
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 19, 2024





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America’s political disaster, its slide into socialism, started with the election of Barak Obama, who wanted to “Fundamentally Change America.” Trying to hide his Islamist proclivities as a war president, he boldly drew his infamous ‘Red Line’ in the sand, warning Syria’s President Assad not to use chemical weapons against his own people, an action Assad promptly did. Obama was tested, he blinked, did nothing, and the seed of mistrust in America’s leadership was sown. 

The weed of incompetence bears bitter fruit or, in Joe’s case, prickly weeds that he just harvested in Afghanistan, enough salad fixings for the supper of increased Islamic terrorism against Americans everywhere we’re soon to eat.  They’re not afraid of us anymore. They were afraid of Donald Trump, but not this incompetent pecker-head, Joe Biden. I will never call him President, and I do a disservice to pecker-heads. And just when we thought China was going to be our next problem. Just wait!

China was watching, and now they undoubtedly can conclude, taking Taiwan should be a cakewalk. Watch the Chinese Industrial complex flow into Afghanistan to fill the gap, not as the British, Soviets, and America have done, with great armies, massive weaponry, and a purpose for nation-building, but with wads of money, promises of economic promotion for their rare earth minerals, gold, silver and lithium, and of course, the rewards to be reaped from their great fields of opium poppies for Western markets. China might get it all if they don’t screw it up as Biden has done. Don’t forget, China doesn’t like any religion, and that could be their Achilles heel.

We’ve had agreements with the Philippines, So. Korea, Japan, and even Vietnam now to be there for them if the Chinese Dragon starts feeding its ravishing appetite for Empire and glory. But now, who can trust America to be there for them? We’re worried that sailors might throw transgenders overboard. Our allies certainly must wonder what the future holds for them.

This tawdry collapse of the Afghan Army, Islamic soldiers melting away to avoid being caught in a government uniform, was as predictable as the speed with which the Taliban have absorbed every Regional Capitol and now Kabul as well. By the end of the month, Afghanistan’s population should be halved and its graveyards doubled.

Afghanistan is a rugged country of tribal family groups that basically don’t like other tribal family groups. Islam is the glue that connects them, not politics, and they still fight about that. They will bend the rules of Islam for profit if necessary. It’s a national trait molded into their DNA, especially because their lives have seen eons of brutish survival, starvation, and early deaths by war, disease, and feud, not to mention that it also hinders the “non-believers,” the western armies, who want to convert them.  

To naively expect that “Nation Building” in Islamic countries would work because the West had defined and perfected the rules for democracy and is available for everyone with just a little effort is to invite the ridicule, scorn, hatred, and assault that Islam has perfected as a defense against its enemies, especially weak ones.

Biden and his idiot Secretary of State, Tony Blinkin, denied events were bad, just unexpected at the rapidity of their conclusion. Once again, they follow the Democrats’ motto: “Admit nothing, deny everything and blame somebody else!” If these idiots think they can hang Biden’s disaster around Trump’s neck, they’re sadly mistaken. It’s the same for the border, That’s all Biden’s screw-up, and he owns ’em both.

Once again, impatient Americans are faced with a brutal truth: “If we don’t learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.” Korea, an armistice, not a victory, Vietnam, lost due to a lack of interest, and now Afghanistan, a complete Bug Out! 

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go change things!


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