
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 25, 2024





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I’m so old that I can remember when ‘follow the science’ meant actually following the science. Then I watched as ‘follow the science’ changed to ‘believe in science,’ which meant following politically connected scientists.

Imagine my horror when politicians decided to get rid of the middleman. Now ‘believe in science’ simply means doing as you are told.

If you truly follow the science, you’ll do something else entirely. However, if you actually follow the SCIENCE, you’ll be labeled a ‘science denier,’ which is the woke term for ‘heretic.’

Wokeism is not so much a political movement as it is a religion. Wokeism, which I define as ‘the ability to see oppression where it does not exist,’ is nothing more than Gnosticism on steroids.

Let me be very clear: the United States does not suffer from oppression unless it is the oppressive nature of a government we have asked to protect us from an oppression that did not previously exist.

What we do suffer from is boredom.

We have shielded our children from every hardship and carried them past every possible failure so that when they become adults, they know neither success nor suffering. It is hardly surprising that they might want to burn it all down out of boredom. It is also not surprising that never having had to make a difficult choice on their own while growing up, they would be tempted to reduce political decisions to a cult of personality where one person is considered ‘good,’ and the other is considered ‘bad,’ quite independently of anything either person has done or said, based solely on what our media tell them. In other words, we have raised generations of adults to succumb to control.

We all know people who say they ‘love’ or ‘hate’ Donald Trump. Believe it or not, I even have a few followers who know Donald Trump well enough to have an honest opinion of him. I have never met Donald Trump myself and probably never will, so I have no reason to have a personal opinion of him one way or the other, any more than I do with Joe Biden, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, or any other President.

All I know are the public personas of such people.

Trump is personified as an arrogant blowhard who cares far more about his ego than anything else, including his country. That said, Trump comes across as someone who truly loves his country and wants the best for it and its people.

And the people I know who actually know Trump think he is the nicest and most caring person they have ever met. Even his political opponents said that about him before he ran for office, so he cannot possibly be as bad as so many people think he is. He used to be good friends with the Clintons, for example.

The left often labels Trump, and by extension, his supporters, as racists, misogynists, xenophobes, and various other derogatory terms. However, apart from Trump’s stance on illegal immigration (with an anticipated increase due to Title 42 expiring and Biden ordering border security to step aside), there is no concrete evidence of Trump harboring negative feelings toward any of these groups.

Trump is, however, known for his crassness, displaying not only a disregard for political correctness but outright disdain for it. He deliberately says things that he knows will offend his detractors, while his followers often respond with laughter, much like Andrew Dice Clay’s style of humor.

Despite this, many Americans support the policies Trump advocates, which has earned him a level of support not only from devoted followers (whom I estimate to be around 35% of the country) but also from those who prefer other conservative candidates over Trump.

I place myself in that category, by the way. While I primarily vote based on policy, I also believe that character matters. I can think of numerous Republicans (and perhaps even one Democrat, Robert Kennedy Jr.) whom I would vote for ahead of Trump.

I wonder how many Democrats can say that there is a single Republican they would choose over Joe Biden. I’m guessing not many…

Furthermore, there are people who voted for Joe Biden, fully aware of his advanced cognitive decline and the potential failures of the policies supported by those who control him, simply because he is not Trump. I would also estimate this group to be around 35% of the electorate.

For those keeping track, if I’m correct, that means 35% of voters will support Donald Trump regardless, and 35% will oppose Donald Trump regardless. This accounts for 70% of voters, roughly evenly split. It also represents a majority within both parties, practically ensuring that Donald Trump secures the nomination and leaving Joe Biden with a high chance of reelection, even if he were to engage in questionable actions.

It is worth noting that those who primarily vote for or against individuals often replace failed policies with those who advocate for the same policies but in an even more extreme manner. This was recently exemplified in Chicago when Lori Lightfoot was ousted.

Despite Lori Lightfoot’s policies causing significant damage to Chicago, what did the people of Chicago do? They replaced her with someone who will implement the exact same policies but with an even stronger level of support. Is this a foolish decision? Certainly, but apparently, such actions are not uncommon in Chicago.

How about Pennsylvania electing not only John Fetterman but also someone who was actually dead? What does that say about the intelligence of the typical Pennsylvania voter? For those who are in Pennsylvania – I am not calling you dumb, but it seems that your neighbor probably is…

Stupidity is also prevalent in New York City, LA, and a host of other places where people consistently elect officials whose policies are destined to fail, only to replace them with others who promise to advance the same failed policies.

It is evident that the people of Chicago held Lori Lightfoot personally responsible for her shortcomings rather than attributing the failures to the policies she advocated. It seems they are voting solely for individuals and disregarding policy entirely.

If you are on the political right, your goal should be to persuade independent voters to support Trump in order to win. This is not difficult to accomplish, as Joe Biden has been an utter failure, as anticipated by everyone, including Barack Obama.

What does Joe Biden need to secure reelection? Lots and lots of ballots, along with a robust ground game to secure votes from disinterested individuals. Controlling the narrative, as the left successfully did in 2020, will also aid Biden.

We now have evidence tracing money from America’s enemies directly to the Biden family, with payments aligning perfectly with Joe Biden’s activities during his tenure as Vice President. When Biden was responsible for our foreign policy with Ukraine, Ukraine coincidentally paid his family millions of dollars. Similarly, China was providing his family with millions of dollars when negotiating with China. We will eventually discover that Iran and numerous other countries also paid the Biden family millions, benefiting from these investments at our expense. However, these clear instances of bribery will never be covered by mainstream news channels, creating a reality where, for most people, it is as if it never happened.

Joe Biden has recently announced stricter requirements for our power plants, which may result in the closure of up to 35% of our coal and natural gas power plants. Meanwhile, China is opening two coal power plants every week to fill the economic void we are rejecting. Global CO2 levels are increasing at an even faster rate than if we were to maintain that economic activity by expanding our use of natural gas. Our energy policies are having the opposite global effect of what we claim to be working towards. However, this aligns with the desires of our adversaries, and we will eventually discover that China is STILL providing Joe Biden and other American politicians with millions and millions of dollars to enforce these policies. It is, in essence, treasonous behavior, but since Joe Biden is not Donald Trump, 35% of the electorate will likely vote for him regardless, even if he were to publicly declare himself as Xi Jinping’s bitch.

By the way, he is quite literally Xi Jinping’s bitch.

If the election is between Biden and Trump, my prediction is that both Donald Trump and Joe Biden will receive more than 81 million votes, with Joe Biden narrowly winning reelection. The reason? A significant number of Americans would prefer to vote directly for Xi Jinping as President rather than see Donald Trump return to the White House. On the other hand, the majority of Republicans are so enamored with Trump that they would nominate him without hesitation, despite knowing that he is the weakest candidate in the general election.

As a result, the next election will be decided based on a cult of personality between two unfavorable options. Both sides claim to ‘follow the science,’ but in reality, most people follow what politicians and selected media personalities say about the science, rather than considering the actual scientific evidence. These decisions are often influenced by perceived oppression, which, in many cases, does not even exist.

Our adversaries have identified our Achilles’ Heel – millions upon millions of voters who are eager to cast their votes, yet lack substantial knowledge about the candidates and the issues at hand.

Image: Bloomberg

  • Wallace Garneau

    Wallace L. Garneau, political commentator and professional author, brings a unique blend of expertise to the airwaves. Raised in a family of historians, Garneau's roots in history and economics run deep, with a particular focus on Europe between the World Wars. With a background in information technology and a keen business mind, Garneau authored "The Way Forward: Lean Leadership and Systems Thinking for Large and Small Businesses." His knack for breaking down complex ideas in clear, accessible language makes him a standout author and a powerful voice in the radio and podcast sphere. Beyond the corporate world, Garneau's culinary passion shines through in his social media presence, where he shares grilling and smoking techniques. A two-service military veteran (Marine Corps and Army), family man, and father of two, Garneau embodies dedication both personally and professionally. Listeners can expect insightful commentary on politics, economics, and culture. His unique perspective, rooted in historical understanding, sets him apart. Join Wallace Garneau on the America Out Loud network—his is a voice that not only informs but resonates, helping make sense of today's complex world through a lens of experience, knowledge, and a touch of culinary flair.


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