
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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One thing is as certain as elm blight in January; it’s impossible even to try to reason with the Left, let alone negotiate any issue with them. They are Marxists and will remain so until hell freezes over, and no argument based on the rule of law (US Constitution) will assuage them of the error of their ways. The law is what they say it is; therefore, they are right, and we are wrong, simple as that. How can honest, sane people work from that wobbly platform and succeed? Only by agreeing with them, hence the development of the “Deep State,” a cover story idea behind which corrupt politicians can hide, spread the blame for failure, and claim their decisions were for the common good and our own safety, of course! 

Then came Donald Trump, who discombobulated the entire corrupt process, and used the opportunity to place three conservative justices on the US Supreme Court in his one term, which suddenly and bravely, I might add, summoned the courage and determination to return to the rule of law. Roe v. Wade, the Left’s fifty years of justification for population control via mass infanticide of citizens who had no voice to complain, is now history. Other decisions enacted on the faulty constitutional assumptions Roe, Casey & et al. made about what the US Constitution allows and doesn’t allow are about to be revisited and clarified. 

Within mere days of the Roe decision, the Supreme Justices ruled that the “State,” a school district, violated constitutional safeguards in firing a sports coach for praying with his team when he was ordered not to do so. What is it about the “State” (any government entity) that dampens their understanding of one simple sentence: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;…”  and then set about challenging the very Constitution they’ve usurped just to prove how wrong they were all the time.

It’s not about right or wrong; it’s about their power to control exactly what people hear, say, and do. We see that with the new round of riots generated after the Roe / Casey decision was published, even before. Who can now argue that Chuck Schumer is not solely responsible for the mayhem visiting our city streets in the wake of the Supreme Courts’ decision overturning Roe v. Wade?

Schumer’s culpability even extended to an assassination attempt on Justice Kavanaugh. Democrats now want to use the powers of Federal Law Enforcement to imitate the odious apparatus of a Nazi Police state in American cities to control and contain the damage real independent thinking Americans are contemplating to save America.  

The Left has gone absolutely nuts over the issue because Schumer told them they should. Who’s guilty of the more serious federal crime, Donald Trump, who advised his followers to peacefully make their protests, or Chuckie Schumer, standing on the steps of the Supreme Court, threatened to invite the whirlwind down on Gorsuch and Kavanaugh?

The Court’s ruling has cracked open the door to a return to the rule of law and order. It presents a golden opportunity, enriched by the rioters themselves, to start the destruction of their communist narratives, and Make America Great Again.  

The post-Roe rioting verdict presents the needed opportunity for cities to shed their dependence on federal money and return their jurisdictions to the rule of law, retake control of the streets and enforce the laws against mob violence. Mobs dressed in hoodies, and face masks, wearing backpacks filled with stones, and blow torch materials, and organizing in front of courts and Judge’s homes in violation of local, state, and federal laws should be advised their activities are declared outlaw events, and they could be shot for their crimes. Then shoot them! Let them experience the same violence they want to visit on our police officers. The people will stand behind any brave city mayor or police chief willing to do what the Supreme Court did, establish peace and calm on our streets and follow up with arrests, trials, and imprisonments.

Donald Trump’s alleged attack on 06 January 21, an insurrection as Nancy Pelosi frames it, pales compared to what Chuck Schumer created. Will there be any justice at last?

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!


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