
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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The New World Order crowd of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, that group of elitists argue that it’s in our best interest that the world should be reorganized without borders by mixing peasants and camel drivers with middle-class producers. Their aim, they claim, is to level the economic playing field for all the world’s citizens. It’s the Democrats’ version of diversity, equity, and inclusion of the world as a whole as a single economic unit with them in charge. It’s The Great Reset” nonsense that cannot work because the variables are infinite, confusion will reign, and chance will govern all.

Economies are based on supply and demand. How, for example, would they deal with the Mexican drug cartels who, apart from flooding the great unwashed across our southern border, are supplying the demands of America’s drug users to the tune of millions and millions of dollars?

On that issue, I am not at all reticent in predicting that a war with Mexico is not an improbability but a certainty. But not until the Marxists are out of our government. Mexico has a government that has been corrupted by drugs. In fact, Mexico’s politics is run by the drug cartels who, at the moment, wage war between themselves over territory, but will one day come together to become the de facto government of a very corrupt nation on our border, and I don’t mean Canada. 

On the broader scale, historically, Mexico’s criminal elements first started as poor people filling a demand of the “NorteAmericanos” for the product they had to offer, cheap marijuana. “Wow, look at all that money flowing through it.” That was followed by cocaine, a product grown exclusively in South America. Heroin imported from Asia and now fentanyl, a drug not grown anywhere except in a Chinese chemical laboratory.

The obscene profits have been shared with Mexico’s susceptible law enforcement, local, federal, and the military, but most certainly, the politicians who run the government. Already, brazen cartel thugs have fired automatic weapons at US troops and Border Patrol officers across the Rio Grande river. It’s not a great step to fire back then; just like the FBI’s SWAT teams invade US conservatives’ homes in the dark of night, Special Forces can swoop in with full deadly force and eliminate the cartels once and for all.

The Mexican government will be convinced to participate or fall victim to regime change. It’s a deal they can’t refuse. We already possess the intelligence needed to make it happen. It’s just a matter of having a leader with the courage to do it. We’re doing it in Ukraine against the Russians, aren’t we? We can do it here.

This Mexican-style criminal organizational setup is readily reflected in America’s Blue cities, where organized gangs of disaffected youths, primarily poor blacks armed to the teeth, fiercely run their own drug operations. Chicago is an excellent example among many, as their death rate by violence easily echoes Mexico’s, where cartel gangs have murdered citizens en mass if they get in the way.

To be fair, Mexican police and military, frequently victims themselves of cartel violence, are all but helpless in stemming the tide because, being poor, they are equally susceptible to bribes, just like Joe Biden and his family. 

While we recognize that the government of Mexico has been corrupted, we must realize as well that our own government is corrupt, its leadership having turned from Constitutional requirements and safeguards to embrace what works best for them politically.

Presently, a new style of communists run our government and have quickly brought it into disrepute filled as it is with liars, cheaters and grifters, thieves and haters, perverts, and, dare I say, real racists. Having seen justice replaced by injustice, rampant crime, and corruption funded by illicit and deadly drug operations, Mexico and America are ripe for revolution.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em and go vote!


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