” testimony and no unapproved, by Schiff, Republican witnesses. Let’s go home! 
The rules of law, fairness, due process and honesty do not apply because Schiff, the Abdominal Showman, wants to impeach the President. In the eyes of his deep state, Trump is illegitimate and therefore fair game for any attack they may wish to launch. The Deep State contends the voters were duped and it is Schiff’s sacred mission to impeach Trump to correct the voters error. Like the Knights of the Round Table pursuing the Holy Grail, his mission and the fake evidence he has supposedly developed, is sacrosanct. 
Schiff, the Abominable Showman, apparently doesn’t see the hypocrisy in his trial because he cannot deny that he himself has become a witness of fact, that can’t be ignored. He refuses to testify, under oath, about colluding with the alleged whistleblower/Leaker (whistle-leaker). Logically, Schiff cannot allow the Leaker to testify without perjuring himself and exposing the trail as an exercise in collusion. It’s all part of the Coup scandal that includes other potential criminal participants like John Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Susan Rice and Joe Biden. 
If the whistle-leaker isn’t going to testify, how can there be any impeachment hearing? If the whistle-leaker’s claim to have been told something by someone else, and that information doesn’t align with the published transcript of Trump’s call⏤then any evidence from that source is inadmissible and therefore valueless,… end of trial. Such evidence, if presented or referred to as authoritative, becomes instead a trial of the leaker (Spy) and that will never do.
At some point Pelosi should put an end to this nonsense before it is referred to the Senate for trial. Lacking any substance as a legitimate product of due process, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell may just dismiss the wasted Democrat effort and chuck their reports into the round file where it belongs. The Coup against President Trump is a failure, at least on this issue. 
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!


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