
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 6, 2024





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The Disintegration of American Society and Democracy

Dating to the presidential election of 2008, censorship, intimidation, and violence against people who leftism considers enemies, have all been normalized. 

Social political violence is now accepted by younger generations as a desirable vehicle to punish a social political philosophy that promotes and supports liberty, personal responsibility, law and order, and most importantly, a stable society that is managed by a productive citizenry.

The core of nihilism bespeaks of spite against nobility of spirit.

There was a time in America when censorship, intimidation, and social political violence were shunned as techniques of terror and disinformation that National Socialism and Communism utilize to gain and remain in power.

Part of the reason these techniques of totalitarian terror are readily acceptable today by Millennials and Generation Z points to the corruption of man’s moral compass and the collapse of education at all levels.

Historically, communism has had many instigators and benefactors: leftist intellectuals, opportunist wealthy power-brokers, a complicit media, corrupt journalism, and the state-sponsored education system at all levels. These are communism’s brain trust. Though, there are many more culprits.

Communism’s willing peons – the often-unsuspecting people who do its dirty work in the streets and universities, the actors that execute leftism’s intellectualized violence – are leftism’s dogs of war. Without them, communism cannot advance its agenda of consolidating power from all sectors of society. These are the foolish and expendable alleged martyrs that generations from now leftism will cite as agents of change and justice. 

The Making of Social Political Zombies

Millennials and Generation Z have grown up, their values formed in a society where constructive values have been annihilated by nihilism and leftism’s power grab. Millennials and Generation Z have been formed in a morally bankrupted and intellectually/culturally gutted time. 

In addition to being conditioned by psychotropic medications, illicit drug use, abortion as a contraceptive measure, and relativism as the secular religion of the here-and-now, these generations have had more indoctrination than proper and constructive schooling. 

Theirs is a perfect case study of wasting away the human will through the sustained use of indoctrination. Millennials and Generation Z are heirs to Pavlov and Watson’s behaviorism. 

But don’t be quick to pity these lost souls who don’t know the difference between good and evil, appearance and reality, and are dangerously ignorant of history. Don’t pity these people who are the desired useful idiots that Lenin warned us about. 

These are people who have been conditioned to serve the leftist administrative State as useful and willing agents of America’s corrosion from within. Yes, they are the classic example of communism’s useful idiots. Communist recruiting and training manuals describe the psychology and character traits of these people to a tee. 

Millennials and Generation Z are happily willing to go along with the free fall of objective values. Why? Because they crave the self-serving fringe benefits that moral/sexual aberrations promise them, and because they have been conditioned to view free will as a burden. This is the hook that nihilism throws at them.

It starts with the sophomoric notion of becoming ‘liberated’ and ‘emancipated.’ But liberated and emancipated from what? Morality, the burden of free will, Christian values, and the perceived idea of oppression/victimhood are indicative of the need for self-indulgent liberation.

Millennials and Generation Z are a textbook collective case of attaining a desired reflex through a conditioned stimulus. This form of behaviorism works marvelously well in animal training. Horses and dogs are classic examples of this form of conditioning.  

For the most part, these people are morally and psychologically dysfunctional. They are not willing or able to defend the open society from its many enemies: attacks from within and from outside. 

Don’t suffer fools gladly. Millennials and Generation Z are now controlling and corrupting financial, cultural, and educational institutions, and the media. A little study of history demonstrates that Millennials and Generation Z share character traits with people responsible for creating a massive police-state – the communist gulag.

Millennials and Generation Z are the sorts of people who the Spanish philosopher, José Ortega y Gasset, aptly describes as mass man in his classic 1930 work, The Revolt of the Masses, and the 1980 Nobel Laureate, Czeslaw Milosz, warns us about in The Captive Mind as being purveyors of the totalitarian impulse.

America is reaping today what leftism has always been sowing.


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1 year ago

This article provides a withering to the “OK Boomer” blood libel. Go on the offense instead of the defense. Also, Boomers were victims of the previous generations (silent and great) the rock stars, politicians, and other players were older than the Boomers.

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