
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 20, 2024





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Having just participated in the American Frontline Doctors White Coat Summit, I realize more than ever that when all the available pieces of the puzzle are put together, the developing picture is not at all a pretty one. I say this not out of any fear of a virus, but because the liberal Left tyrants truly have a plan to destroy America. Anyone who doesn’t realize the fact that the everyday people of the world are being played truly belongs in Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland, where nothing makes sense, but everyone is happy. I’ll have no part in it!

The real scientific data speaks very plainly. The escalating “COVID deaths” are occurring predominantly among those who have been given the gene shot. The Delta variant is not at all as deadly as the fearmongers have claimed. The number of COVID deaths has been drastically reduced, yet we are already being threatened with future shutdowns and masking again. The plan to shackle America in order to initiate the global Great Reset is no conspiracy theory. I only wish it was. Let’s just look at a few pieces of the puzzle.

The infamous Dr. Fraud Fauci funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab, where scientists produced a new virulent human strain of coronavirus that caused a pandemic. Prior to this, he claimed that a pandemic was coming, while he also sought to develop a vaccine against the same forecasted virus. Gain of function has one sole purpose—biowarfare. Prior to the pandemic, he claimed masks don’t work. This is a fact well proven by high-quality scientific studies. But when politically expedient, he then claimed two masks are better than one.

We know Fauci’s salary. How did he make $9 million last year? (And how much will he make this year?) It’s no wonder he’s pushing the “vaccine.” Repeatedly lying to the people, and even lying to Congress and directly to Senator Dr. Rand Paul, Fauci has shown us his hand. He is a Deep State cooperative, if not a Deep State operative. 

Censorship of all physicians and scientists who seek the truth, based on sound scientific evidence, reveals that the long tradition of reasonable and honest scientific inquiry that leads to amazing medical advances is dead. Big business medicine now owns nearly all physicians. Such hired hands dare not speak the truth or question the narrative. They must toe the party line or find themselves in the unemployment line. We who dare to expose the corrupt pseudoscience myths are silenced, and many of us are destroyed. Why? The guiding chief principle of medicine, first do no harm, has been completely abolished and replaced by new slogans such as, “first make money!” And first, seize the mind!” In my medical training, I was taught to always put the patient first. Now the patient is esteemed as nothing more than an expendable lab rat. In the eyes of hospital CEOs, when I treated my patients just as I would want my own family members treated, I committed treason against the new system. Where does this leave us all as patients?

We must scrutinize the scientific data that has accumulated throughout the pandemic, as well as the gathering evidence in the present post-pandemic timeframe. First, the greatest COVID cases and deaths occurred where masking compliance was greatest, and where forced shutdowns were highest. Notice—where fear was greatest, the most harm was done. Now we are seeing the same theme again. Those who complied with getting vaccinated are suffering the most. Adverse side effects and deaths have far exceeded those from all past vaccines combined. And we have only seen the beginning of woes from this COVID shot. The production and widespread dissemination of spike proteins in the body is catastrophic. The vaccine is the delivery system; the spike protein is the warhead. We cannot ignore the data.*

When it comes to murdering a child in the womb, liberals claim, “My body, my choice!” If we make the same claim regarding the clot shot, we are labeled anarchists.

Realize that being unvaccinated is safer than being vaccinated, and natural immunity far exceeds any hypothetical short-term vaccine immunity. But you can be sure that when deaths increase in the coming cold/flu season, the unvaccinated will be accused of causing whatever devastation may come. This is no accident. Getting families and friends to fight against one another is part of their plan, such a beautiful distraction from the reality of a genetic experiment doing just what it was designed to do—great harm.

Extrinsic to medicine are many more puzzle pieces. Former President Obama did all in his power (and beyond) to destroy America. The present Biden-Obama regime still has the same agenda. Critical Race Theory. Open borders. Racism. Climate change. The Great Reset. A failing economy. Higher taxes. Inflation. Deteriorating foreign relations.

I highly suspect that Imposter Obama is still at work behind the curtain. Surely, our demented puppet Biden has not the cognitive capability to destroy America—but his puppeteer does!

The next cold and flu season isn’t all that far away, and we are certainly going to be facing more illegal government-mandated oppression, including more masking, more shutdowns, more forced vaccinations. If we comply, then we can kiss America goodbye. Already the death bells toll in the distance. But the ringing grows louder each day. We mustn’t wait passively for the next wave of oppression to hit us. Rather, we must start our own tsunami and hit the enemy within our borders with such force that they disintegrate into the dust forever. We must be willing to pay the price to keep our freedom. There is no cost too great.

What we all need is a very simple plan to combat this tyranny and assault against the United States Constitution. We need a plan to generate the big, red tidal wave that will crush the ungodly Left. I propose now the simplest of plans: just say no! Say no to the tyranny. No more masking, no more shutdowns. No more caving to the pressure of getting the dangerous shot. No Marxist-inspired Critical Race Theory, no more brainwashing. No stupidity, no pseudoscience. No further propaganda about climate change, the global agenda, abortion, and all else that advertises the spirit of antichrist. America is first and foremost a Christian nation, having all our freedom writings inspired by the words of the one true God revealed in the Bible. Now is the time to take the pledge. I commit to not allowing myself to be intimidated, to be duped, to be deceived. It’s a simple but enormously powerful plan—JUST SAY NO!

*Go to for the accumulating evidence on the COVID vaccine. Realize that only an estimated 1 percent of adverse events are actually reported!


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