
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 18, 2024





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Article VIII of the Bill of Rights tells us, “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted.” Today, the issue of bail has been seized upon by America’s “Woke” revolutionaries as excessive for people of color. That would be the government of George Soros and his toads, Obama, Joe Biden, Pelosi, Chucky Schumer, and AOC’s tribe of village idiots.

Consequently, “Woke” mayors and DA’s throughout America who has thrown open the doors of all jails wherein are contained the likes of mass murderer Darrell Brooks Jr. and others like him. We have seen the results. An unmentioned fact about the concept of self-defense should include keeping predators in prison and not turning them back out on the streets immediately after they are arrested, convicted, and/or sentenced.  

Thugs are not going to change their ways and become good citizens with jobs, families, and a stake in the communities they live in. Nope! They’re a narcissistic group looking for life’s shortcuts, and if you have something they want, they feel free to take it, including your life.

Crime statistics confirm that mostly, it’s black criminals who think stealing from other people is an inherent and excusable right. It’s a cultural thing because it’s the history of slavery (not theirs) they keep dragging out as an excuse to prey on other folks. But, that doesn’t explain why black criminals are killing other blacks in their own communities at a shocking rate to anybody who looks at the data. Why is there is no public outrage? Why does the Leftist media ignore the carnage on the streets of Chicago?

Why isn’t the black vs. black issue discussed in the news? Because Black Lives Don’t Really Matter, do they? Not to black politicians, not to leaders of BLM (Burn, Loot and Murder) or white Liberals (Democrats) whose original plans by Margaret Sanger, was explicitly designed to reduce or eliminate America’s black population by abortion.

They just disguised their policy as “Women’s Choice” and Reproductive Rights” under the umbrella of Planned Parenthood for women’s health and for fifty years, we bought into that nonsense. The issue is so horrible that the murder rate of babies, black and white, can hardly be counted let alone visualized. Who provides self-defense for these little victims? It is the great divide in American politics now being revisited by the Supreme Court. 

Hoodlums, in or out of jail, have no value to society. By American law, and Christian expressions on the importance of all life, we simply don’t go about killing off our criminals like we do our unborn baby’s. Vigilantes of an earlier era did that, illegally, but only when local authorities failed to protect their citizenry and, while they achieved some momentary satisfaction, the participants were always adversely affected.

The old “three strikes and you’re out” meaning, three felony convictions, and you face jail for life for thugs unsuitable for mixing with decent society, filled up the jails as was intended. Now, under the Progressive government process, they’re simply back out on the streets, often not even going through the trial and conviction process before they commit other heinous crimes. We have little self-defense against that!

The use of a firearm is the most logical method for individual self-defense, and the high sales of guns confirm the growing fear Americans have for their own safety. Darrell Brooks Jr. used an automobile to murder six and injure forty. A policeman even took a shot at him without stopping the perceived threat. If we examine the Rittenhouse self-defense, not guilty verdict, we can start to appreciate the principles involved. We can defend ourselves, with a gun, but we can only do it for ourselves on a one-on-one basis. To organize a committee of vigilantes is to usurp the lawful authority of elected sheriffs who hold that power.

They can create sworn posse’s to restore order, but when swarms of Antifa’s, BLM, and hordes of looters invade our cities and towns then, if the States Governors hasn’t deployed their National Guard, the sheriff can activate and swear in posse’s to protect villages and civilians within his jurisdiction as needed. But it must be controlled. Vigilantism is not the answer for community self-defense. That lies in the hands of local county sheriffs to maintain law and order until they can’t or won’t do their sworn duty! Self Defense comes in many forms. Learn them!  

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!


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