
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 6, 2024





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We all remember Ben Franklin’s old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” At some level, we must recognize that the logic is impeccable, but most people do not have a clue about how that works in practice. Within lifestyle medicine, there is a concept of a “jumpstart,” typically ten or twenty-one days on a full whole foods, plant-based diet, which can drastically reverse biomarkers, like cholesterol, blood pressure, A1C, lipids, and so on. Besides the before and after with the biomarkers, which is usually mind-blowing many times, various conditions like angina, gout, and even diabetes are reversed. In most cases, insulin-dependent diabetics (type II) need to reduce their insulin, and possibly other medications during the period. Typically, they can be off insulin in three weeks to three months.

So the focus of Lifestyle Medicine has tended to be on the prevention and reversal of chronic illness with nutrition and lifestyle. However, equally important, healthy living also results in a healthy immune system, and that includes clear guidance to keep up your vitamin D3 and B12 levels, because they are not easy to get otherwise. Clearly, people on such a diet would have a very low risk of a bad Covid experience.

There is a certain amount of Economics and some Operations Research in my background, systems thinking, and holistic thinking. In the medical/health context, I have a deep appreciation for why terrain theory makes more sense than germ theory: it is a holistic, systems approach. On the basis of pure logic, we realize that one faulty premise will prevent you from arriving at a valid conclusion, and the single source causation model of germ theory is fraught with problems of false assumptions. There simply is a paradigm that a single organism must be the cause, so we will find that single organism at all costs; the facts be damned. On a purely mathematical basis, to take a complex system and sub-optimize it for a single variable, will throw the entire system out of whack. We are doing this with vaccinations, and we are doing it repeatedly.

Even more so with the childhood schedule, we are clearly doing more damage with interventions that prevent the development of a healthy immune system. Unvaccinated kids are healthier by a mile, but instead, our vaccination schedule ensures kids grow up with crippled immune systems, and we create patients for life. Being healthy is no longer even an option in the biological terror state we have arrived at in the last seventy-five years.

To put the above in context, the IFR for the under 60 was 0.034% during the Covid period in 2020, according to the latest update from John Ioannidis (Jan 23); in short, you are going to treat the entire population in order to prevent one death in 3000 for the under 60, which could be reduced by 80% or so with adequate vitamin D levels and nasal flushes. The survival rate for 0-19 was 99.9997%, and for 60-69, it was 99.499%. The adverse reactions to the vaccines attacked younger people and so far killed about twice as many as the virus, or whatever it was. This is par for the course for vaccines in the past, as you will find out if you start to research the history of vaccination.

The picture that emerges is one of Don Quijote and Sancho Pancha fighting the windmills, but in this case, they have figured out how to sell tickets. Better yet, as Woody Harrelson synopsized it nicely on Saturday Night Live, the government is selling the tickets, guaranteeing the sales, rounding up the customers, delivering the product, and accepting the product liability. Great deal if you can get it. On the face of it, it makes no sense to provide preventative treatment to 99.966% of people, with its associated risks, in order to prevent the death of the 0.034%, and in this case, it is already clear worldwide that more are dying from the vaccines than from Covid-19, and there are lots of other adverse reactions from these injections. The logic is completely upside down.

But we remain fanatically obsessed about some virus, even though even a top industry expert like Dr. Mike Yeadon, no longer believes that there was a virus – based on the research of Denis Rancourt and others. We’re also being entertained with a false choice, between a lab leak and a wet market as an origin, when in all likelihood, there was no virus at all, as is indicated by the fact that the spread was not reflective of an airborne respiratory virus. So why are we so pre-disposed to see a single enemy, and, moreover, an external enemy? For this, I go back to the metaphysics and psychology of A Course in Miracles.

The origin story in the course is that at one point, we (the Son of God as Mind, purely Mind) take up the silly thought that we could be separate from God, and the moment we take that thought seriously, a set of steps follows where we end up in the world and always trying to blame everybody else for losing the Peace of God, and denying the fact that it was our own choice at the outset – projection and denial. Once we take up with the ego, we just end up in a vortex of consequences, and it keeps escalating as long as we keep making the wrong choice.

After that first ontological moment of choosing the separation and taking the thought seriously, we are bothered by the memory of Heaven (aka the Holy Spirit), and we wall off that part of our mind, but now we still worry that God is going to get us – that we are “living” on borrowed time. But the ego tells us it has the answer for that as well, and we project out a world and a body in which we completely forget that what we are is the mind. We now insist we are not as God created us (mind), that we are now bodies in the world, and we maintain our story by seeing differences with everybody and everything around us and by blaming them or any outside cause for our misery.

In short, from the moment of taking the idea of the separation from God seriously, the mechanism is denial and projection, in order to hide the guilt over leaving our home in Heaven (and thus destroying the oneness of Heaven), which we imagine is what we did. Therefore, guilt is the fuel of the ego-thought system, and denial and projection are the means of covering it up. We imagine then we live in a dangerous world that is always attacking us, and we are in a game of blackjack in which we do everything we can in order not to end up with the blackjack. We want to be an innocent victim of forces beyond our control.

A brother separated from yourself, an ancient enemy, a murderer who stalks you in the night and plots your death, yet plans that it be lingering and slow; of this, you dream. ²Yet underneath this dream is yet another, in which you become the murderer, the secret enemy, the scavenger and the destroyer of your brother and the world alike. ³Here is the cause of suffering, the space between your little dreams and your reality. The little gap you do not even see, the birthplace of illusions and of fear, the time of terror and of ancient hate, the instant of disaster, all are here. Here is the cause of unreality. And it is here that it will be undone. (ACIM, T-27.VII.12:1-6)

In other words, our lives are variations on the theme of surviving in a hostile world, and forgetting that we first imagined that we shattered the peace of Heaven. That is the secret self-accusation behind it all. Guilt over something that never happened, for reality, was never changed by our nightmare dream.

³Only in the past,—an ancient past, too short to make a world in answer to creation,—did this world appear to rise. So very long ago, for such a tiny interval of time, that not one note in Heaven’s song was missed. Yet in each unforgiving act or thought, in every judgment and in all belief in sin, is that one instant still called back, as if it could be made again in time. You keep an ancient memory before your eyes. And he who lives in memories alone is unaware of where he is. (ACIM, T-26.V.5:3-7)

Now you can understand why there is such resistance against terrain theory, for terrain theory implies that I am responsible for my health, and thus, we have to deal with the guilt. It is simply much more attractive to have some external enemy to blame; an invisible one is even better, like a virus. Yet the truth is that the path of healing begins by breaking the cycle and taking responsibility for my own health, and ultimately forgiving myself. The ego and the world are nothing but a giant paranoid schizophrenic ideation, a cosmic multiple personality disorder, in which the Son of God appears as many (sons of man). But:

“God may not enter here,” the sick repeat, over and over, while they mourn their loss and yet rejoice in it. Healing occurs as a patient begins to hear the dirge he sings, and questions its validity. Until he hears it, he cannot understand that it is he who sings it to himself. To hear it is the first step in recovery. To question it must then become his choice. (ACIM, P-2.VI.1:4-8)


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