
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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I often hear – and have at times said – that the hard left is crazy, but while some in the hard left may very well be crazy, many I would call ‘hard left’ are not, and in fact, if you accept the things these people start with as assumptions about the world around us, and about the United States in particular, suddenly much of what they say makes logical sense.

Before I go any further, allow me to define my terms. By ‘hard left,’ I mean the Bernie Sanders, AOC, Elizabeth Warren crowd. I mean those who want a centrally-planned economy, those who believe in CRT, and the like. I am not lumping every democrat in together, and I want that to be clear.

Consider people crying in their cars when a handful of pickup trucks flying American flags drive past. Such displays certainly look crazy on YouTube, but we have taught two generations of Americans that our country was founded on slavery and racism; that slavery, genocide, racism, and white supremacy define our founding and our national history; and that racism and white supremacy continue to define our country to this very day. The hard left does not view the United States as a bastion of freedom and liberty, nor as the ‘land of the free and the home of the brave,’ but as a stronghold of human oppression and depravity – as the bastion of all that is evil in the world.

If someone truly believes that the United States is the most horrendous and racist nation in human history – as we have been teaching our children for two generations – then it is perfectly logical to also believe that celebrating our nation is celebrating racism, sexism, genocide, slavery, and all of the other things such a person thinks describes our country. Is it not logical for such a person to also believe that someone driving by with an American flag adorning their truck must, by extension be supporting white supremacy, genocide, toxic masculinity, and all of the other evils such a person believes defines our country?

The hard left may be wrong (they are wrong), but their beliefs about the rest of us flow logically from the assumptions they start with. We have spent the last two generations teaching Americans to hate their country, and to hate the people in it. We see the results before us.

The national divide is not driven by different opinions so much as by completely different sets of assumptions about the nation we live in. It is as if the left and right live in alternate universes.

Consider some actual news stories that our mainstream media did not bother to report.

Story One

Five US oil refineries were shuttered last year based on new EPA requirements, the cost of which would have made them unprofitable. We refine about 1.5 million fewer barrels of oil a day as a result. 

Under the Biden Administration, the EPA has a stated goal of weaning America off fossil fuels by using regulatory rules to force refineries out of business, but the media continues to peddle the narrative that Joe Biden has nothing to do with the rise in the cost of gasoline.

Furthermore, as the EPA continues to use regulatory oversight to force American refineries out of business, the price of gasoline will continue to rise until gasoline is no longer sold in the United States at all. Doing so is currently the stated goal of the EPA, but you won’t hear that in the mainstream media…

And note that the closure of refineries is on top of everything the Biden Administration is doing to restrict our supply of oil.

Story Two

Biden just proposed a multi-trillion dollar bill to help small businesses deal with inflation, arguing that government spending can bring inflation down by using subsidies to offset rising costs.

The result will be even more inflation.

Furthermore, student loan payments have now been suspended for over two years, and it would be political suicide to allow payments to resume before an election, so there is little chance of Biden allowing them to resume before the election results are final in 2024. By then, it will have been five years since payments were suspended.

Like it or not, but our ‘new’ way of paying for college is to have students take out loans that will never be repaid, and to have people owe interest-free, no payment debt until they die, at which time the debt will be billed to their estate (if the money is available – otherwise it will be written off).

The interest on this debt will be absorbed by the taxpayer, and the cost of college will continue to explode as colleges take advantage of the fact that nobody will ever have to repay their debt.

In other words, college is now effectively free, paid for by a combination of higher national debt and a brand new inheritance tax.

We have effectively already written off all student loans and made college free, and the result will be even more inflation. You won’t hear that in the news, but it’s true…

Story Three

The Department of Homeland Security is responding to Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter by creating a ‘Disinformation Governance Board.’  What powers the board will have are unknown, but the Department of Homeland Security tells us that disinformation is a national security threat, and the people being nominated for the board are some of the biggest purveyors of misinformation on the left – people who still maintain that Hunter Biden’s laptop is fake and that Trump colluded with Russia.

This board is actually The Ministry of Propaganda, and the first piece of propaganda the ministry has produced is its name.

Elon Musk bought Twitter. That is in the news. What is NOT in the news is that Apple, Google,, and the EU have all announced that they will take action against Twitter if Twitter fails to censor content well enough to provide what these groups consider ‘free speech.’ I’ll get into what these groups think ‘free speech’ is in a minute, but for now, suffice it to say that ‘free speech’ does not mean to these groups what a normal person would think it does.

Apple and Google are going to remove Twitter from their app stores, Amazon is going to take Twitter off their servers, and the EU will seize 6% of Twitter’s gross revenues and/or ban the platform from Europe unless the platform continues to censor what these groups consider to be, in the words of the EU, “disinformation, misinformation, hate speech, and otherwise illegal or harmful content.”

What is ‘harmful content’? That term is, of course, not defined. It is whatever left-leaning members of the EU want it to mean, which means that the EU has assumed the right to censor whatever content it does not like.

What is ‘free speech’ according to the left? I’ll explain that – what follows is the argument the left would make, if they thought making an argument was in any way helpful (and I will discuss why they do not feel making an argument is helpful later)…

In order to have an open dialog in the public sphere, the left believes we need to recognize that some groups have historically dominated the public sphere, and that the dominance of these groups continues into the present day, drowning out the voices of marginalized groups – which are also the very voices who most need free speech.

The left believes that a free society must ensure the safety of marginalized groups within the public sphere such that the freedom of these groups to speak and to be heard is not infringed. This will necessarily mean that other groups – historically dominant groups – will have to have their speech censored, so as to protect the safety of those that dominant groups would otherwise continue to marginalize.

Furthermore, the left believes that some members of marginalized groups actually take the side of the oppressive majority, causing tremendous damage to other members of marginalized groups. According to the left, these voices, too must be suppressed in order to forward the voices of those who recognize that they are historically oppressed, which are also the most important voices in the public sphere.

According to Time Magazine and other left-leaning media sources, free speech is not absolute, as the freedom of speech for some groups necessarily comes at the expense of the freedom of speech of other groups. As such, the left gives the government a central role in controlling speech, such that the voices and feelings of particularly marginalized groups are protected.

Furthermore, according to the left, disinformation runs rampant in public forums, and of course, disinformation must be suppressed. The need to suppress disinformation is particularly strong with regard to disinformation that is factually accurate, but that might lead people to the wrong conclusions. Such disinformation, according to the left, is best countered by censorship, and by the dissemination of information that may not be factual, but that forwards the correct conclusions.

I’m not making this stuff up. The hard left, and increasingly the moderate left, actually believe that. Remember that Elon Musk used to be considered a liberal. Elon Musk’s views on free speech have not moved, but the hard left has swayed the media so far toward authoritarianism that today censorship of speech is considered central to preserving the freedom of speech.

Story Four

A few days ago, in Chicago, Gregory Stamps (a man with a long rap sheet for attempted murder and other violent crimes) picked up David Castile at a gay bar, brought him home, had sex with him, and then bashed his brains in with a hammer, hitting him between 20 and 30 times – hitting him so hard, and so many times, that the coroner could not get an accurate count of the blows. Stamps then dragged Castile’s naked body down a flight of stairs and out into the street before going back inside.

A neighbor saw Stamps drag Castile out into the street and called the police. It was not hard for the police to surmise what had happened – they had a dying David Castile bleeding in the street, and a trail of blood leading to Gregory Stamp’s bedroom, where a bloody Gregory Stamp, a bloody hammer, and blood-spattered walls waited.

Gregory Stamps was read his rights, but he spoke to the police anyway and confessed that he beat David Castile with a hammer.

David Castile died of his wounds.

The news here is not the murder – murder in Chicago is so common as not to be newsworthy. The news is that the police chief could not find a prosecutor who was willing to prosecute Gregory Stamps, on the basis that black men have been persecuted enough by Chicago’s police (Gregory Stamps happens to be black – a fact that should have no relevance at all).

I could go on and on and on. The number of news stories that are not in the news but should be is ridiculously large. All of the stories I just listed are real, and you can find them with a simple search in any search engine, but you will find local reporting only. The national media did not find these stories fit to share. Why, you ask? Because they do not fit the narrative, the media wants the public to believe, and in the ‘new world’ of ‘fact checkers’ and ‘truth police,’ narratives drive what we are suddenly allowed to believe to be true. The ‘truth police’ will forward ‘information’ they KNOW TO BE FALSE in order to forward the ‘correct’ narratives, and will suppress actual facts and actual news stories whenever the facts don’t line up with the narrative they want us to believe.

Well – OK.. I’ll give you one more news story the mainstream media is ignoring…  

Story Five

After telling the country for a year and a half that white supremacist domestic terrorism is the single greatest terrorist threat our country faces, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted to Congress that the Department of Homeland Security has not referred a single case of domestic terrorism to the Department of Justice. Essentially, the person running the Federal agency that will now control the fight against ‘disinformation’ has now admitted that the agency in charge of ‘fighting’ disinformation has itself been spreading disinformation for his entire tenure, creating a ‘domestic terrorism’ threat out of thin air in order to forward an agenda that America neither needs nor wants. And now the same person will have the power to censor content that does not fit his narrative.

Such is the state of America today.

Ladies and Gentlemen – the bottom line is this: we can stop waiting for the New World Order to arrive. It’s already here…

Finally… Why is it that the hard left does not believe it helpful to provide arguments? I promised an answer to that, and the answer is two-fold.

First, the hard left believes in postmodernism, and according to postmodernism, the only purpose of speech is to project power. Entering into a debate – defining arguments to support their demands – cedes power to groups the hard left does not want to have power by giving those groups a chance to respond. Since the only purpose of speech, according to the hard left, is to seek power, debate is neither necessary nor helpful.

Secondly, the hard left believes that anyone who does not agree with them is an evil human being in support of slavery, genocide, white supremacy, and every other evil depravity ever committed against humanity. As such, we are not worthy of being reasoned with.

The ‘New World Order’ is being implemented right now, before our very eyes. If we do not stop this madness, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what the hard left is going to do with those of us who do not hop on board, and what they aim to take away does not end with our freedom of speech.

  • Wallace Garneau

    Wallace L. Garneau, political commentator and professional author, brings a unique blend of expertise to the airwaves. Raised in a family of historians, Garneau's roots in history and economics run deep, with a particular focus on Europe between the World Wars. With a background in information technology and a keen business mind, Garneau authored "The Way Forward: Lean Leadership and Systems Thinking for Large and Small Businesses." His knack for breaking down complex ideas in clear, accessible language makes him a standout author and a powerful voice in the radio and podcast sphere. Beyond the corporate world, Garneau's culinary passion shines through in his social media presence, where he shares grilling and smoking techniques. A two-service military veteran (Marine Corps and Army), family man, and father of two, Garneau embodies dedication both personally and professionally. Listeners can expect insightful commentary on politics, economics, and culture. His unique perspective, rooted in historical understanding, sets him apart. Join Wallace Garneau on the America Out Loud network—his is a voice that not only informs but resonates, helping make sense of today's complex world through a lens of experience, knowledge, and a touch of culinary flair.


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fiona fontana
fiona fontana
1 year ago

Today, May 6, 2022 at about 7:30 am CST, both CNN and MSNBC were reporting ‘U.S. Intel was used to help sink Russian flagship’. John Kirby Pentagon spokesman, immediately came on CNN and walked the story back. MSNBC was still reporting the same story as news, as late as 2 pm CST.  Rather than an office of disinformation, penalties should be imposed on TV stations to keep them from reporting such ‘truths’, when you have a nut like Putin daily threatening to nuke the U.S. Such stories merely incite Putin’s animous. And are a risk to U.S. public health.
Regarding the murder on the Southside of Chicago, what makes this standout to you, the lack of prosecutorial enthusiasm?  How about more enthusiasm for ending all murders on the Southside, which are daily occurrences. I would get of all of those highrises, and use all the wasted HUD money funneled into those ‘housing traps’, to build three and four bedroom houses with big yards in their stead. Build community, end killing, stop funneling drugs and guns into the Southside. 

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